racial comments?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by g-bells, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    yeah most likely. When I was a kid you could still by Aunt Jemima's Pancake Syrup and the bottle was shaped like Aunt Jemima and the logo looked like what was considered to be a typical house slave.


    Cream of Wheat breakfast porridge used to have a big black chef caricature as it's logo/brand.

    We even have a toothpaste here in Hong Kong that used to have a black man smiling with big white teeth... it was called 'Darkie' now it's been changed to 'Darlie'. :eek:


    Which I think was roughly based on images similar to the roles that the famous trumpeter and singer Louis Armstrong used to play in movies back in the 30s.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  2. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Woah, that's some racist toothpaste you got there slips...

    When I was a kid, Robertson's logo for it's jam was a "Gollywog".


    Even then it never sat right with me. I think it was only in recent years that the logo was banished.
  3. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    as long as they didn't replace it with a nappy haired chimp.


    I kid... I kid...:p
  4. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    actually chimpers... there was much the same for Chinese people. Many of who worked as labor building the railroads alongside the blacks in the US. Terry and the Pirates was a famous cartoon that printed badly on old fashioned newprint... back in the days when comics were called 'funnies'. The bad guys were always Chinese... coolies at that... and they were yellow! :eek:

    Chinese back then were commonly referred to as 'The Yellow Peril'.

    It's not all that long ago.
    When I was a kid... I had Terry and the Pirates bed sheets with yellow Chinese coolies on them. :eek:

    hmmm... I wonder... now I live in China... in what is essentially the coolie district of town. I kid you not...every day I leave the house and there are any number of laborers loading sacks of rice off of trucks into wherehouses.... coolies... just no long coolie braid anymore.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007
  5. Hiroji

    Hiroji laugh often, love much

    I think they should get rid of the colonel on the KFC adverts...the fact that its a white man really upsets me and my family :D
  6. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    I find Dev in corrie personally upsetting :D
  7. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Hee, reminds me of "Breakfast at Tiffany's" - a completely hateful film due to Mickey Rooney's portrayal as the pervy Japanese neighbour all slant eyed, buck toothed and slightly yellowed up if I remember correctly.

    Of course, you could argue that it was another time, but frankly I can't see how racism was ever accepted... :woo:
  8. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    i doubt it will ever be accepted again even though it will never stop, everyone has a bit of racism in them, i admit i do.
  9. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    I don't. Anyway, get back to your picket fences white boy (erm assuming you're caucasian). :D
  10. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    you are only jealous slave boy!! :eek: :D
  11. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    I'd have to disagree with you there.
    I think it depends on how much you've travelled outside of your country and your comfort zone.

    As a kid I grew up fighting every single day. I can't remember a day I didn't have a scrap after school. Because I look white (dad is native American mom is Irish) and I grew up in a black/mexican neighborhood.

    You'd think after all of that... I'd be racist... lots of times I didn't win. But you know... for every black dude and mexican dude I had to fight... I had at least two that jumped in to break it up or to back me up.

    To this day I still don't understand racism and still don't like it.
  12. Moosey

    Moosey invariably, a moose Supporter

    I remember the days when you saw these advertised on every street corner

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  13. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    Pft, racist my white ass.

    He was talking crap about people who didnt deserve it, yes, but not because they were black. I'm so tired of PC crap all the time. I get offended on a daily basis, people need to grow some thicker skin.

    On the other hand, those girl didnt deserve to be made fun of, white or black. Asian tho... thats a different story.

    I keed. <3
  14. Yohan

    Yohan In the Spirit of Yohan Supporter

    Because of cultural differences between people, that are attributed to skin colour due to the lack of understanding of the root of the differences!
  15. Hiroji

    Hiroji laugh often, love much

    I did a module on Race and Ethnicity last year at Uni.

    i read about how there are two areas of discrimination

    The Racist one is based on physical appearance, color, specific facial features and hair color.

    The other area was a Ethnic based discrimination, based on religion, ethnic background, dress, food, clothing ect.

    From that i would say most "racism" in my experience of it by most white people in the UK is more to do with the second "ethnic" one, and not so much on race or skin colour. I think people are afraid of difference...Which i think has led to the term "racism" being used too much.
  16. Banpen Fugyo

    Banpen Fugyo 10000 Changes No Surprise

    I think that black people, think that deep down, every white person is racist. That all the sudden we are gonna break down, and give up our facade and say a racist comment. OOoo I'm racist for generalizing black people!!!

    But I dont think "racist comments" are even racist. I think they are derogatory, yes, but racist, not usually. Look at Kramer aka Michael Richards. I dont think what he said was racist. I think he picked the comments that would upset a person the most and used them. And it worked, the guy got pretty ****ed. Me saying "nappy headed ho" does in no way make me a racist, or even BEGIN to scratch the surface of racism. There are so many terms used to describe people in a derogatory way, its unbelieveable.
  17. mattsylvester

    mattsylvester One proud daddy!

    It's not racist

    Although niggardly is a word synonymous with stingy and miserly, and a niggard (noun) is a miser, the word has been confused with nigger, which has caused controversies a few times in the United States, and complaints on other occasions.

    The words "niggardly" and "niggard" are both derived from the Old Norse verb nigla, meaning "to fuss about small matters". (The English word "niggle" retains the original Norse meaning.) The word is not related to the word nigger, though someone unfamiliar with the word "niggardly" might take offense due to the phonetic similarity between the words. (The word "nigger" is from the earlier "neger," which is from French nègre, from Latin niger, meaning black.)

  18. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Hmmm... I've worked with a fair few number of people who have no idea about my upbringing or background... and after a few beers... you might be surprised just how racist many people can be just under the skin. I gotta say I was blown away at some of the sh!t I heard. I really was. This was coming from guys with degrees from Brown, Cornell etc. Guys with heavyweight education making big bucks... yet because I looked white they were willing to confide in me... after a couple of beers what they thought of blacks/mexicans etc.

    It blew me away.

    I suspect this is a whole lot more common than anyone wants to admit.
  19. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    Interesting etymology there. wow. :eek:
  20. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    That's the sorriest attempt at apologetics that I've ever seen on MAP.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2007

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