The Rataca's questions on TKD thread.

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Rataca100, Sep 14, 2017.

  1. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    I actually don't mean that offensive, but: Why are people still surprised?

    I'm pretty sure, Saturday will come the next excuse.
    Something like "There is a tree outside" or similar important.

    I was positive surprised when he actually went once, but right after was the starting the same, so I'm sadly not surprised at all, that it is like it is now.

    On the right beneath the posts is a button with "+Quote"; you click that on every answer you want to quote and after that scroll down to your avatar with the "Write your reply bubble" - right beneath that (on the left this time) will be an "Insert Quote"-button.
    Don't get confused though, this last button will only be there, if you actually chose as answer to quote before.

    Was tried before, unfortunately.

    The Difference is, that you actually really wanted to go.

    I think Rataca will stay a theoretician. Too many excuses for just about everything and somehow he seems to be missing the will to fight against his excuses.

    @Rataca: I still think it's a sad excuse (what you mentioned above) about why you wouldn't go to the gym, but never mind that part.
    But how does that translate to your TKD training? Surely there aren't many machines there, you'd need to learn to use?
    Or do you really expect to get taken to training? I mean - don't get me wrong, but one of our six years old learns to get home alone now, not mentioning the older kids.
    So unless you're not ten anymore, you need to start to take control of your own life and don't expect others to do everything for you.
  2. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    As Koyo's teacher Chiba told him,"Martial arts aren't for everybody."

    Or as the legendary Miyagi Sensei stated- "Karate do,or Karate no do_Otherwise,one day -squish like grape."
  3. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu



    The only reason.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  4. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Regards to dobok, grading you have to have one its in the little book i got. And by god, i have seen that quote way too amny times over the past month. XD
    I will start when the free trial starts and thats when my diet starts. Also, if this one fails, there is only one other TKD in my town and a Chinese kick boxing somewhere and the boxing is somehwere since it got removed from its orginal place.

    @Latikos Again, as i stated if i dont want to do soemthing i wont. There would be nothing incluing " im not going " which wont get the same type of response, i put the prominent reason why i am not going to the extent i am willin to disclose as i dont like spreading around too much of my personal life in open public forums or to people i dont know unless i have to. I also have no drive to do anything and i belive i have a very limted pleasure response to exercise to get hooked in that sense. If you have no drive or reason to do something, you dont do it.

    To elaborate on the personal information thing, some things are given to strike up a conversation or to respond to someone (as its nicer than a like). Just because i reveal that information does not mean i am willing to go into more detail or have a giant conversation revolving around my personal life.

    Can you try to remove the emoji from that? I dont understand if that was mean to be part of it but makes it difficult to understand. :p ITs this or its football,and i will be damned if im going to be reduced to kickcing a ball around and acting like im all that for doing it. XD (dodgeball is far more useful and manly, second place to rugby.:p)
  5. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    First off: You don't have to give personal information away; I'd very much prefer if you were just honest - to yourself in the very first place!

    This is essentially what people are trying to tell you for weeks now.

    And, in my opinion (might be wrong; no problem) you are totally missing this drive.
    That's why you find excuse after excuse and aren't willing to work on your problems.

    And that's not even a generally bad thing, it's more of a sad thing.
    What annoys me, is that you pretend to be full of this drive, but not actually doing anything.
    Just admit, you might not have that drive.
    Maybe it will come, maybe it won't.

    Plus: If you're not having fun in getting exercises, exhausted and everything that belongs to sport, then maybe MA (or soccer) aren't really the thing for you?
    Because... well, I can only speak for my training obviously, but in nine out of ten times I get off the mats, sweating like a pig, because... well, sport.
    That includes exercising.

    And honestly, if it doesn't have you hooked, you will pretty much be wasting your time, because only going now and then won't help you much as you'd start at zero over and over again; which shouldn't be the best motivation either.
    That goes for a lot of hobbies though, not only MAs.
  6. El Medico

    El Medico Valued Member

    I can't figure HOW they got there.:confused:


    ""Karate do,or Karate no do. Otherwise,one day -squish like grape."
  7. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Its as honest as its going to be and i dont like dwelling on personal information when the onyl response is to reveal more of it or elaborate on it. And even then you dont know me so judgment has to be based on that as well.

