"Ring toe" - painful!

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by MuayThaiGuy, Mar 25, 2004.

  1. MuayThaiGuy

    MuayThaiGuy New Member

    Since I started going to my Muay Thai class 5+ times per week I have developed a very painful...thing on the big toe of my rear leg. It's not exactly a blister since it isn't filling up with fluid, but it hurts a lot like one and I'm positive it's from friction. Is there anything I can do about it? I've thought about putting a bandage or moleskin on it like you would a blister, but I'm pretty sure that'll fall off very quickly. Help, I'm going to start limping if this darn thing gets any bigger!
  2. Relosa

    Relosa New Member

    Take some time off of your feet and don't go to a few classes. Your probobly working your foot/toe too hard and you need some rest. If that doesn't work... well, listen to what other people have to say.
  3. MuayThaiGuy

    MuayThaiGuy New Member

    Argh, I really don't want to take time off. I just started sparring and will likely get moved up to the advanced class soon...so things are really getting interesting. Maybe I could wear socks for a while?
  4. Adam

    Adam New Member

    Got a whole bunch of those things. I say live with 'em, the callousing on your footsoles will make you stop getting them after a while. Mind you, I got leather skin on my feet from childhood, so it might be harder for you than it is for me.
  5. Tosh

    Tosh Renegade of Funk


    Quadra-ped MT'ists!

    P.s I know you mean your left or right leg. "Rear leg" just conjured up a strange image. ;)

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