What's Everyone's Take On Tommy Carruthers?

Discussion in 'Jeet Kune Do' started by hulkout, Jun 22, 2009.

  1. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    I have been training in Jun fan JKD, Kali, Silat for 7 years. I have taken a break from jun fan because I am currently doing Krav maga. I told my sifu not so long ago that I will be back as soon as get to G1 in Krav to complet my training in Jun fan, kali and silat. How can you post images on this forum?
  2. ap Oweyn

    ap Oweyn Ret. Supporter

    I mean that nobody I know thinks that Ted Wong wasn't qualified to teach JKD. Whether he got a certificate directly from the founder or not.
  3. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    He was certified by Guro Dan so that the next best thing really
  4. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    No you guide yourself that is the beauty of it! You are your own master but only through exploration will you find what techniques connect with the ones that you have so you flow like water I explain like this.

    Colours are made up of primary, secondary and tertiary colours. The primary colours are boxing, fencing, wing chun. The Jun Fun Gung fu fighting system represents the Secondary colours, the basis that we ex- pand from; other styles of fighting are single separate colours. Baring in mind that the Jun fun Gung fu system has 23 more colours that you can play around with already. I am sure you can make tertiary colours from what you have already but one truly blossoms when one experiences and absorbs from other ready-made tubes of paint. If you start to mix other colours with the primary and secondary colours you make more colours, more moves and techniques will be available as you explore your knowledge and self. Your body is a blank canvas; you must paint your picture. However it depends on the situation what emotional content your picture will show. To paint a picture an artist needs tools; these tools are paintbrush, pallet, pallet knife, linseed oil, water and turpentine. In JKD your artistic tools are, distance, timing, rhythm, speed and the 5 ways of attack. You use these tools in training, sparing and in fighting. Understand that these tools help you adapt! These are JKD combative concepts, combative artistic tools. You also have the philosophical artistic tools which are, research your own experience, absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own. You need both sets of tools to paint your picture; you cannot have one without the other. When you choose to apply the JKD concept to martial arts and life, you are the paintbrush, the pallet, the pallet knife, the linseed oil, water and turpentine. You are all these tools combined. YOU the individual are the creator in your own individual right towards your own way.
    A fist does not necessarily mean a fist; the fist represents the object in the way of your goal, to get to your goal one flows around the object, problem, or obstacle in the way.

    How do you intercept your fist? Answer that and you have truly under- stood JKD

    Man IS adaptive, to adapt you are essentially creating- Sinan Beratli I also explain it in 2 other ways:

    Example 1 A plant grows according to the space it is growing in. I assure you that every plant that grows does not have the same shape as the plant next to it, if you look closely there are millimetre, centimetre or even inche differences to where the leaves on the stem grow

    Example 2 An animal creates a way to survive according to the way it is shaped! Every animal has strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disad- vantages. A cat can climb but a dog can’t. Animals work with the natural attributes that they have.

    This is parts of my book that I am trying to get published
  5. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    Yes he was however I have noticed that he says that JKD is not a concept when it really is! I also know that Jerry potet studied under Guru Dan as well. Both these practitioners say that JKD is not a concept and that Jun fan is not made up of 26 or more elements when it really is why is this?
  6. m1k3jobs

    m1k3jobs Dudeist Priest

    Wrong, see example below. :)

  7. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    How does this affect your level of skill?
  8. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    o.k LOL you do not see that happen often but you do know what I am trying to say. JKD is about finding what techniques work for your body, your natural attributes. what works for a big man may not work so well for a small man
  9. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    course it effects your skill if you stick with one style only you as a martial artist or gung fu man is not going to progress in skill are they? you may be good but you will not progress full stop. the martial artists journey is life long. like Bruce lee says I am a student master! you are always learning provided that you have an open mind to look and explore other arts. every style of fighting are segments of the absolute whole.
  10. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    I have very little time for the Poteet branches personally
  11. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    gess what I do, I am going to educate these individuals gently as Bruce lee puts it. If no one else is going to sort this out for Guro Inosanto then I will. I have the evidence, I have the determination, I have the understanding.
  12. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    *cue The Six Million Dollar Man music*

    Do you have the right?

    Seems rather presumptuous of you to "sort this out for Guro Inosanto".

    To quote an Indy film. "Ask yourself, why do you seek the Cup of Christ? Is it for His glory, or for yours?"

    So why do you think you should do this? Do you do it for yourself?
    Last edited: May 18, 2013
  13. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    Do you have the skill? It seems you're avoiding the question.

    You can preach all you like, but I'm someone who needs to see the evidence.

    I'm not following you or your word if all you are is talk.

    Since you're hot on "keeping it real", Bruce said, "ultimately martial arts has to be able to fight".

    You can theorise all you like, but let's see the application.
  14. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    Ain't done much coon huntin' have ya,son?:)

    That's not true. You'll just progress in skill within the parameters of that one system. There are people who do/have done that,you know. Look up some of the 1st generation Judoka for examples.
  15. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    Why would I do this for myself? what would I achieve? I am a nobody I simply am and that is all! There are so many people out there who say this is original JKD and this is the way it is meant to be taught which is not true at all. LOL what am I going to get out of this if I sort this out?
  16. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    I see that you are in England Kent do you want to see my skill first hand were do you train? where abouts in kent do you train? I live in london south east.
  17. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    how many martial arts styles have you experienced?
  18. Simon

    Simon Administrator Admin Supporter MAP 2017 Koyo Award

    I'd like to see you post a video showing how and why your methods are better.
  19. 1fightforright2

    1fightforright2 Valued Member

    There is no such thing as better method. all methods have strengths and weaknesses. What I am trying to tell people is that there is no such thing as original JKD. JKD is a concept to 'absorb what is useful' you master Jun fan find all the moves that work for you (simply to simplify) then explore other styles of fighting to see what other techniques and principles work for your body. What works for me may not work for you. what worked for Bruce Lee will not work for you.
  20. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

    A better idea would be to come to the MAP meet just up in high Wycombe next month.

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