Would you kill?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Hapuka, Feb 2, 2007.


Would you kill?

  1. Yes

    419 vote(s)
  2. No

    71 vote(s)
  1. Jaspar1988

    Jaspar1988 Valued Member

    Killing him would be my absolute last resort, but if it was between me and some scum trying to murder me, its a "no-brainer"
  2. tkd GU

    tkd GU Valued Member

    For those of you who said you would rather die than kill:

    Would you do it to save your child?
  3. JakeTongLong

    JakeTongLong Valued Member

    i wouldnt think twice about killing if it ment staying alive, but in saying that if it was something stupid like get outta ur car or give me your wallet, i would just hand em over. no use in dieing for possestions that can be replaced.

    on the other hand im very protective of my home, i dont mean the actual house itself but the notion of home and personal living space with the people i love, if there was a home invader and i caught him off guard i probably would not intentionally kill but i wouldnt know what he is there to do and i woudnt wanna find out so i probably would if not kill i would seriously maim them.
  4. BuddhaPalm

    BuddhaPalm Valued Member

    It's hard to answer now but if someone was attacking me with a knife i would stab him if i had to or if it comes to that.
  5. DDK89

    DDK89 New Member

  6. Kokoro-Dave

    Kokoro-Dave Valued Member

    In that scenario, no, I would not kill. There's no need. If you've got the ability to kill your attacker then surely you have the ability to put him/her in hospital. I would also not rather die myself, so I would do my utmost to minimize my injuries while stopping the attacker. I'm sorry but I simply don't buy into this "better to be judged by twelve than carried by six" bullcarp.
  7. lee909

    lee909 Valued Member

    Id hate to do it,Ifs its defending myself then of course.For revenge id hope not
    hopfully never be in any of them positions
  8. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    If you're putting someone in the hospital, you're still responding with enough force to be constituted as deadly and thus putting that person's life at risk.
  9. Kokoro-Dave

    Kokoro-Dave Valued Member

    Hmm...good point. Still, I don't accept that there's ever no other choice but to kill the attacker.
  10. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    Sadly, even outside of war, there are occasions when a human being has to accept that there is no other way to prevent themselves from being killed than to take a human life themselves. In that case, it's either you or him, no other choice. Is it an incredibly difficult choice? Yes. But it is literally either a choice you can live with or one where you can die without it.

    Personally, I've got a wife and son to think about. If it gets to that point, I've accepted what I need to do. And that's get home to them safe any way it takes.
  11. Kokoro-Dave

    Kokoro-Dave Valued Member

    Perhaps it's naiveté on my part, but I just don't accept that there's ever "no other choice", especially for people who are trained. I don't have a wife or kids myself but some of my friends do and if they were threatened I can only imagine what my reaction would be. Sure I could end up killing the person in certain circumstances, but that would be due to a loss of control of my anger, rather than having no other choice.

    Our differences in opinions could of course be due to our locations.

    Added: The only circumstance that I can think of where someone would have no other choice than to kill is when they are being shot at and have to return fire. Even then the death could still be accidental.
    This isn't really an issue in Ireland as civilians don't carry guns, except for in rough areas perhaps.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  12. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about


    An officer from my state who was put in just such a "kill or be killed" situation. The only reason why she's alive right now is her mental toughness and the fact that her assailant's gun jammed when he put it against her and pulled the trigger. And she's a tough lady by all accounts.
  13. Master Betty

    Master Betty Banned Banned

    I have to add my bit and say that since I doubt ANY of you have ever been in this kind of situation... how on earth do you have ANY idea how you'd react? How people want to react to things and how people ACTUALLY react to things are two very different creatures.

    IN all honesty, I don't see what the point in this thread is.
  14. Kuma

    Kuma Lurking about

    I mentioned this earlier in this thread if I recall correctly. The thought is much more palatable than the act, and many people don't take into account the strong physiological and psychological toll it can have on you when placed in such a situation. However, by "wargaming" about it you can actually accept it a little bit easier.

    For those of you who really want to get into the meat and potatoes of this kind of thing, I recommend "On Killing."
  15. Patrick Smith

    Patrick Smith Tustom Cuser Uitle

    I second that recommendation. "On Combat" by Dave Grossman and Loren W. Christensen is also a great book.
  16. ross mcclung

    ross mcclung Valued Member

    This is the most ludacris thread i've seen for a while. "Would you kill?" what a lot of bull ****! How do you know what you'd do untill you were in the situation?
  17. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Perhaps I'm being optimistic but I imagine I'm right in saying that when placed in a situation where I'm in mortal danger your body will do whatever it has to to preserve itself. Of course that doesnt take into account whether or not I'd just freeze up but still.
  18. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Yes you never know? I mean who would have guessed you would not use a spell checker?
  19. Moi

    Moi Warriors live forever x

    You've never been married then?
  20. Metal_Kitty

    Metal_Kitty Valued Member

    I would never purposely kill someone for self defense reasons...if it happens it would be by accident or reaction out of panic. But I would purposely kill someone for revenge if they did something truly terrible to me or someone I love.

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