Vo Co Truyen Vietnam? A vietnamese style I'm trying to look up

Discussion in 'Other Styles' started by IronMaiden1991, Mar 27, 2023.

  1. IronMaiden1991

    IronMaiden1991 Active Member

    So Im looking to do some world travelling, being a martial arts nerd Im making a list of a lot of 'travel and train' style visits to different places (mix of training and sightseeing so I can experience a bit of martial and local culture while I'm there) and I found a vietnam one with a fair amount of cool things I want to see and places visited, but there is a few days on the itinerary where I would train in 'Vo Co Truyen Vietnam.' I tried looking into this to find history but it credits one person as the inventor and that it was 'made in a time of fighting.' Im aware Vietnam has a big kung fu scene and tried to look up videos. The style, as far as I can see, seems to have a hung gar and mixed chinese art influence (if its not a repackage) even down to the single finger gesture, weapon selection, iron ring training etc. That said I only have limited experience in Hung so I could be missing some context but it certainly has some things I saw in my time with HG. If anyone has any takes and can tell me if my suspicions are well founded, I'd appreciate it
    Jaydub likes this.
  2. Jaydub

    Jaydub Valued Member

    I don't know anything about that particular style, but I'm a travelling martial artist myself. I would love to hear more about the places you are travelling to, and the styles that you check out.
  3. IronMaiden1991

    IronMaiden1991 Active Member

    Currently done:
    Kerela, India: trained in kalaripayattu while in a yoga retreat, 3 hours a day on top of a 300 hour yoga ttc course.
    While I was in NYC over december, I got to train in a kyokushin school and it was some of the most superb training I've had in ages.

    I'm currently eyeing up a few countries:
    Japan - As a judoka, I cannot miss going to the kodokan for a session, I intend to spend a month in japan with a week in Aizu at some of the more touristy sessions for Naginatajutsu and Kyudo. I know in Tokyo there are retired sumo's running a sumo day experience where you can train with them. Okinawa is a hope step and a jump away so I could go on one of these: https://ageshiojapan.com/category_page/program (its between four styles and the kobudo one)

    China: in Shanghai, an english speaking school called An Wushu offer live in training, and one of their programs is a Sanda/Bajiquan combination

    Mongolia: There is something through responsible travel called the Ghengis Khan experience where you spend 9 days out in the wilderness learning how to make huts, cook like the mongols, riding horseback through the terrain and learn archery and Bohk wrestling while doing so. You need a group of four to do it though.

    Evolve MMA in Singapore has live in training

    Rawaii Muay Thai has a dedicated Muay Thai and Muay Boran live in training offer I'm interested in.

    There's more like the travel and train krav in Israel but that's later down the list. I have more but I need to weigh up some stuff as being early in transition may make some countries more hazardous to navigate than others.
  4. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    I can't help with your initial question but I'm very jealous of your travels and intention to mix them with martial arts training!

    Good luck!
    IronMaiden1991 likes this.
  5. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    Had a very brief period of 7 Mountain Spirit system. Seemed like that also was very Hung influenced,but.....somehow....cruder,to me. The basics,anyway.

    Are all systems from Viet Nam Hung derived/influenced,I wonder?
  6. IronMaiden1991

    IronMaiden1991 Active Member

    It wouldn't shock me given how far reaching chinese martial art influence is across Asia and even into modern western stuff if chinese and other arts from asia bled in. I tried deeper digging and the earliest I can get is: 'it was developed by X' to which I go 'ok who he learn what from and when?' to no answer.

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