racial comments?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by g-bells, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. Hiroji

    Hiroji laugh often, love much

    I have to agree with you there slip.

    Ive had the same experiences, even with people not drunk.
  2. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    See. I hate that it's along the lines of casual racism - "let's order a take out from the chinkies tonight" - that kind of thing. :woo:

    I prefer my racists to be in your face - "I'm racist and I'm proud of it, go back to your own country blah blah blah". At least that way you know where you stand.

    When I worked in Nottingham I was massively taken aback by how much black people and Muslims hated chinese. I was spat on by a black man, another demanded money off me so he could go get breakfast, I refused so he ended up calling me a chink and to go back to my own country. Minutes before I saw a white guy refuse to give him money and he said no worries and walked on towards me.

    Every race is capable of racism.

    *Todays racism post was brought to you by the letter's "D" "C" and the number "7".
  3. wild_pitch

    wild_pitch Melt The Guns!

    Interesting, I did not know that. None the less the point still stands that was of course just an example.
  4. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    Isn't "nigger" more likely to be a corruption of "negro", from the Spanish for "black" - surely people in the Southern States (where the slave trade flourished more strongly) are more likely to be familiar with Spanish/Mexican than with Latin or French (although they do all have the same root, being "romance languages"). The fact that the word co-existed with "negro" in the vocabulary of the 19th/20th century would suggest to me that they're linked more than "negre" which isn't as often in recorded use.
  5. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    stil no answer as to why charles barkely got away with saying he hated white people on national tv, and he is a commentator on NBA live show. the race card is thrown out so much it's just sickening, i grew up with and were friends with alot of black people and still am i always joked with them about their skin being ashy and their hair being nappy none of them took it as racism. is it ok for black people to be racist?

    ps. hey H what's up baldy :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  6. Sandus

    Sandus Moved Himself On

    Lost in all this is the fact that 20% of the Rutgers team is white.

    Here's something totally unrelated, but also completely related.
  7. CanuckMA

    CanuckMA Valued Member

    How do you know? Likely they just think you're a jerk. I've known a lot of people who make Jewish jokes in my presence, I don't rip 'e a new one all the time. I usually just walk away thinking thaey are idiots.
  8. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    I never said it was right, I just said it doesnt make him a racist.
  9. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    how do i know, er well i asked them, and maybe your a jerk who can't take a joke? who cares what someone calls you, they are only words, it's how your treated that matters
  10. Shiho-Nage

    Shiho-Nage I'm okay to go.

    The word niggardly means selfish and has 0 connection with nigger or any other racial epithets. Its etymology is completely different but, since it sounds like a common racial slur people immediately get all excited about it.

    While the term "nappy" or "nappy headed" has always refered to hair that is thick and curly, even wooly I've never known it to be especially derogatory. It has a mild negative connotation often used to kid another in a friendly situation. To equate it with a much stronger racial epithet I think is giving it way too much weight.

    I don't listen to Don Imus but, I know him from his reputation of being like every other 'shock jock' and often trying to stir the pot in an attempt to get ratings. However, I do not think this incident was motivated by that. The guy is just another insignificant tool in the sea of morning/afternoon drive time radio mediocrity. His comments were rude and idiotic but, certainly they don't warrant the level of attention they have been receiving on this obviously slow newsweek.
  11. wild_pitch

    wild_pitch Melt The Guns!

    Sure why don't you go out in the street and call a stranger in the street a *nappy headed ho* and see how they react. This phrase is certainly not the most damaging thing you can say to someone but you do agree it is insulting and racially charged.
  12. watts

    watts Valued Member

    hmm well I watched that clip the OP is talking about, if someone was talking like that in front of me I would start to feel uncomfortable and if they kept on with the nappy headed jiggaboos stuff I probably would tell them to shut it or have it shut.

    IMO America is still a country coming to terms with it's past, it has only been 4 decades since the end of American Apartheid (because that is what is was), that is not long really and unlike South Africa there where no formal Truth & Reconciliation Commissions.

    When I first went to America I was shocked by what some people would say about blacks, I had never heard another person call a black person a nigger before then and I have not led a sheltered life.. then again what they said about Native Alaskan's was just as bad, if not worse. Now there is a ethnic group that really is shat upon on a daily basis. What is that all about??
  13. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    How could you have not heard anyone say nigger before? Thats strange.

    Then again, I live in the capital of the confederacy. Go figure.
  14. Pacificshore

    Pacificshore Hit n RUN!

    Well since G did reply, another point to be made is that they are friends Friendships tend to expand beyond being easily offended by off comments from time to time.
  15. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    I think what's happened is that it's become associated as being related to the word 'nigger' - it's taken on a false etymology by those who really don't know. It happens sometimes in language. Words are not static - so it wouldn't surprise me at all if this was the case.

    I can agree with much of this. Had Paris Hilton stubbed her toe... this may not have even made the news at all. :D
  16. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    This is familiar one in some senses. My business partner is a Jew from New Jersey who lives in Florida (not very original :D) he'll be the first to make off color comments about Jews. Or anyone else. :D

    It's total comedy... but at the end of the day what I think is that he doesn't give any serious thought to it... meaning he doesn't feel it's credible logic at all... so why treat it like it's some dangerous secret.

    On the other hand... the other one of my partners... says racist stuff all the time... primarily about Samoans, Tongans etc... he's a Kiwi and he's got nothing good to say about who he refers to as the 'Polly's'... and yes sadly, he often uses the term 'nigger'... It's not funny... and he's not cute and I don't think anyone has any problem seeing through his BS.
  17. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Exactly right mate. Racial jokes can be some of the best, and if you tell them with obvious humour, most people laugh their asses off and feel no offence. Its when they are told with malice, behind the targets joke, that they become wrong and racist.
  18. CanuckMA

    CanuckMA Valued Member

    Agreed that racial humour can be funny. It's usually thin ice when doing racial humour about another group though. And i've found that very often it is prejudice disguised as humour.
  19. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter


    You know I've seen a strange phenomena... I wonder if anyone else has ever seen it. Racism as self deprecation. Does that even make sense?

    I've a good friend from NYC... he's Italian... and he can't get through a conversation without saying 'nigger' 'spic' 'port' 'kyke' 'fag' 'homo'... and yet everyone he works with is black, puerto rican, or jewish and many of them gay. His best mates are all ethnic minorities of some sort... and then on top of that he refers to himself as a 'wop'.


    It strikes me in an odd way that he's not racist at all. Not truly.. it's his way of airing his own lack of self confidence - a sort of self depricating behavior.

    Maybe that's not the right term... but with him being from NYC he's always worked in a heavy mix of ethnicities. His wife if Nepalese and he on one hands says he hates Nepalese... lol... but he's having a child with one. :D

    I dunno... he'll talk trash about anyone and then go on to say but then again they can't be all that bad... because they're figuring out things I'm not.

    Almost like self loathing as a form of humor?
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2007
  20. g-bells

    g-bells Don't look up!

    i play softball on a team thats all puerto ricans, they tell me that the only reason i'm on the teams is for affirimative action LOL, ****es me off :rolleyes:

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