World Kido Federation Questions...

Discussion in 'Hapkido' started by Spookey, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. Spookey

    Spookey Valued Member

    Dear Sir(s) and Ma'am(s)

    After having read page after page of old threads concerning the organization, and In Sun Seo, Chong Kwan Jang, I am left with more questions than answers. My I politely ask for input without creating a "stink" or "Heater Thread".

    Two points I wish to negate before asking my question. I dont care about the Kuk Sool / Hapki Yoo Sool issues of the past, nor am I interested to hear the argument of only being promoted to Sam-Dan under Choi.

    That being said, can anyone give factual events in which a person has been told, "NO, YOUR SKILLS ARE NOT AT A BLACK BELT LEVEL SO I WILL NOT PROVIDE YOU CERTIFICATION", and who here knows first hand of accounts where the WKF has looked at a completely undeserving individual and said, "WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE YOU A CERTIFICATE FOR WHICH THERE IS NO MERIT"!

    The final paragraph contains the pertinent questions I have. Secondary, if you are a member of the WKF please tell me why you chose the organization, and what it offers that has kept you as a member!

    Humble Regards
  2. JTMS

    JTMS Valued Member

    Hello Spookey,
    I am not sure if your motivation is positive or negative, but I will give you the benefit of the doubt and answer your questions as best I can.
    1. Has Grand Master Seo and/or Secretary General Sara Seo ever said:”NO, YOUR SKILLS ARE NOT AT A BLACK BELT LEVEL SO I WILL NOT PROVIDE YOU CERTIFICATION"?: The answer is yes. Over the years I have seen this happen first hand. Please note that the WKF requires MUCH information from those joining our organization from the outside. I have seen individuals brought in at a much lower level than requested and individuals that have been rejected outright.

    2. Have I ever heard a senior member say?: "WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO PROVIDE YOU A CERTIFICATE FOR WHICH THERE IS NO MERIT"!
    This is one of the silliest questions I have ever heard. No the WKF is NOT a paper mill.

    3. “If you are a member of the WKF please tell me why you chose the organization, and what it offers that has kept you as a member!”:
    The World Kido Federation/Hanminjok Hapkido Association is an active thriving Korean Martial Arts organization. The WKF provides opportunities for members to train with Grand Master In Sun Seo (In my opinion one of the greatest martial artists of our time), Tour and train in Korea on a regular basis, U.S. based seminars and workshops, networking with other traditional Korean martial art practitioners, certification for our students from GM Seo that is recognized by the Korean government, yearly world championship tournament in Korea, and the list goes on.

    I am a member of the WKF because I think it is the greatest Korean martial arts organization in the world. It is led by Grand Master In Sun Seo and his family. As a member I am able to train with friends like: GM In Sun Seo, GM Surge Baubil, GM Billy Burchett, GM Ruddy Timmerman, GM Jimm McMurray, Master Steve Kincade, Master Scott Seo, Master Steve Seo, Master Lou Lannum, and Master James Allison JUST TO NAME A FEW!! All of these men are very talented and are some of the top martial artists in their field. If you have any questions ANY of these gentlemen would be happy to step on the mat to provide instruction anytime.

    I have found that it is easy for others to sling mud and make accusations. Are WKF members perfect? No. If you are looking for imperfection it is easy to find anywhere. My best advice, if you are really interested in the WKF, is to stop by one of our events and participate. Get to know the leaders and members of the organization for yourself.

    Best wishes,
    J.B. Murphy
  3. Spookey

    Spookey Valued Member

    Dear Sir...

    Dear Sir,

    Your response was exactly what I was looking for. I have zero intention other than looking into the organization, as a consumer per say!

    I have been in martial arts over 20 years and have been influenced by all the political warfare between organizations. I understand that undesirables weasel their way into every organization, and to me that is only a reflection of the organization if they are retained after being determined to be of less than desirable character!

    Personally, I also have high regard for GM In Sun Seo, and his family, as well as Babil, Kwan jang and others you mentioned!

    Thank you for your candid response. I hope others will follow with more information and their own personal opinion.

    ***If others are interested in adding their thoughts but would rather remain nameless please PM me!

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2010
  4. Bruce W Sims

    Bruce W Sims Banned Banned

    Thanks, Spooky:

    There isn't anything to add to previous post. For myself the WKF was an option to consider after the recent passing of my own teacher. I have no interest in the HANMINJEOK Hapkido curriculum, nor in being advanced on that Hapkido approach. There is always the matter of being able to connect with folks such as Master Timmerman and Master Allison but these are things that can also be accomplished on an individual basis. Having said that, I can also share that there is a certain level of transparency with the WKF as well as the KHF (See: Holcombe Thomas) that is not available (IMHO) from a number of other organizations. That alone ought to be enough to justify further investigation, yes?

    Best Wishes,


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