Secret Martial Arts-"Kickdacrapoutaya"

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Verx, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    I found this video showing teh r34l d34dli on youtube and guess what, it stars Yohan!

    [ame=""]Secret Martial Arts "Kickdacrapoutaya" Comedy Skit - YouTube[/ame]

    Care Bear Tummy Rub FTW!
  2. Angelus

    Angelus Waiting for summer :D

    lol what the!?
  3. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Oh NOES! The secret is out!
  4. Victoria

    Victoria Pretzel In Training

    Please tell me you're the guy on the right :love:

    Err....tummy rub??? :confused: :Alien:
  5. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Um . . . . yeah! ;)
  6. Gufbal1981

    Gufbal1981 waiting to train...

    LOL! That was great!
  7. Devoken

    Devoken On the Path-Off the Rails

    Haha, "Enjoy this dynamic tape!" Gold.
  8. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    These guys have a bright future in the world of comedy. The whole thing was brilliant.
  9. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    Personally, I couldn't be stuffed to watch all of it but I'm glad you MAPers liked it.
  10. medi

    medi Sadly Passed Away - RIP

    Wow... couple of angry comments in there. Are they for real?
  11. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    It's youtube, what do you expect? ;)

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