Trump is really smart

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Dead_pool, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    I'm too busy being mad at how casually he slipped in "fake news" and helping exacerbate that crap phrase that's causing so much harm to give him any credit for only wanting to give 20% of teachers lethal weapons with which to kill their students.
  2. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    i think the really sad part about trump and the people that support him and continue to do so is that he's obviously letting all those people down. he's incompetent, he doesn't think, he has no strategy, he's corrupt--all these things, obviously. people bought the whole "i'm a businessman" schtick hook, line and sinker. and it puts his supporters, or what's left of them, into untenable situations of having to defend obvious incompetence and corruption.

    oh well, we need to vote and take back congress (both houses) and the executive in order to fix this.
    pgsmith and Dead_pool like this.
  3. pgsmith

    pgsmith Valued dismemberer

    That's what we need to do, but good luck actually getting it done in today's society. Talk about your uphill climbs! :)
    Giovanni likes this.
  4. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    I don't go out of my way to follow American politics, and we don't see much of it in the UK aside from Trump. So have the Democrats even hinted at having an idea on opposition to Trump? I can quite easily see a Trump second term from my impression of the state of the Democrats at the moment. The fact they put Clinton up over Sanders, or put Clinton up at all, has damaged my perception of them quite a lot at least.
  5. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  6. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  7. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  8. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  9. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    I know she did, and the fact people supported her, including the vast majority of super delegates, was dumb. I'm not one of the people who says it with the benefit of hindsight when I say as soon as she was put on the ballot I thought Trump would win. Voting for her to run, however the process worked, was stupid.

    The Trump news today was actually a huge surprise. I did like one of the Republican responses of something along the lines of "we're not giving up our gun rights becasue the last person the president spoke to today thinks we should."

    That being said, and as much as it pains me to say, if this isn't a flip flop that'll be forgotten tomorrow I'm actually quite behind his statements. I'm glad he called out Republicans for being scared of the NRA, his proposals for reforms are good, and combining them with arming teachers and restricting gun free zones (which I support far less) might practically be one of the best suggestions for a reform that has even a gnats chance of bipartisan support I've heard.
  10. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  11. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    well, i'm trying not to be a pessimist. lol

    the thing for me is the poor business acumen and incompetence and corruption and racism and misogyny are on full display for everyone. it's what we've all been saying all along--if only they'd listen to us on the trump thread in map. don't think the nra noticed that trump basically proposed, during a televised meeting with congressional leaders, to ban guns? or put an age-limit on gun? i mean, you can sit here and say "he's a businessman and he's brainstorming" all you want. but he's obviously incompetent and crooked. people that think don't blurt malformed thoughts out. rich ceo's that i personally know, think before calling a meeting. they (successful executives) have things called "strategies" and "tactics".

    if i can just say, again: thanks obama. at least our economy isn't in the toilet and maybe we'll survive until trump gets voted out.
    pgsmith likes this.
  12. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    maybe we can turn trash into gold here? here, i'll start...aside from my previous thanking of's?

    thanks obama for putting someone in charge of the epa that actually strove to protect the environment.

    pgsmith and Dead_pool like this.
  13. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    My father and brother are NRA members. So the NRA gun debate is kinda a sensitive subject for me.
  14. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  15. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    My views are shootings are a trajedy. And its not just America where it happens. Ever hear of Norway? UK? Australia? Is the NRA responsible for those incidents?
  16. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    You mean where the shootings are MASSIVLEY lower per head of capita?

    Really, this probably isn't a can of worms you want to open.....
    pgsmith and axelb like this.
  17. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    Here's the first few to wet your appetite.

    Attached Files:

    pgsmith and axelb like this.
  18. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    You're the one opening the worm can if you hold the NRA responsible for every trajedy.
  19. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    If you look at the statistics I've given you the link for, and posted here, you will see the USA has a far far higher incidence of both homicide by gun, mass shootings, suicide by gun, suicide in total, and deaths to police officers then pretty much everywhere in the developed world..

    Also states with a bit more gun control, correspondingly lower rates of homicides, suicides etc too.
    axelb likes this.
  20. Anjelica

    Anjelica Banned Banned

    Really Deadpool? Are you aware Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in America? And their homicide rate is still very bad.

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