A bit too far on dynamic stretches.

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by DJHalliB, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. DJHalliB

    DJHalliB R3g1st3r3d Uzer

    Today during warm ups, we were doing some dynamic stretches do the sides, and I accidentally made one out of controle and it went too far. I felt a jab of pain in my leg and was unable to perform any kicks properly afterwards. I can do the kicks, but not very high and not with any power. I don't feel anything during normal walking, only when stretching the leg (dynamic or static)

    I was thinking that maybe I tore a part of my hamstring or something. Any ideas?
  2. thekingster

    thekingster New Member

    As a nurse, it sounds as if you've pulled a tendon.
    Use RICE

    No kicking X 2 weeks - take an anti-inflammatory (like Tylenol) 3x/day with food. And post to the forum every day.

  3. DJHalliB

    DJHalliB R3g1st3r3d Uzer

    I got a doctors opinion, I sprained the mid section of my hamstrings. Very mild and I should be back to my kicking in about a week or two. He said I could continue training at my current intensity level as soon as the pain stopped.

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