Woo! My claim to fame

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by TheCount, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    One arm chin (overgrasp) and one arm pressup. The chin was ever so sligtly assisted and the pressups I did first GI-Jane style but then I tried and did various full 1 arm pressups. I'll get pictures in about a week and a half ^^
  2. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Well done! :) Any chance of a video as well?
  3. Honu

    Honu New Member

    you stumped me - GI Jane style? i.e like Demi Moore in GI Jane? so grabbing the back of your thigh with one hand?

    Or something different.
  4. Jamo2

    Jamo2 The Louie Vitton Don

    Well done, but what do you mean by overgrasp?

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