    I have a intrest in martial arts, fitness and security and defence in general. i can give at least basic fighting and nutirion advice as i do research my intrests more on a impulse as to what each time, unless i really want to to figure soemthing out.

    The rest I cannot answer as my day to day mood and interests and drive to do things changes day to day or longer than a day.The only thing i can answer is, i dont overly enjoy the forms in TKD as i question their practical use and i might change my view if i saw/got demonstrated a practical use for them. (most of a class) and i enjoy sparing and actively practing my kick's/punches/fighting techniques and exercises (for strength and conditioning).So i may be more encouraged to do diffrent styles, but thats unrelstic as i cannot realstically access many other styles to TKD without further distance to travel and a negative factor to going. Onto hormones how i understand them, i dont think i have been conditioned to relate exercises and sport as something which is good/fun. From memeory, i think i get the whole hit of something which makes me feel better after exercising for a peroid of time, but thats not easily relatable to before doing it. By all means i could have a undetected hormone issue as i have no model to relate to in context to myself.

    Also, i don't really have a model for TKD anymore, i have not been for a while and have no basis if i find Forms enjoyable or not, the last thing i did was sparing not forms. I would do them, if i see a point to them or not is another thing, at least its more exercise. :p

    I dont overly want to have to put in a long peroid of time to learn to defend myself basically, which is the main reason why i want to do martial arts to get practical combat training, which in turn would improve my confidence more than something i truely belive wont help past get a belt which will get me access to things which might help. I want to learn how to defend myself for practical combat for a civilian first (for confidence as well) and then go onto if i wanted to master soemtrhing or study it for a long time.

    I also do plan on starting my free trial sometime, and will do it on wendsdays i just wasnt in the mood to do it today, i will start when the trial starts and start going when money is avalible to pay for the insurance and lessons once the trial ends. I should if i am in the mood to go and nothing happens, go next wendsday. If i get into a rountine and its actually something i migh remotely enjoy or at least more often than not enjoy/get some positive result i would do it. I may have overdone my dislike to TKD to give the impression i dont have any reason to go or dont find anythign redeemable in it.

    This took way too long to write. XD There may be a lot more elboration or refinement to put but i have spent too long writing this.
  8. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    If you want SD, on average, the mostly likely cause of death for you, is a heart disease, so anything that gets you sweating is SD, next up is suicide, again exercise helps, and then cancer, which again exercise helps, so really, get your self in gear, if you don't do it, no one else will do it for you.
    Mitch and Hannibal like this.
  9. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    Again, I don't need any personal reasons, why you don't do something.
    You are the only one, who mentions these all the time (in a way that says: They exist, I mean).

    These problems might be there, but they aren't to be used as excuses.
    Use them as as reasons.

    Because, believe me: Once you start working on them and step by step win over them, it's just great.

    I just don't see you doing that.
    That's not about judging, it's just about what reading what you write (sometimes at least, because I'm not willing to try and read your posts several times) - and that's mainly excuses, why you can't do something.

    At least here you are honest enough to say, that you didn't want to go (until some weird reasons came up), and that is something I can respect - as long as one doesn't pretend a sentence later, how one is doing several things x times a week or whatever (which you didn't say in here, I know.)
    But this being honest part was missing before.
    If you had said right from the beginning: "I kind of like to train, but I can kick myself to go" instead of "toe, bus, no training times, yadda yadda yadda" people would have reacted differently, I'm sure.

    Regarding wanting to learn to fight: It's something that most people need to learn.
    Just to swing the arms and legs doesn't make it fighting.
    Which leads to regular training again.

