(Tradtional) Weapon making

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Rataca100, Oct 6, 2017.

  1. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    I am putting this in off topic as im not too sure where to put it, im more interested in the craftsman viewpoint to it and what skills would be good in it.

    Right so here is the question line: What skills are good for weapon making? Obviously, some degree of carpentry would be useful for most, i read somewhere that cabinent making is a good start to gunsmithing as you learn how to strip the finish off wood and put new finish on it etc. Metal working would be in there somewhere.

    Just as an example i was thinking about making a staff one day when i can find a place to source good wood for it, so what would be good courses to go on /skills to know before starting that? (dont reply carpentry, please dont. XD)

    Also, asking because accesss to some specialized courses is hard to come by and when you do it cna be quite competitive.

    [edit:] Any tools that you might need for it as well would be helpful as well.

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