Would you kill?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Hapuka, Feb 2, 2007.


Would you kill?

  1. Yes

    419 vote(s)
  2. No

    71 vote(s)
  1. wrydolphin

    wrydolphin Pirates... yaarrrr Supporter

    Legless, as far as I am concerned, this is your last warning. NO MORE PERSONAL ATTACKS.
  2. pauli

    pauli mr guillotine

    billions of years of evolution haven't lead to my existence just so i can get killed by some clown with a knife without a fight.

    er, that didn't come out right. but the point stands.
  3. Terao

    Terao Valued Member

    I wouldnt kill someone if they attacked but if they never stopped attacking or tryed to kill me without regard for anyone else i would have to,for saftey of others and myself so in answer to the poll yes i would kill
  4. bcullen

    bcullen They are all perfect.

    Here's a question I've been seeing a lot of recently:

    Could you cause harm to an individual, up to and including the use of lethal force resulting in the death of the individual, during the commission of your duties?

    The answer is of course, yes, but I'm hoping I never have to prove it.
  5. Grifter

    Grifter Edited by White Wizard

    Simple...of course Id kill them. Of course thats assuming they dont get me first.
  6. Kenpo_Iz_Active

    Kenpo_Iz_Active Greek Warrior-not 300

    Only if someone i knew or myself was in great danger. that would be the only circumstance. Other that that, i would not kill. But, i would beat the living hell out of he who threatens my well being. Broken bones, that sort of thing. I won't settle for anything less than sending the intruder to the hospital. But, then again, if someone pushes us to the limit, we know not what we could do.
  7. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    I was thinking about it, I believe that all people are equal, So if someone was trying to kill me and I killed them I would be as bad as that person. If I killed someone I couldn't live with myself and probably commit suicide. Thats just me. I don't know what it is like to take another human soul but I hope I will never ever come to that. I'm a Christian, I don't know what it says in the bible about taking another ones life under a self defense situation but I do know it says an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Like Kenpo I would Beat the crap out of he/she so he/she couldn't kill me, But I wouldn't beat them till they were dead, I couldn't. I'm sorry but thats me.
  8. narcsarge

    narcsarge Masticated Whey

    Welcome to the world of Law Enforcement! You will be asked this question and be put into situations that bring you right up to the edge of this precipice.

    I answered Yes! But only if I had no other viable alternatives.
  9. Zeras

    Zeras New Member

    true, I understand, when you are on the edge and you are about to face death, than you have to choice, remember martial arts, being a martial or following the law yes, you have to have judgement and you have to act and react fast because lives are in danger. I agree killing anyone or anything is wrong (except germs, with lysol).
  10. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    I've never killed anything deliberately in my life (not even bugs, though the chicken was a total accident).

    I don't know what I'm capable of as I've not been pressure tested outside, not had to fear for my life etc. So I can only say that it depends on the situation and as narc (hey baby!) says, if there is no other viable option.
  11. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    Kill or die trying. Personally it is a mater of what the situation is. To kill out of want is bad. If you have to kill to survive, tofu will not help you. Remember, we all live in a industry that provides banannas all year and they are no longer seasonal foods. We have stawberries in December. Get to a point where you need to live of the fat of the land, and your soya bean curd and tofu surprise will not help you.

    There may be good ideals for killing. Food, self preservation, the ability to get home to your loved ones.... All take precidence if you have to kill. As Shihan Malmstrom said in 1999 at a seminar here in the UK "I would rather lie on the right side of the grass than under it in a graveyard. My daughter will not care if I am not there to walk her down the isle on her wedding day, for that is her day. I want to be there crying my eyes out in happiness, front row. So if it takes me to do the right thing, I will do that. I want to get home and be safe, and if it means I wake up next morning I know I have done so".

    That was 8 years ago. It is still true today. People think to kill is bad. It depends on your point of view. Look at helecopter pilots and their technology. It is now like a war simulation on the X box. Are they real people? Do you care? They do. But only after they have talked about it (See the recently declassified film footage of the Gulf War friendly fire video. That will tell you what it is like to do something bad). But the rest of the time, they do not care. You do not have to. It is life and death, Yin Yang. Act then and worry later.

    Can I kill? Sure. Can you kill? Sure. It is not a skill. Listen to what is said on here and then ask the question again:


    Listen to the last part. Will that thought change your view of the last answer to the question on the video?
  12. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Never said killing was bad...
  13. Mei Hua

    Mei Hua Banned Banned

    I generally agree with what you say, except killing in most part is a skill, anyone can do it sloppy and bad, those that train to kill through high stress situations do it better, more efficiently and more effectively than joe schmoe with a pea shooter on the street popping caps at fools.

    And I agree with Lily, she never said anything about not wanting to kill.
  14. Hapuka

    Hapuka Te Aho

    I enjoyed watching that video, Thanks for posting it up.
  15. 2E0WHN

    2E0WHN Valued Member

    Never argued against you on that part.
  16. panguro3

    panguro3 New Member

    Would I kill

    Yes. Without question.
    I have a wife and two daughters whom I love, an ex wife who depends on me, and many friends who would miss me.
    I would be willing to battle the demons that come later rather than succomb to the one trying to kill me now.
  17. Mark Cotton

    Mark Cotton Valued Member

    I have a girldriend and two sons. Those 2 sons have girlfriends. If we're out and someone attacks one of us, I'm sorry, but all bets are off. Either I'm going to get them or my sons. Oh, and son number one's girlfriend is more lethal than any of us.

    None of us will stand around while someone elses life is in danger including our own.
  18. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    I'd kill for a lot less than this!
  19. Mei Hua

    Mei Hua Banned Banned


    I'd snipe a dude if he didn't buy me a Jaguar
  20. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter


    Like I said, as soon as my wish comes true, its yours bro :p

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