The MAP Breakfast Club

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by slipthejab, May 30, 2010.

  1. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Steak and eggs, same as most mornings. It was awesome, same as most mornings.
  2. holyheadjch

    holyheadjch Valued Member


    You sir, are my hero.
  3. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    had it not been for the eggs my noremal brecky is 6 with OJ multi vit an omega 3

    i still have my youthfull metabolism i think, probably will regret this gross over eating when im older and things slow down but hell life is for living.
  4. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    This morning I had 4 scrambled eggs, 4 rashers of bacon and a strong cup of tea.
  5. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    25g butter mixed with 75g whey.
  6. John Titchen

    John Titchen Still Learning Supporter

    You sir, are my hero. :D

    Just out of interest, what would you estimate your daily calorific intake as?
  7. Strafio

    Strafio Trying again...

    The last year or so I've been eating smoothies for breakfast with supplements on the side. This morning it involved a banana, a few dollops of easio yoghurt, a couple of small apples and a couple of small pears, a tablespoon of ground seeds and a tablespoon of seed blend oil.

    They used to fill me up quite well but I think my body has adapted and now I'm usually hungry again within 2-3 hours...
  8. Ranzan

    Ranzan Valued Member

    This mornin I had 3 eggs scrambled, 3 pieces of turkey bacon all chopped together with a slice of provolone cheese on a whole wheat sub bun with olive oil mayo. It was tasty.
  9. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Strawberries and soya yoghurt followed by a seeded wholemeal bagel toasted and a cup of tea.
  10. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    It varies, between 2,000 and 3,000 calories a day. 50% to 75% Fat, 25% to 50% Protein and between 0% and 25% Carbs. Carbs are once or twice a week from good non processed sources. I'm dropping body fat for now but when I want to gain some weight I'll keep the style but increase the calories.
  11. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Breakfast today...

    Banana-mango smoothie (14 bananas--7 medium, 7 large, 2 mangoes, water), 1 large peach and 2 fuyu persimmons. This breaks down to:

    1983 calories (the literature lover in me wishes that I'd had just one more calorie)
    23g protein
    7g fat

    A 4875.5IU
    Folate 420.6 micrograms
    B1 0.8mg
    B2 1.6mg
    B3 15.7mg
    B5 6.9mg
    B6 7.1mg
    B12 0
    C 313.9mg
    D 0
    E 7.7mg
    K 30.8 micrograms

    Calcium 154.3mg
    Copper 2mg
    Iron 6.8mg
    Magnesium 533.1mg
    Manganese 5mg
    Phosphorus 484.7mg
    Potassium 7498.6mg
    Selenium 20.4 micrograms
    Sodium 26.6mg
    Zinc 3.1mg

    Training today consisted of one hour of capoeira training followed by 35 minutes of bodyweight training circuits.


  12. 2 x oatabix
    1 x yoghurt
    1 x cup of tea
    1 x banana
    1 x peach
    1 x glass of water
  13. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Ran out of steak today. :(

    Had 5 eggs, pan scrambled with finely shredded spring onions, 1 large garlic clove, a tablespoon of good mustard and turmeric, rosemary, basil, oregano plus some piri piri chillies on a bed of sliced cucumbers. Looked almost as good as it tasted.
  14. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    coma, anytime you want to come to newcastle and cook for me feel free.

    had an exam this morn and was feeling pretty nervous this morn but still had my appite. plus mojor DOMS in my legs after a heavy squat sesh the night before.

    o.3l of OJ with multi vit and omega 3
    6 weatabix with semi skimed milk.
    1 scoop of wey protien with 5g of creatine monohidrate added in blended with semi skim milk.
    1 cup green tea.
    1 cup tea milk no sugar.

    washed my face with anticeptic this morning just thought i'd share that with the group, not for any reason just thought it would be nice.

    it was
  15. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    One day soon I'm going to post in this thread. I can't wait. Keep it up guys & gal. The motivation to do what is right is compelling :)
  16. dormindo

    dormindo Active Member Supporter

    Looking forward to your post. And thanks for the acknowledgement. And big thanks to slip for starting such a good thread (though nature will seek it's balance by having someone post a 'what martial art is the best/I'm a real ninja who's never been to Japan/mma is too rulebound to be deadly' thread before the week is up).


  17. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    About a week away, maybe a couple of days more. Then I'm going to eat and eat and eat!
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  18. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Haha, don't tell my GF, she wants me to open a paleo restaurant as it is!

    Seriously though if you get to one of the MAP meets ask nicely and you can probably pinch a taster of what ever I bought for lunch.
  19. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Tempeh bacon sarnie on pain rustique with tomato and a big mug of tea.
  20. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    Was proud of myself today. I made a smoothie :)
    One nana, one scoop of whey protien, some poridge oats and milk.

    Folowed by two boiled eggs with toasted brown soldiers.

    Didn't have any creatine today as I'm going out tonight to celebrate the end of A2 exams and I don't like to mix booze and creatine.

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