Need More Calories

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by gornex, May 24, 2007.

  1. gornex

    gornex Valued Member

    Basically i don't get enough calories. I don't eat much at all for breakfast, usually decent lunch and dinner. Anyone know any foods that are really high in calories that i could eat for breakfast or snacks? I am just not hungry in the mornings how can i get more calories? Also is it ok to eat mcdonalds or something to help get some extra?
  2. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    Fruit juice and milk. Even if you only get 4 pints of milk a day it's well over 1000 calories. Get used to drinking out of a pint glass and it'll be a lot easier since you'll only consider it four drinks a day instead of 8 (ish). It's similar to the principle of eating smaller meals when slimming. A little protein powder in it will help as well.
    Last edited: May 25, 2007
  3. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    I'd definitely try to find something palateable for breakfast if I were you. Coma's suggestion of milk is a good one. Maybe sip a pint or two as you're moving around the house getting ready in the mornings?

    Also, it looks like you're only getting 3 meals a day - you only mention breakfast, lunch and dinner. Try eating more frequently - 5 or 6.

    As for calorie-dense foods. Nuts and seeds are good, and very convenient as snacks. They also have the advantage of not filling you up much. 100g of any nuts or seeds usually give you around 600 cals. You could also try pouring oil over your regular meals to add calories. Olive oil is the one everyone recommends, and it's ok. I prefer walnut oil. It tastes better, has a better omega 3:6 ratio, is good for your arteries and your cholesterol levels. It's also pretty cheap and you can pick it up at most supermarkets (I get mine from Tescos). Cheese can be handy for snacks, too. Wrap some up in tin foil and it's very portable.

    The odd big mac isn't going to do you much harm, but if you rely on them in order to bring your calories up then you'll be needing to eat them regularly, and that probably won't do you any favours in the long run.
  4. Suhosthe

    Suhosthe A dwarf! A dwarf!

    Oh, no. It's never okay to eat McDonalds.

    Eww. :ban:
  5. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Peanut butter. The stuff is loaded with calories, but is also almost a quarter protein.
  6. inokichi

    inokichi Murse

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    Last edited: May 24, 2007
  7. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    I just found yesterday that H&B make a peanut butter out of just peanuts, nothing else. 31.2% protein and it comes in kilo tubs :D
  8. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Sweet! Is it part of the 50% off offer?
  9. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    It wasn't part of an offer, but I don't think it was that expensive.
  10. whitematt

    whitematt Valued Member

    Actually, if you are referring to breakfast, McDonald's has a great option... the Egg McMuffin. (Just avoid the hashbrowns.)
  11. JayKayD

    JayKayD Meet my friend PAIN!

    I second the peanut butter motion.
  12. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    On the downside (for you), you burn more calories getting it off the roof of your mouth than it actually contains :D
  13. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    Eat a good breakfast and try to avoid takeaways.

    What is your calorie intake at the moment? :cool:
  14. Shiho-Nage

    Shiho-Nage I'm okay to go.

    All good replies. I'll reiterate and add: peanuts, cashews, raisins, fatty fish (salmon, fatty tuna, etc.), bananas, milk (1% or skim), fruit juice (100% juice), avocados, cheese, yogurt.

    My strongest suggestion is to simply stay away from processed stuff. If it has fat and sugar in it that's fine as long as the ingredients don't read like a chemistry lab.

    Sugar, honey are fine stay away from high fructose corn syrup in things. Natural is best (of course).

    I'd avoid McDonalds unless you're getting bottled water or fruit juice.
  15. TheCount

    TheCount Happiness is a mindset

    Wholegrain toast with proper peanut butter: The stuff with proper peanuts in it. You will usually get it from organic shops at about £2.50 a tub. It has a lot of calories in it.

    Full Fat milk is roughly 280 calories/pint. A pint at some point in the say is rather good... a nice 13g of casein too.

    Nuts in general have a lot of healthy fat in them with gives you quite a bit of calories. A 100g bag of nuts can be as much as 500 calories haha.

    Don't touch anything in McDonalds or go near it. The smell will kill your braincells and the food frankly is ... yeh lets not go there.

    If you are going out socially for a meal to a pub etc, a Beef and Ale pie is a good choice, obviously lean steak and suchlike and burger king who in fact make an effort to cook their food and put meat in the meat.

    Have you tried Porridge for breakfast, or meusli ?
  16. CosmicFish

    CosmicFish Aleprechaunist

    Just curious - why do you recommend low fat milk? When I'm trying to get the calories in I use either normal full fat milk, or sometimes even Channel Island Gold Top milk (a little over 5% fat - 800 calories per litre).
  17. Shiho-Nage

    Shiho-Nage I'm okay to go.

    Because the extra calories you're getting from whole milk vs 1% is mostly from saturated fat. I personally don't think that the additional calorie boost is worth the extra saturated fat.

    Just drink more 1%.
  18. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    good advice
    peanut butter on wholemeal bread is a good snack for those who find it hard to gain weight.

    nuts are filled with EFA's

    porrdge is a great breakfast choice, i sometimes use it as a pre workout meal too
  19. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    If someone is looking for advice on putting more calories in their diet, calorific density is a good thing, extra volume is not. While I'm not recommending mars bars by the kilo, a little saturated fat in a balanced diet won't do much damage.
  20. Shiho-Nage

    Shiho-Nage I'm okay to go.

    Okay but, it was something like an extra 30 calories for an additional 3-4 grams of saturated fat per 8 ounces. I just don't see that as a good cost/benefit.

    I'm not a nutritionist nor do I pretend to be. Just my uneducated opinion.

    I thought that lean protein and mono/poly unsaturated fats were the preferred method of putting on weight in a healthy manner.

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