Trump by name......

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Dead_pool, Dec 9, 2015.

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  1. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Somebody requested this from me. Thought some of you might like it...

    Film aficionados will recognise this as Steve Gutenberg in The Day After. It was an American version of the far more horrific BBC film Threads, and reportedly had a deep impact on Reagan and his thoughts about nuclear non-proliferation.
  2. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    Not all movies will beat you over the head with a stick and then send you in the right direction with a boxing glove on a scissor extender. Though Starship Troopers pretty much did that, and no it did not legitimise fascism, it demonstrated how fascism deploys artificial external threats to bolster support. It is possible to sympathise with individuals whilst realising that the system they are within is unacceptable. :)

    Will some people miss it? Yes. Satire is like that. But come on, it is very blatantly there.

  3. Ero-Sennin

    Ero-Sennin Well-Known Member Supporter

    Interpretation of creative works aren't left only to what the intent of the person(s) who created it were going for, and they can be interpreted and used in many different ways from different perspectives. Pepe the Frog turning into the mascot for the Kek Nation and being a symbol for white supremacy to the creator's dismay is a great example. Starship Troopers is a great example too, and I've expressed why I think the creator of the movie misses his mark a bit in making it as concrete as you're expressing.

    The context of the movie, without knowing or acknowledging the political message the creator meant for it, legitimizes fascism as it addresses a real external threat in the movie in an efficient and effective manner. It's a united humanity against the bugs, under fascism, in a created universe. I do not feel like the system the characters are in, within their created universe and predicament, was unacceptable at all.

    Also, coming back to the real world, every system deploys artificial external threats to bolster support. It's not something unique to fascism. You can narrow that form of gaining support to an individual just wanting somebody to help them out with something they need done around the house.
  4. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

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  5. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Cool, I love "what is art" discussions! :D
  6. Ero-Sennin

    Ero-Sennin Well-Known Member Supporter

    Meh, I thought it was pretty clear I was taking that angle from all my other posts. Apparently it wasn't and proclaiming "this is what it's about!!" still seemed relevant in response to me (even though I stated I understand and agree with the original intent of the creator).
  7. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    It was a playful reply, not a serious one!

    The debate as to the meaning of Starship Troopers, intended or perceived, is unresolvable, because it comes down to the meaning and interpretation of art, which is not a question that has an answer.
  8. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

  9. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Disclaimer before i write i dont know how the U.S federal court system works nor do i know the relation to the consitution in said court and the base federal laws, the response is going to bebased on soruces etc.

    Another disclaimer i am Bias against Both Vice and Buzz feed (you will see below) I am going to post the soruces as highlighted as ources in the articles. My interpritation of the law is irrleivent as i am not a lawyer nor am i in a court case, ironically thats what they are arguign about in the court and these stations have reported on.

    Linked from above.
    Trump's DOJ says LGBTQ workers aren't protected by civil rights law

    Linked from above:
    Trans military members told us what it’s like to be called a “burden”
    The Justice Department Just Argued Against Gay Rights In A Major Federal Case
    About the EEOC: Overview

    I am not looking past those sources, Buzzfeed is in general bad anyway and thats, not bias speaking, its just clickbaity and have you seen the videos? Really.

    Its nothing against you to get this eout strsight away.

    To begin, the right of free speecha dn relgiion applies to everyone, it gives christians rights, Atheists rights, Muslims rights etc, like somone cannot discriminate somone because they are a muslim you cannot like wise do it to a Christian. A homosexual cannot force a Christian to marry them to another Homosexual and a Christian cannot assualt or verbally attack them for being a homosexual. If you dont achknolwegde a Chirstians rights you cannot achknolwedge a Homosexual somehow has more rights than said Christian based on their Sexual orintation.

    It just seems to eb they are arguing if Section VII of soemthing means Homsoexuals can tbe fired or if it doesnt, as for the details apart from thre linked they dont cite court records, so there is no imperical evidence in clear view as to waht was said in the court etc.

    The U.S news source for the Vice article ha sno evidence in how the trump admistration is anti LGBT. If you achknowledge above about everyonehavingn rights, the law could be made in such a way to put too much pressure on Religious people and encroach on their right to worship their religion how they want and to follow what one they want. Revoking a law to retweek it to protect the rights of one party to get a better comprimise is not anti who ever.

    In regard to the transexual thing, no comment past the Tweet he put Trump declares U.S. military can’t be “burdened” with trans people, Look for youself not touching that with a 40 meter stick. It s mute point if the policy doesnt go ahead.

