Tai Chi, Qi and the "special powers"

Discussion in 'Tai chi' started by Tatsuma, Dec 7, 2003.

  1. Tatsuma

    Tatsuma New Member

    What are the most commons "special powers" do you hear from non-MAists that tai-chi practicionners can develop, or even from MAists who read too much DBZ?

    What, on the other hand, do you believe it's possible to achieve with Qi as a tool?

    Let's discuss :)
  2. KungFuGrrrl

    KungFuGrrrl Valued Member

    lol *special powers*
  3. Tatsuma

    Tatsuma New Member

    lol, i know, i referred to it as "special powers" after reading the Ki thread where someone asked to know how he could use chi and he made some comment about "knowing it won't be like [insert name] of DBZ"

    I just hope people will see thru the irony and that i'm seriously investigating what can be the effects of Qi in tai-chi (and i'm obviously not talking to people from Erle's school ;) ) can be in other people's mind and what they think can be possible (for example, Empty Force, etc.)
  4. Tatsuma

    Tatsuma New Member

    (and i want to hear both sides of it, a girl already told me that Tai-Chi was linked with ESP so :rolleyes: i think it could both bring a humorous (by the example) and interesting (by your own views) discussion on the subject)
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2003
  5. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    I think that the reason so many people are unwilling to explore their chi is because of these so-called special powers that you hear about on magazine inserts.
    Chi will never enable you to:
    Manipulate something you aren't touching.
    Make your body so light that you can jump thirty feet.
    Give you mystical powers where you can paralyze someone with a single touch, and then tap them back to life again.
    On the other hand, cultivating and balancing your chi CAN:
    Bring you to a high awareness and control of the inner workings of your own body enabling you to work through problems that you may not have known you had, otherwise.
    Help you balance your emotions, your body, and your spirit.
    Enable you to utilize your entire body for striking, thus allowing a high potential for force with less distance required.
    Develop your coordination and reaction time so that your body acts as a unified whole, allowing you to move faster and with more awareness.
    Develop a high sensitivity to your opponent.
    9/10ths of what you hear about chi is complete and utter bulls**t, and it detracts from the very real and positive effects that chi cultivation has to offer.
    Just my 92 cents.
  6. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

  7. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    Oops-- wrong thread! Sorry-- forget that link, it has nothing to do with this.
  8. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    hwado........... i'l think u'll find that within 1 to three touches without chi a good dim mak master could paralize you. ANd them..................un paralize you.
  9. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    well ok maybe strike not touches.

  10. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Or, if you watch the old kung fu movies, he can make you laugh/cry/yell/sing uncontrollably by pressing the points.
  11. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    Hey, ya'll are preaching to the choir.
  12. Syd

    Syd 1/2 Dan in Origami

    A special power has been overlooked. It's the one where you suck your gonads back up into your body to withstand kicks to the groin. Now I don't know about you, but I reckon it's gotta take something like Qi to get that big one back up through the duct!
  13. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    "It's okay Minnie, the left one will drop."
    If you can name the movie that quote is from, you win a purple bear. :cool:
  14. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    I wonder how you train for that - I'd think it would be an all or nothing deal.

    I know a guy who got in a fight in juvenile prison, and got one kicked up inside towards his stomach, but that's another story.
  15. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

    There was a tai chi guy named wang shu jin who supposedly could do it, but he claimed that it was a skill you had to learn before a certain age, or it was dangerous.

    You could kick him right in the sack, anyway, and apparently it didn't bother him.
  16. Syd

    Syd 1/2 Dan in Origami

    Well like Santa always says "an empty sack can't do you no harm".
  17. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    What a party guy. I could imagine old mr wang running around "hey, wanna see a cool trick - kick me in the sack, comeon, just once.."
  18. hwardo

    hwardo Drunken Monkey

  19. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    aparently sumo wrestlers use to be trained to do it.
  20. zun

    zun New Member

    Hmmm... Wondering Mr Wang had any kids - or maybe he perfected the trick after...

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