Mars condemns deep frying...

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Frodocious, Sep 5, 2012.

  1. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    Mars has come out in criticism of the Scottish trend for deep frying things as, apparently,

    Because obviously a non-deep fried Mars bar is a valid addition to a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Does anyone else get fed up with the rubbish that big business is allowed to get away with in the name of 'healthy eating'?! It's gobsmackingly frightening that they can say some of the stuff they come out with.

    I have no problem with sweets, chocolate and cake etc, but to imply that these things are 'healthy' is a joke!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  2. Rand86

    Rand86 likes to butt heads

    Expected signs of extraterrestrial intelligent life.

    Left disappointed.
  3. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    LOL! I suspect that the PR person who came out with this statement might be from Mars (in all ways)...
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2012
  4. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Signs of terrestrial intelligent life might be a start.
  5. embra

    embra Valued Member

    Banning the great Scottish National delicacy, from a land of such great cullinary traditions like the Haggis - you can get a deep-fried Haggis at just about any chippie - so why not the deep-fried MarsBar?
  6. wingchunapprent

    wingchunapprent Banned Banned

    The right to fry anything will be in the new Scotish bill of rights.
    Mmmmmmm deep fried pizza.
  7. embra

    embra Valued Member

    A deep-fried Alec Salmond should go down a storm.
  8. Phantom Power

    Phantom Power Valued Member

    Maybe I lead a sheltered life but I've never seen anywhere deep fry a mars bar in Scotland. Now that haggis supper on the last train home from Glasgow after a night out with the lads is a different matter. mmmmm
  9. embra

    embra Valued Member

    I have managed for quite some time, to stay well clear of deep fried Haggis, Black Pudding, White Pudding, Sausage, Chip Steak suppers and various other produce of the humble chippie, bar the very occasional chip roll or fish supper.
  10. mad_hatter

    mad_hatter New Member

    I didn't realise deep-fried Mars Bar was a Scottish delicacy?! They'll do them here in Birmingham too, you just have to provide your own frozen Mars Bar....
  11. CrowZer0

    CrowZer0 Assume formlessness.

    I found deep fried Mars bars in chippies all over the north of England also, so it's not just a Scottish thing, my biggest gripe with northern chippies? They had no clue what a saveloy was!!!
  12. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    I heard they don't really do chippy sauce outside of Edinburgh, but I find this hard to believe.
  13. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

  14. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    WTH is "chippy sauce"?
  15. Rand86

    Rand86 likes to butt heads

    Don't know about you but I kinda gave up hope. :p
  16. mad_hatter

    mad_hatter New Member

    Not long back, I went into a chippy in Newcastle and asked for a battered sausage. The guy looked at me like I was insane!!
  17. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    When I was on holiday in the UK a few weeks ago my first meal when I landed was battered sausage, chips and Yorkshire Caviar
  18. Llamageddon

    Llamageddon MAP's weird cousin Supporter

    I think it's usually a mix of sauces, so ketchup and mayo, or mayo and American mustard and the like. I'm thinking along the lines of 'burger sauce' for chips.

    Unless it's curry sauce? As in the sauce you get from a chippy?
  19. wingchunapprent

    wingchunapprent Banned Banned

    A (battered) mars a day helps you clog your arteries, double your weight, rot your teath, shock your mates, scares your doctor, oh yeah and helps you work rest and play!
  20. wingchunapprent

    wingchunapprent Banned Banned

    whats next the pie companies complaining about a pie in a barm cake? mind you they do battered chips around here.

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