    My point was meant to show how VICE is a meh news service with a anti trump bias, the title is clickbaity and the way its web of sources and little direct to relivence ones doesnt help its cause, hopefully that makes some sense because i have given up mid looking. XP I do notbelievee they have acted as a indpendent reporter on that court case and have not provided suffcient evidence to support their claims in a easily followable format. Its closer to them expresing opinion like its fact. I tried to follow the sources and got annoyed at the web of sources especially to its self.

    Look forward to your response or anyone elses though. If you get something good from it fine, if not fine also.
  10. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    SCA and Latikos like this.
  11. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    It was way too much to spell check, highlight doesnt work for me rememebr? ( i did some at least, obviously not enough) I didnt want to rile myself into a tangent while spell checking. XP I will get back to you about that one in the morning as i pursue the web of sources. :p
  12. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    You need to fix your computer then.
  13. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    its probably a software issue, i believe Grammarly and default are at odds with each other on this site, neither work to their full extent. Like with my Comodo i havent been arsed to reinstall it. I need a account for Grammarly to unlock all its free features and sometimes there is a dialect issue with both. and then Firefox is updating soonish and some addons become irrelevant or something i havent kept up on. Problem i dont want to deal with until it become a problem to make it impossible to use my browser.

    Will at least make a token effort in the morning then. This can serve as a reminder.
  14. Ben Gash CLF

    Ben Gash CLF Valued Member

    Dead_pool likes this.
  15. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    Not that this isn't bad enough, but, Gosh my very first thought was, they want to be allowed shooting gays (guess it was a mixture of language problem, fantasy going crazy and only half thinking).
    It made me stare at the screen in utter shock at the first moment.

    The actual thing isn't much better though.
    I think it's incredible and incredibly sad, that this must even be considered to be an okay point, for firing someone.

    Excuses for being lazy.
    Was about time, huh?
  16. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Well, i mean the governemnt doesnt fire you unless you are a civil servant. I could argue a opposing view if you dont mind me repating some things from my spoiler section in un errored English. Or eliborate on the against arguments if you want, im pretty Egaltarian and dont care for one aprty gertting special treatment. Oh well, will only argue opposing view or eliborate if somone wants it, just message or quote me if you do. (dont take it the wrong way, its not going to have me breaking ToS)

    Edit (from mobile) I realise that makes me look like a raging homophobe, I will eliborate if needed. XP that is not not what I mean by opposing viewpoint. My tone has just gone very direct and it might lack clarification. (Still stand by I won't break ToS by arguing and won't use a argument to break ToS)
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  17. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    There is no opposing view for firing someone for being gay - its inexcusable
  18. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    So, NOT being fired simply for being GLBT is special treatment?" Yeah, that does sound homophobic. Imagine being in a world where you could be fired for being straight. And to have to argue that your relationship with another consenting adult should have NO bearing on your job at all. I am so sick of that old tired argument, where bigots turn basic human rights into "special privileges." Thankfully, nowadays more and more people see through that facade. We are asking for the same rights as everyone else, we want nothing extra and will settle for nothing less.

    On another note - Where are those members who kept telling me Trump was a friend to the GLBT community? They said wait. I waited. They said show some actual actions he has taken against the GLBT community. Many have since been posted. Too scared to come on here and admit how extremely wrong they were on this matter?
  19. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    ...and then claim that special privileges for bigoted Christians are basic human rights.
  20. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    To start with, im detailing what i dislike,the LGBT orginizations (not reflecting of people who are homosexual in them) and PDA, apart from that i dont care much either way.

    I wasnt citing that one specfically, from the news article i read, its being argued as to if employers can fire them for that. The world where you can be fired for being heterosexual is probbly closer than it should be, if you keep up with a certain movement i will not mention here. There have been people fired or arrested for pretty minor things also. Your sexulaity would probably only effect working in a religious building, i mean unless they put that down as the reason they fired you or didnt hire you and you can prove it, your pretty stuck legally anyway.

    This is my main point: Wanting to change the law or refuse that set drafting on a law around say Homosexual marriage does not make you a homophobe. It could literally erode the right for a religious person to refuse, that is part of their religion and they have the right to said religion. Its not a cope out either to support discrimination, you cannot force a devout relgious man who does not agree with that opinion to do it. Its special treatment if they make it manditory to do so. If freedom of religion is not supported, the non religious have no rights as much as the relgious do. If you are pretty anti state intervention, you wont support it making laws to force action by anyone same with business as well, some people dont want state to get involved or the minimim amount of intervention.

    I for one dont support ones which make it mandatory to marry Homosexuals, i view it as infringing on a religious persons right to said religion. By all means, if they can find a Church to marry them they can get married.

    Is that elaboration better or worse?
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