    And forms are part of TKD, you have to live with that, if you want to do TKD.
    We have boring forms in Karate (new inventions, not the old ones :confused::mad:) as well, just like Kihon, and it's not my favorite either.
    But if I am attending class, I do them anyway; my teacher would kick my behind otherwise anyway :D , so I don't complain much about it; would be useless, as I knew all the time, that Kihon and Kata are part of it.
    So you have to take the bad with the good there.

    And even though I kind of like TKD (what I have seen of it), it wouldn't be my number one art regarding SD in most schools anyway.
    Maybe try the boxing class you mentioned, that is close to you?
  10. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    Is heart disease always avoidable? If its not and can happen even if you have a healhty diet,t he longer you stay alive the more chance you have of it.

    But that is one of the reasons why i do want to diet and exercise, i at least make it a point to now and then do some exercise. Loosing weight and fitness goes easier if you can track progress and dont have any tmeptations or lack of healthy food. I was relatively healthy one day then i got a cold or something and stopped routine and just binged on sugar after that. :p Actually, on that note, scales have just been moved up the requisition list.

    I dont like the alt history game, so i generally dont like to think about if i wrote Z isntead of X i would get a diffrent response when i may have or might not have. The fact was the response i got and i am generally skeptical in that area.

    I would be far more accepting and better off if i learnt to fight so i could at least defend myself going to classess

    Does your Karate teacher demonstrate the usefulness/reason of the katas and/or do you get to in the same lesson use them for some practical use? It might be i dont like how TKD puts the basics into you, but i dont know as thats the only thing i have done.

    Its also that i wont do kata, if i dont see any reason/importance for it, i would put it to the bottom of my important list until somoen can show me practical use for it, or tell me practical use. I dont think you are going to be fighting one imaginary opponent using the four directional punch nor four imaginary opponents.

    I dont consider TKD for self defence. I may enjoy doing it once i get into routine/get more access to what they do and actually get a bigger picgure of what they do, but my grivances are the same. At least i like the combat sport. :p Im trying to word it, that its not my most prefered martial arts and i would like others, but its not like im stabbing myself with rusty nails an dit would do some good in going back to it.

    The boxing is in limbo at the moment as it has been uprooted, so i dont know where it is going or if it will still be in my town. And walking to the outskirts of my town are way out.
  11. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Click 'reply' at the bottom of the message that contains the post you which to quote.


    Nachi likes this.
  12. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Ooooh, thanks! I just... overlooked the "insert quote" button. Never mind it is the biggest one...

    Ouch, didn't notice. Well, can't hurt to repeat it :p

    Rataca, I understand you don't want to disclose your personal info, especially if it could relate to a condition of yours. You seem to suffer from anxiety, maybe as one of the things. Something like MA might actually help. If you need someone to take you there, why not try to tell them to take you there next Wednesday and take you no matter what, no matter how much you don't wanna go? If there is some problem you need to address, you better start doing something than staying in your bubble. I am confused whether you do or don't enjoy exercises. It seems you do enjoy sparring and work out, but next you say you don't. It can actually help to work-out in a group in a class than by yourself in a gym - it is harder to motivate yourself. On one hand, you seem to really want to start doing MA, but something, maybe yourself, is holding you back. It can help you get fit, get to know some people, exercise, learn self defence or how to protect yourself - all the good stuff. So why not try?
    And indeed hormones can help you feel better after exercising. The whole conditioning you mentioned - that you don't relate the feeling of pleasure to training before training, may come with time, maybe? Maybe you are worried or just not in your comfort zone in the MA class, but once you get used to it, maybe you will feel happy. I would be surprised if you didn't considering MA is something you think you can enjoy.
    And even if you have some condition, it may be hard, but looking at things from the better and optimistic perspective should always help. Try not to let whatever it is that holds you back keep doing it. Just do something new you may enjoy.
  13. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    If dieting is something difficult for you or if you're lacking the discipline to do it right away, try to get into it step by step: Leave candy/ sweets out; quit softdrinks or alcohol; take a "roughly look" at what you eat, meaning: Have an idea of how much calories it has; ...
    Also: Keep a log, in which you write everything(!) you eat; including (especially including) all the little things you hardly think about it.

