Slow Burn training

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by doc97, Dec 2, 2007.

  1. doc97

    doc97 Valued Member

    So, I have recently been reading books on "Health Secrets"...not the Kevin Trudeau book because I really don't have respect for him, but the book is called The Treasury of Health Secrets. So far it's been a very interesting read. One of the weight loss and exercise recomendation is the slow burn approach to weight lifting. It's based on research from Fred Hahnn, and his website is It's looks pretty interesting. I went ahead a purchased his book from (it was only about $19 all together including shipping) Anybody use this training approach? I have been doing the high intesity, low volume training, but this has caught my eye. It says you only have to do the routine twice a week, about 30 minutes total. So I will let you all know how it goes!
  2. doc97

    doc97 Valued Member

    Well I got his book, I am pleased and dissapointed at the same time. Pleased because he actually seems to know what he is talking about. Also pleased on his detailed instruction and how to set up your own home gym using common household equipment, towel and a cheap barbell set. Dissapointed that his website states it would go over exercises with existing home gym equipment (i.e. bowflex, or total gym) and his diet plan. His diet plan is overall kind of typical low carb diet, so nothing fancy or new there. But I am pleased about the detail of his theories, and look forward to testing them out. But I recently busted my foot, so I am out for a few weeks. And I am sure I can modify any of his exercised he shows for gym equipment for my home gym. So overall a good read. I will keep you updated.

    Hope everyone has a great holiday season!!!!!!!

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