Stretching for high kicks

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Van Zandt, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Alright. Dynamic and relaxed stretching has to be done within 15-20 minutes of waking (6:45 am). I can do that, but if I do, I have to wait until 9:00 am to do my training because of duties elsewhere.

    I can't get around this problem, so if I can just warm-up for my workout, that would be great.

  2. bphan002

    bphan002 Valued Member

    Hmm.. I always thought atleast for upper body workout if your not sore the next day you did not do a good workout. Is it different for legs?
  3. Shaky

    Shaky Valued Member

    I think DOMS is more an individual thing, and how your muscle reacts to work. I have a friend that is so lazy in the gym that I won’t even go with him anymore, but he gets DOMS bad, and all over! I always have sore legs after my leg days, I do legs Sundays, and struggle to walk up and down stairs on Mondays! After chest days my chest is so burned out that I struggle to lift my own weight, but in the morning I rarely get pain, just tightness. From what I’ve read, the reason for DOMS is not yet fully understood.
  4. Matt B

    Matt B Valued Member

    I#m a bit like that. Day after legs weights hurts every time. Flys make the centre of my chest a bit tender most weeks but otherwise i feel ok. Unless i try to do press ups at the end of the weight session lol. I do get DOMS in my biceps and to a greater degree triceps most weeks though. Feels great! haha
  5. Shaky

    Shaky Valued Member

    Ye, I love the DOMS!
  6. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    DOM doesn't guarantee a good workout, and a good workout doesn't guarantee DOM. :cool:
  7. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    You're hitting the nail on the head more and more frequently Patrick360, proud of you mate :D
  8. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Thank you so much! :)
  9. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    I don't mean to double post, but I'm not sure what I should do about it. Is it better to merge, or not?

    Anyhow, I have a question for you, Superfoot. Should I go easier on stretching every other day? If so, how would I do that with dynamic stretches? Isn't it required to reach your max stretch everyday for dynamic stretches to work?
  10. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    In relaxed and dynamic stretches it's fine to push for your max every day.
  11. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Ah, good!

    Superfoot, would you critique my weekend schedule, please? I do strongman training, but there aren't any exercises that specifically target the adducters. I'm planning on doing adducter flyes and reverse lunges. Do you think that's enough?

    I have attached my workout schedule. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I couldn't post it because the formatting wasn't working.

    In "Secrets of Stretching" by Tom Kurz, he says you only have to do one set for each direction if you're advanced. Is that right?


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 13, 2009
  12. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    No probs. Do you mind if I post my response here in case the answer is beneficial to other users, or would you prefer a PM?

    Principles for strength are the same as for flexibility. You really only need one type of exercise per muscle group, so yes that should be enough.

    Yes. Maintenance requires less applications than development.
  13. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Naw, you can post here.


  14. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    I've started doing leg raises instead of samson stretches in my crossfit warmup :) It's a good way to get them done :)
  15. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick


    Sorry I haven't had a chance to reply to your question, I'll get round to it this weekend.
  16. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Thanks, Superfoot.

    Is it normal to be a little stiff the day after isometrics?
  17. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick

    Yes, if:

    1) You ain't done them in a while;

    2) You make a significant increase in your training load (i.e. tensing much harder/longer than before).
  18. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Good, because I hadn't done them for a week or so, and when I did them, I tensed for 10 seconds, 10 seconds, and then extra hard for 30 seconds.

    Please don't rush to critique my schedule, I'm not in a hurry. It's working pretty well for me right now.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2009
  19. Van Zandt

    Van Zandt Mr. High Kick


    Okay, so I finally got round to reviewing your weekly workout. Apologies for the delay! Here's what I thought:

    You should take out the isometric stretches in your morning workout, especially as you plan to train later in the day. Include them in your evening workout; you don't want to do isometrics in the morning if you have a class that same evening.

    Apart from that, the rest looks good :cool:
  20. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    Thank you! :)

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