So this rash...

Discussion in 'Injuries and Prevention' started by Southpaw535, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    I have a doctors appointment booked for Monday so lets get that out the way :p

    For the last week or two I've been having a red bumps come up on my arms and legs. Originally thought they were bites and I'm toying with the idea of bed bugs. First one I had was some big ass pus filled thing and another smaller one on my knee I thought was a spider bite but I have a more minor one again already. Possibly something to do with my kneepads and my gym bag generally smelling like a badger died in there at some point.

    Anyway, so I woke up today and found this rash on my arm. Took pic with my phone just now so it'll suck but I'm curious what it is now and also slightly nervous as I always am when I have to book doctors. In other interesting news I also noticed I have a swollen nymph lode near my groin but I have a cold so it could just be that. Hrd to see on the pic but ze rash is kinda bumpy and a few of the dots have a tiny scab over them.

    Anyway pics! Diagnose me!

    Attached Files:

  2. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    I wouldn't worry too much. It sounds like you're a little run down and have a touch of eczma.
  3. too many details here! :(

  4. Kurtka Jerker

    Kurtka Jerker Valued Member

    I get poison ivy doing airsoft and freak out with gi-crab-phobia periodically.
    Might be that. Might be actual gi-crabs. (scabies)

    If they start blistering and spreading go immediately to the doctor. Could be encephalitic staph and that stuff is bad news. Starts as bumps, turns into weeping blisters, and then starts attacking your nervous system. I caught it once and the antibiotics killed it just as I started getting these electric shocks through my leg, where the staph was. It spreads like crazy too and leaves nasty scars. I've got a few patches where beard doesn't grow thanks to that stuff.
    Basically if it starts spreading or doing new things, go to the doctor. Otherwise you're probably perfectly fine. The scabbing and pus makes me think it's something to consult a doctor for.
    I wouldn't roll with it, nor would I roll with someone who had it.

    Once I had a reaction to something in a pair of loaner gloves and hived up all the way to my shoulders but that was allergy I think. It went away graduallly in a few days. Probably not the same thing as it didn't scab or pus.
  5. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Cools. Cheers guys
  6. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Ugh - sort your bag and gym kit out. If you're rolling... it's a mad crazy vector for staph infections. I've been there and done that and unless you want to go the carbuncle/puss route I'd say sort your hygiene out. How your gym cleans their mats is most likely not under your control... but how you keep your kit is. Showering right after training puts a lot of problems to bed. Many guys rolls... trade fluids with everyone on the mat... pick up all the other bacteria and what not... including assorted scrapes and breaks in the skin... tough their eyes, nose and mouth and then go get something to eat and waiting to shower... bad idea. Really bad idea. Unless you want to have pack the gaping hole wherever you end up with a staph related abscess.

    The lymphnode issue near your groin could easily be a carbuncle from staph... they will turn up in your armpits, your neck and inside your ears and nostrils. It's not to dramatize it... but I've been there and done that from rolling at gym where guys let this type of stuff slide. I was put of training for a long time because of it. Nightmare. :confused:

    Cavalier attitudes about this kind of stuff are retarded. Wash your knee pads and wash your gym bag or chuck them and replace them. Wash your wraps, rashy and gi after every session. Scrub your gum shield with toothpaste and brush and tape up or wear bandages for brakes in the skin. If your bag smells that bad it's because the bacteria in their is producing waste product and it stinks. Sort it out. :(

    PS... lol at the big entirely out of focus picture. :p

    Here you go... if this doesn't get you to sort yourself out... nothing will.
    Warning.. not for those with weak stomachs. You've been warned!!! :p
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2012
  7. inthespirit

    inthespirit ignant

    That’s some awful stuff in that link :jawdrop:

    If you can’t shower right after training, at least get some antibacterial gel and rub that on your limbs etc..
  8. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Why thankyou.

    Its why you should use a camera rather than a phone but hey. Never figured out why they decided the default size for an image would be that big.
  9. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Holy crap. I got smoething like that on my inner thigh. Doctor said it's not a problem, but what if it's a staph infection? I just got some crappy cream :S
  10. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    Or herpes??
  11. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Not likely, I'm too cool for sex.
  12. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    Holland and Barrett (and other places I assume) sell a couple of ranges of shampoo/shower gel with Tea Tree Oil in them - it's a natural antiseptic. I always use one of these to shower with after grappling (and it doesn't smell 'girly' either) ;)
  13. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    buy some dettol soap. it burns but its a hygenic burn
  14. Giovanni

    Giovanni Well-Known Member Supporter

    anytime you deal with a rash of any sort, especially being on dirty martial arts mats, you should see a doctor. immediately.
  15. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    I also tend to have a packet of wet wipes handy, if you get off the mat and start walking in areas barefoot or put your trainers on and walk around and then go back on the mat...youre bringing in all the dirt that the trainers/shoes collected in the street and onto the mat. And then youre rubbing your face all over it...

    mmmm nice

    Wet wipes, quick once over and sorted.

    Also when you roll, even if you do shower straight away, there are still chances of you getting a mild rash/irritation or something. Just happens sometimes...
  16. Putrid

    Putrid Moved on

    I had a similar thing myself the other week.It started with the elbows feeling tight,similar to how you feel if you have been lifting weights,and then started to itch and finally came out in a rash that was almost the same as the one in the photo.This spread down the arms and onto the chest and back and then the lower abdomen and legs.After a couple of hours it gradually diminished.I took Benadryl,an anti histamine,for a couple of days and so far the rash hasn't come back.
  17. seiken steve

    seiken steve golden member

    i do the same (with boxing) it also clears up any achne in seconds! which, is nice.

    i keep a bottle of antiseptic in my kit bag, i only need it on my hands or any cuts but i'd do limbs if i were rolling.

    bottle of tea tree oil is a handy thing too, couple of drops in the bath, in spots, cuts etc.
  18. righty

    righty Valued Member

    Look to be honest it could be a number of things some aren't so bad and some possibilities can be quite bad. And that pic is out of focus to be able to tell what it is, even if I was some sort of medical professional (which I am not so take all this with much salt).

    You have made the right move in contacting a doctor. If it's a bite or something will likely settle down by Monday but keep track of it and even take (in focus) photos to take to your doc if you want to see how it progressed.

    Staph infections can appear different on the skin and yes can look like red bumps. If you had push I would be very cautious.

    And yeah, wash yourself and your gear properly after training. Prevention is far far better than a cure. If you gym bag smells like a dead mammal replace it. Simple you are going to get stuff growing in there. And your pads as well.

    For grapplers I would never recommend using ordinary shower gels and stuff that has become popular in the last decade or so. Go with simple soap. Antibacterial wash such as the one Frodo suggested can also help.

    You can also wash yourself or at least affeected areas will things like dettol (diluted when necessary) to try and stop it spreading.
  19. righty

    righty Valued Member

    Herpes is transmitted in many ways. Sex is only one of these.
  20. SpikeD

    SpikeD At the Frankenstein Place

    But it is the only one worthwhile :love:

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