Zinc harmful to Iron Palm training?

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by Vasquez, Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Vasquez

    Vasquez New Member


    I have seen a number of articles relating to the negative effects of zinc on Iron Palm training...i am not sure if this is in the advanced stages where the bearings may rust and as a by-product of hitting the bag transmit zinc elements onto the hands or the internal consumption of the mineral. Either way I was wondering if any of you guys had any idea why Zinc would be detrimental to Iron palm, apart from Martial Arts I do weight training and have to ensure my zinc levels are sufficient. I had always been led to believe that zinc was essential for wound healing and maintaining the immune system...? any help much appreciated :D
  2. khafra

    khafra New Member

    I really should ask where you heard that before telling you whoever said it is an absolute loony, but they're an absolute loony.

    The only thing even coming close to a reason that I can think of is that zinc competes with calcium for absorption, so they might be concerned about your bone density growing commensurately with your pain tolerance.

    Except--when they compete for absorption--calcium wins, hands down. That's why they tell ya not to drink any milk or take whey/casein supplements within a couple hours of your ZMA at night.
  3. David

    David Mostly AFK, these days

    Where does the zinc come from in a bag of rusty ball-bearings?

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