What is your personal fighting style?

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Slavist, Aug 12, 2005.

  1. Slavist

    Slavist New Member

    My school is not sport-oriented at all, so I think that my fighting style is very untraditional for WTF-TKD. I have only been to one competition and at it, there was only one other guy, besides me, who was throwing punches. Naturally, since I am just a yellow belt with a tip (equivallent of orange), my style is always evolving as I learm new things. The style is also influenced by the fact that we don't have any padding, so one well-placed kick is usually worth a lot more than 10 fast light kicks.

    I fight without any bouncing 98% of the time. I use MT style roundhouses (or so I would like to think) to the torso and sometimes to the head about 30% of the time. 30% of the time I use backleg sidekicks to the torso or the head. 30% I go for a push kick and 10% I throw a back-kick. Sometimes, when my opponent gets too close, I punch to the torso as a way to get him away from me. I really don't see myself changing that breakdown much. I hate flashy kicks and I am very unlikely to ever put much effort into learning them, therefore, I am not going to use them in a fight.

    I rarely use front-leg kicks, because I can't get much power from them, yet.

    My guard is up 90 of the time, although I still have trouble keeping it up when I attempt a headkick.
  2. TheMadhoose

    TheMadhoose Carpe Jugulum

    Not sure how to answer your question I study chang hon Taekwon-do.
    As for teh sparring side i am a counter fighter primarily and like to use my hands as much as my feet kick low punch high.
  3. oni_sensei

    oni_sensei Valued Member

    I don't train for competition. ITF Taekwon-Do, and I often go outside the ruleset a bit, because I have a lenient instructor that lets me get away with it. I love to kick, and kick hard. Hands are a setup for hard-hitting kick combinations and knee/elbow strikes.
  4. carlos

    carlos MAP Hoo Flung Dung Expert Supporter

    I'm ITF TKD and have only xompetetively sparred a few times in my life.

    My fighting style depends on what I think is best to defeat my opponent.

    I spar with a clear head. My most memorable fight, I figured I'd use my height advantage and take my shots over the top of his, forcing him lower and not scoring, while my feet were scoring body + head shots.

    I probably alternate 50/50 with the bouncing depending on my aim. I bounce if I am in control generally. I don't want to be caught flat footed at the top/bottom of the bounce, especially if I am on the constant defensive.

    I tend to counter the opposition attacker, to try to get a feel for what they do. See if I can read their movements.

    When I think I know my opponent I attack or defend as needed.

    It's rare that I will steam in death or glory style!
  5. MurdocTKD.

    MurdocTKD. New Member

    I dont train for competitions so my fighting style is based on practical techniques. Far away I use sidekicks to the torso or legs, mid-range fast roundhouse kicks and then head punches when your within arms length. Boxing style footwork most of the time. Bouncing is not really that effective for me I stay on the ground on the balls of my feet and thats it.
  6. NeonxBurst

    NeonxBurst 1st Black

    I REALLY like using my hands because they're easier for set up than really complicated kicks so usually I'm in nice and close and then to lean more towards Thai round houses to the torso( I train MT everyother day) and if I need distance I'll use a push kick, but I hardly EVER use a jump kick.
  7. pulp fiction

    pulp fiction TKD fighter

    I spar WTF style. I use a lot of kicks, but I also punch to the chest instead of clinching. I like spinning kicks, back kicks, and jumping kicks. I normally intend that my kicks are powerful and fast. These is because I like to win by KO at tournaments so speed and power are a good mix for me.

    I keep my guard up, I don't like getting kicked in the face.
  8. CrowZer0

    CrowZer0 Assume formlessness.

