Your styles flavor of footwork/movement

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by TheDarkJester, Aug 16, 2006.

  1. Mr Punch

    Mr Punch Homicidal puppet

    OK OK so I'll be back with a serious answer later!
  2. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter


    I thought that was a serious response.

    I see you've managed to sum up Bullshido's version of wing chun in a single post. :D :D :D
  3. Mr Punch

    Mr Punch Homicidal puppet

    Scarily enough, I've come across some of those ideas in real WC life too! :eek:

    OK, here's a very brief description of my footwork engine, mostly through wing chun but with the odd influence from boxing and aiki thrown in.

    Oh buttmunch... this is going to take too long...! I'll just have to leave you in suspense again! Back Sunday!

    I will just say
    I personally don't think it really matters if you train whichever eriously and that they both have a valid use.

    I don't see the back foot first as putting me off balance, but it does make my front foot more valuable to some attacks, eg sweeps and shoots, but the problem with this way of looking at it is that we are then talking about stepping like it is a static condition, a stance: and I pretty much agree with the statement that stances are for beginners. Of course like all things for beginners they should be revisited often, but more of this boring drivel later! :D

  4. Matt_Bernius

    Matt_Bernius a student and a teacher

    Lunging. If you are going to need to push/aggressively enter/lunge (as in fencing) you need to push off the back foot to propel the front foot forward. The front foot still moves first. But the explosion/explosive power come from the back leg.

    The only case where it does is in a skipping progression. And typically that's integrated in an existing forward motion, so the front/direction foot, still seems to move first.

    - Matt
  5. 19thlohan

    19thlohan Beast and the Broadsword

    The back foot can move first at certain times like when closing a big gap. You would bring your rear foot up to your front and then explode of that foot and lung in with the lead foot or when useing bung bo type steps to throw off the timing of your opponant, especially if he tries to kick or sweep your legs when you come in.
  6. Matt_Bernius

    Matt_Bernius a student and a teacher

    We refer to that as a shuffle step or a skipping step. Definitely a great gap closer or escape mechanism.

    - Matt
  7. Angelus

    Angelus Waiting for summer :D

    yup....also circular stepping...and alot of pivoting....

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