What kind of booze does your dojo throw down after training?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Bronze Statue, Apr 7, 2007.

  1. Bronze Statue

    Bronze Statue Valued Member

    What are your dojos' favorite liquors or beers to toss down after training?

    Are there any particular alcoholic drinks particularly associated with your fighting style? :D (Please post your fighting style and the associated beer/liquor.)

    I've already asked the Brazilian style martial artists here about their Cachaça and Xingu's, but I'd be curious about those of us who practice other styles.
  2. Bronze Statue

    Bronze Statue Valued Member

    I'm amazed no one has posted up yet. Is this messageboard full of tee-totalers?
  3. Sever

    Sever Valued Member

    After my classes, the only things I'm thinking about drinking is a load of very very cold water and a protein shake
    Generally, when my clubs go out to the pub, we just drink whatever lager's on tap. We're not picky
  4. Cosmo Kramer

    Cosmo Kramer Valued Member

    Seems to be Coors lite at the TKD Dojang, Jack and Coke at the Hapkido one.
  5. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    We sometimes stay and drink some Oolong afterwards.Whenever we go out for club meals we all drink green tea or something :eek: None of us are drinkers really, our bodies being temples and all that. :p
  6. Hippolyta

    Hippolyta Meet coordinator Supporter

    My club usually goes with lager or wine to start with. If it gets late, sometimes shots are also involved. We also have a cocktail bar that we sometimes go to. We're a university club, so the social side is almost as important as the training :)
  7. Ciar2001

    Ciar2001 New Member Supporter

    we don't but if you were to ask me it would be Stella or Vodka & Coke :)
  8. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    I've kinda quit drinking. Not religiously, but I mostly just have a coke or tonic water if I'm in the pub.

    I also switched to green tea instead of regular.

    Generally I feel a lot healthier.
  9. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    We don't have any specific drink, it's just whatever you feel like drinking. I'm personally a beer man!
  10. Sam

    Sam Absent-ish member

    We always go to the pub after training however we usually stick to pepsi and crisps, pepsi because everyones driving (except me) and crisps because normally none of us eat before training because we dont have time.
  11. Incredible Bulk

    Incredible Bulk Eat-Lift-Eat-Sleep-Grow

    we all help take down the training mirrors we used for an hour to practice our forms then Master brings out the party powder, according to grade determines how much you get.

  12. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter


    The party powder, eh?

    :D :Angel:
  13. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

  14. prowla

    prowla Valued Member

    The dojo I occasionally train at, at Kew, offers a nice gup of tea after training. It tastes great!
  15. Su lin

    Su lin Gone away

    I dont really see the point in training if you are going to go out drinking afterwards? :confused: Usually all I want to do is get home ,eat then sleep.
  16. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    Because training's cool and beer's cool so combine the two and you have ultimate rockage!

    There's a small but dedicatd cult of Otter drinkers in our club http://www.otterbrewery.com/ - I wrote to them a couple of years ago and asked if they'd sponsor us in return for advertising them on our club kit (we'd even accept sponsorship in beer form). They never replied though! :woo:
  17. Bronze Statue

    Bronze Statue Valued Member

    What Moosey said.

    Also, there's also the benefit of discovering new martial arts styles. Anyone who thinks that the Drunken Style exists purely in Kung Fu hasn't seen some of the Goju Karate guys where I come from :D
  18. Hiroji

    Hiroji laugh often, love much

    We go for a few drinks on a wednesday after uni training...but i only have a coke or orange juice, if i had a pint id feel like turd in the morning, like id woke up with ghandi's flipflop in my mouth.
  19. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    We have drinks if there's a workshop (at the end), open day or near Xmas. Never after training.

    The boys like their Hahn, Heineken, James Squire amber ale etc. But its only a few times a year that we have the time to go out.

    We're all health nuts at JJJ too but my Kendo club is drinks twice a week after training. I haven't made it yet as it gets too late but damn can those guys drink.
  20. Gary

    Gary Vs The Irresistible Farce Supporter

    That's made just around the corner from where I used to live! If the guys ever want to organise a trip to Ottery St Mary they should do it for November the 5th, the Tar Barrels event is like nothing else!

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