    I have been studying kung fu since I was 4, I practiced ITF tkd for about 6 years, then muay thai for the last 2 years, and wing chun very briefly as well as various other styles I have visited, I have friends who study at other styles and we usually train together and exchange ideas and tips, in a fight situation I sue a lot of boxing style punches, I'm not much of a round house kick guy, im more of a knee and elbow guy, although I do perform a lot of front, axe, inward, outward crescents and side kicks, I prefer to kick someones knees or thighs although my legs very eaily reach about a foot over my head, im 6ft by the way. So yes, that's me.
  9. Simple

    Simple New Member

    all i do, jabs, side kick, front kick, some elbow. I never atk, i let the agrressor always attack. And wait..... But in tae kwon do sparring, im doin so many fast kicks its crazy, like a front snap kick to a left hook. Or right side kick to a left hook, my only two favorite kicks.
  10. littlebadboy

    littlebadboy Valued Member

    i bite whenever the chance comes up...

    just kidding... just messing around with you guys...
  11. DavidSJ

    DavidSJ New Member

    Keep it simple stupid.......

    I seriously compete in WTF style, and I do what most people do nowadays :) Conservative, careful...focusing on counterattacks or attacks combined with plenty of fake motions. Off-the-lines, badachagi, front-leg fast kick, double kicks, and back kicks are 95% of my attack repertoire.

    Spins and high kicks are too risky nowadays, especially against good competition!
  12. Simple

    Simple New Member

    competition is destroyin TKD...even thou is fun, look just run in wit a jumping front kick wit the right leg while in the air twist ur body to the left leg and kick them in the head. I did this kick so many times it crazy, i mean by now i expect the people who i sparr wit to side step or move away atleast. But than again i only pull this off when they are atking me, i mean seriously whats up wit them lil fake kicks, everyone kno by kno they dont hurt and usually used for fakes. When ever they bring that out, i bring a front kick, left hook, or side kick left hook.

    And it is simple, its not even hard too do, everyone does it, they just do it at the wrong time.
  13. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    I do sport WTF TKD, though master also teaches us concepts from Korean Kickboxing and Hapkido.
  14. Anomandaris

    Anomandaris New Member

    despite studying ITF style I fight nothing like it.

    and I mean fight not spar, I live in an unpleasant area and have been involved more than once.

    I keep my hands up and bring my head down and raise my shoulders and I tend to hunch and lean forwards a bit, I give up my height advantage but it allows me to move my weight faster as it is lower to the ground and I am a smaller target area.

    I tend to step and strike rather than fight static, I also avoid moving back, I move to the side rather than just give up ground.

    as for kicks I avoid anything above the belt, they are slow, usually telegraphed and leave you an easy target if you fail to achieve their aim, I instead work on lower body joints such as knees and ankles, I hit a knee and step in close and use my elbows or knees.

    punching is useful as a detterent but I dont rely on them once I close.

    I have not trained myself in this way either, it just comes to me naturally when I fight, tempered by the control the TKD has given me I can usually assess when to do what and then act quickly.
  15. sonic

    sonic New Member

    I'm shocked Slavist has percentages. *woh*

    I'm WTF, so my fighting style means basically competition. Basically, simple stuff like badachagi, lead leg roundhouse, lots of fakes/step motion, and somehow I'm an axe kicker. I'm overall more of an aggressive fighter who rather go at it than counter... although lately.. I'm not so sure... *doh!*
  16. DavidSJ

    DavidSJ New Member

    Uhmmmmm have you ever competed at nationals? A jumping front-kick or hook-kick DOES work OCCASIONALLY as a counter-kick, but if you try that more than once in a match against a good fighter you're gonna be in trouble.
  17. pulp fiction

    pulp fiction TKD fighter

    My last KO was by a spinning turning kick ( don't know if this make sense, but it is indeed a spinning kick) I kicked my opponent in the head.

    So I think spinning high kicks are still useful.
  18. DavidSJ

    DavidSJ New Member

    Yes they are useful indeed, but very risky and low-percentage. THat's why they must be used sparingly and only at the right moment, which may not even come in a fight.
  19. sonic

    sonic New Member

    yah, but when it hits.. oh the glorious joy... :p There's something quite different from a clean badachagi to a clean spin hook to the guy's head...

    (sonic wants to go back and train again... *doh!*)
  20. wayko

    wayko New Member

    i combine my tkd and muai thai and KF depending on the situation

    want to finish a fight fast kf blocks and punch and tkd kicking and techniques

    need to take down bigger ppl MT power kicks with KF grappling

    and dumbbutts who are too drunk to know what they are doing a combination of all 3

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