Karate excersise routines

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by jacman25, Jul 11, 2007.

  1. jacman25

    jacman25 Valued Member

    Can someone helpme out?
    I need someone to give me a fixed routine for my karate training. By routine I mean daily excersise scheduele. Also I need help on a diet for my training. Someone please help me out
  2. ninjapiratecapn

    ninjapiratecapn Est. 1986

    Jump Squats
    Run a few miles

    Do the above daily. That'll give you a good start. I recommend doing three sets of each bodyweight exercise, so that you are almost at failure after the third set, but don't actually train to failure.

    As for diet... eat four to six small meals a day, with plenty of protein for muscle growth, and fruits and vegetables for nutrients.

    Also, you might want to do a bit of research on your own. There are several excellent bodyweight excercise and nutrition books out there, get a few and learn.
  3. SickDevildog

    SickDevildog Lost In The Sauce

    Check out www.Rosstraining.com for Conditioning and strength routines.

    Look for Charles Staley's Articles on www.t-nation.com, he got a bunch off MA related stuff.

    www.Crossfit.com got good BW routines, too

    For nutrition stuff look through Berardi and Barr articles on www.t-nation.com aswell.
  4. jacman25

    jacman25 Valued Member

    ok thanks for the help guys!
  5. blessed_samurai

    blessed_samurai Valued Member

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