    To learn fighting you would need to attend classes?

    And you you live in the middle of a warzone? In most places in Europe it's not that likely that you will get attacked without reason.

    In all honesty, my instructor isn't a fan of kata himself.
    So we do them, he can explain why what is done - but mostly we just do it once or twice and then go over to technique training or Randori.
    If it's more about Kata, it's often done in separate lesson.

    First off, in case you mean that literally: If you were to come to my class and just not something, because you don't enjoy it, you could go again right away and never come back.
    If it's not meant literally: Ask questions.
    If you don't like the answers, look at it as an exercise to develop some discipline.

    But you are always on about learning self defense. Maybe look for something else than?
    That is, as long as you keep not enjoying it.
    I'm not sure how you feel about TKD as you mostly say bad things about it, but at the same time like it as a sport.
    TKD is not only sparring, but a whole lot more.

    Where, again, it comes done to actually going there and not only talking about it.
    You can't do TKD by just reading about it.

    What about the Chinese Kickboxing you mentioned.
    And please don't come with, I don't know where, these info should be easy to get once you know they exist.
  14. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    I like it and i dont. I am introverted and i am a pessimist more than an optimist. It also happens for other things but in a different way, like i wont go out of my way to research subjects i say i am interested in and consistently look up when i decide to research something. :p
  15. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    Being introverted doesn't have anything to do with it.
    Unless you use it as a synonym for something.
    Neither has being a pessimist.

    More excuses.
    Dead_pool likes this.
  16. Mitch

    Mitch Lord Mitch of MAP Admin

    axelb likes this.
  17. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    And not so.
    At the same time.
    Or maybe I just need more sleep.

  18. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    I know how to diet, i dotn really want to bother starting it without a means to track it or without a regular mentionable exercise peroid a week. Its also usually just fidget eating mints and pop, i dont eat that unhealthily.

    It depends on how you define warzone, my town is not exactly pristine, its not like shootings every day either. But anyone can have any crime done to them anywhere and as a general i dont want that to happen to me i would want to learn how to defend myself. Mugging might be more likely to a murder, or if you see a drug deal.

    I probably wont be driven to go out of my way to learn Kata, as i wont enjoy doing it and would see no point in doing it, i also have a viewpoint on belts and kata being used for them. I would not enjoy going to a lesson which is just pattern Kata and includes little to no practice punching or kicking. I enjoy the sport aspect to it and what you would do for sport. I question the use of Korean terminology to be taught in the schools and the ideology, which may conflict with your states ideology and viewpoints on how things should be done. I dont overly care about those things, they are not factors which would drive me away unless i wasnt allowed to grade because i couldnt use a korean word and they are not facors which make me want to go. To be fair, there is good kata for me, like Kata which is explained and mimicks and is used to train your muscle memory for actual sparing.

    I know where it is, the person who would take me doesnt like walking to where it is though and i belive it is a decent way away and its only light contious and point sparring. I, in reality, have the choice of two TKD schools in my town which are martial arts. Well, there is the "MMA" school which shall not be spoken of. Baring the boxercise things and all that nonsense.

    Same as above taken a while to write those.

    For the comment directly , i slip into lite nihilism sometimes and being introverted does play a part in it so does pessimism. Introverted is the social situations you are comfortable with and generally how you would conduct yourself, opting for closer groups of friends, being reserved and not being comfortable around crowds.

    Nihilism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  19. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    The reason your heavy, is that you eat too much and don't exercise, it is 100% down to you.

    Regular exercise drops your risk of heart problems and lots of other things. Nothing guaranteed in this world, but that's how statistical risk works.

    A TKD Blackbelt will still kick your face off in a SD situation given half a chance. so talking about how it's not good for SD, when it's your only option atm is just downright silly.
  20. Rataca100

    Rataca100 Banned Banned

    I dotn eat too much, i just dont have the exercise/movement daily to burn some energy off and i tend to have things which give a lot of quick energry without burning it off.

    That depends on where they got their black belt and if they bring my face to leg level or their leg to my face level. :p

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