Rape Culture

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Pretty In Pink, Jun 2, 2014.

  1. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    Absolutely. He's not though.
  2. Ero-Sennin

    Ero-Sennin Well-Known Member Supporter

    The funny thing about talking about feminist issues, is that as much as the finger is pointed at men for being the perpetrator of the problems (when they buy into it), is that there are just as many women who buy into it as well. We're not talking about a new social construct that developed in the last hundred years where women are treated in a way we would consider second class today. It's deeply rooted in just about every country in the world. Should it change? Sure. Can you blame a person, male or female, for buying into tradition? It's good to, if you want to see change, but it's also a particularly large part of the social world both men and women live in and accept.

    I don't even read Zinowar's posts when he enters a thread like this. He adheres to blatantly sexist ideologies and you don't need to view this thread to know that. There are female Zinowars out there too though. I suppose you don't hear them as much because they're supposed to keep quite, traditional values you know, not their place to say anything.
  3. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    There are also plenty of very vocal women who think "feminism" is a dirty word, who think positive discrimination for women is wrong, who think that some rape victims were responsible for their own rape, and lots of other sexist views.

    They do not, at all, have to be the meek domestic slave type.

    In fact, I've heard far more women come out with a mrhiggins38112 style diatribe about feminists being unnecesary, bitter ugly women who turn lesbian because they can't get a man than men.

    But then, this is a generation for whom Katie Price and Paris Hilton are role-models :cry:
  4. Smitfire

    Smitfire Cactus Schlong

    Finding someone attractive and using attractiveness as the main factor you use when judging someone's worth in life are different things.
    Women have no problem with the former (no one does really) but are institutionally, culturally and socially subject to the latter for most of their lives.
  5. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    Aaaaand, there you go. Ignoring the fact men have problems too. Well done.

    Apart from the slut shaming, which I used to be guilty of, not openly, but internally. Meaning, I didn't rate male sluts and female sluts equally bad. I feel like the other problems are just issues of common sense.

    Yes, regardless of how something looks, everyone should be given a fair trial. You don't agree with that?

    Yay, more fantasy accusations.

    What I so OBVIOUSLY meant with that statement, was that it's human nature to be flawed.

    Do you people not realize yet that you're judging the meaning of my words based on your own ideas of who I am? In other words, you're judging me with prejudice.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  6. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Shut up, we haven't finished judging you yet! :p
  7. 8limbs38112

    8limbs38112 Valued Member

    I don't think women that got raped are responsible for being raped. I believe they are victims 100 percent. What I don't believe is that there is a rape culture. It's more feminist propaganda. There is no culture in America that is ok with rape. Every culture hates rapists and child molestors. I just can't believe theres so many people here that buy into the feminist bull crap. lol.
  8. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Yeah, I don't think anyone thought you did.

    And, pray tell, what is the objective of this feminist conspiracy?
  9. 8limbs38112

    8limbs38112 Valued Member

    Their objective??? It's miserable ugly women trying to make everyone else miserable. Not all, but most.
  10. 8limbs38112

    8limbs38112 Valued Member

  11. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Sweet zombie tap-dancing Jesus...

    Attached Files:

  12. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    Such tripe. I'm not allowed to want to be around good looking women just because it brightens my day? Yes, I didn't care for their conversations, but they were good people aside from that and they were nice to me. If they weren't good to me, I would never stick around.

    I had no interest in having sex with them, because I don't believe in having sex with girls I know I will never marry. But I enjoyed their company because they were good looking and were nice to me. You're going to judge me for being happy when I see pretty girls?

    This is exactly the kind of "overdoing it" I'm talking about.

    And for your information, everyone gets a little happier when they see someone attractive from the sex they're interested in.
  13. 8limbs38112

    8limbs38112 Valued Member

    I just watched a little bit of it. He exposed the LIE that men get paid more than women at work. Femenists are a tricky group.
  14. Zinowor

    Zinowor Moved on

    Why is that bad? I'm not supposed to treat gay men as women?

    And before you go off into your own fantasy world about I mean with that. Contrary to MAP belief, I treat women just as well as I treat men. I just lump gay men and women together, because they're both interested in men and it tends to define the nature of their conversation when they're together.
  15. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio

    Just found this gem, taken from Maxim magazine (you'll love this, Mr. Higgins):

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  16. 8limbs38112

    8limbs38112 Valued Member

    Watch the video of the university debate I posted. It will expose a lot of the bull in feminism.
  17. Southpaw535

    Southpaw535 Well-Known Member Moderator Supporter

    I've been arguing against the modern "angry feminist" mivement, but the fact you keep referring to them as ugly is supporting a lot of what they say. You're presumably saying it as their value must be diminished if they're not attractive and because you don't like them.its impossible they could be pretty. Or at least average.
  18. 8limbs38112

    8limbs38112 Valued Member

  19. Ero-Sennin

    Ero-Sennin Well-Known Member Supporter

    How many ugly male representatives of different issues do you see?
  20. David Harrison

    David Harrison MAPper without portfolio


    I find that both women and gay men tend to talk mostly about work, hobbies, current affairs, politics...

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