Normal clothes

Discussion in 'Aikido' started by Graham, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. Graham

    Graham Valued Member

    I vaguely remember reading somewhere that Tomiki encoraged students to train occasionly in normal clothes, rather than a gi. Has anybody else heard of this or did I just dream it.

    If it is true, is it a good idea?
  2. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

    It is a good idea because normal clothes restrict your movements more than a gi.

    It is also uncomfortable.
  3. LilBunnyRabbit

    LilBunnyRabbit Old One

    Depends on what clothes you wear, personally I always choose ones that I find just as easy to move in as a do-bok, but training in clothes is usually a good idea. It gets you used to not just fighting in your uniform for one thing.
  4. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member

    However...Aikido would be easier in 'normal' clothes than many other arts would.

    We only move forwards (even when going backwards or sideways)
    We never raise our legs
    We always keep our hands in front of our centre (ideally)
    We always keep our hips between our feet
    We don't jump
    ...and so on :cool:
  5. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    I would say it's a good idea. I reguarly practice my jo and bokken katas in the back garden. They feel very different when I'm wearing boots than when I'm working on the mat with bare feet.
  6. DexterTCN

    DexterTCN New Member many Aikido forum moderators in here.

    And some of them even do Aikido. :Angel:

    What the hell is a dobok?

    As to footwear, I wear very light trainers 90% of the time and bare feet the rest. I detest any form of weighty footwear.
  7. sean

    sean THOR!

    i`m going to suggest it to my club, along with wearing normal shoes. thanks for the reminder :rolleyes:
  8. kiaiki

    kiaiki Valued Member

    Crikey - give me 'normal clothes' as a problem instead of a hakama any day! :)
  9. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    The "gi" that taekwondo students wear.
    See, that's why I'm a Topic Moderator. I know these things. :)

    Oh, as to the original question: "Duh, yes, that's a good idea!" I do it now and then off-hours at my dojo when I meet with a classmate to work on particular techniques. Some day when I'm old and running a school we'll periodically have a no-gi class, because street clothes do feel different.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2004
  10. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    LOL I thought you were made a MOD because you're a MAPoholic :p
  11. Dave Humm

    Dave Humm Serving Queen and Country

    God forbid I was ever made a moderator.... (no hint there BTW) I'd be a power mad nutter who'd flip out but instead of Ninja killing people, I'd poise my index finger on the DEL button (lol)

    Or better still alter the posts of those I think are nutters LMAO

    Or even better still.... Move posts to the gay chat rooms .... ?? .... Oh wrong forum (bugger, sussed!)

    Dave (lol)
  12. aikiwolfie

    aikiwolfie ... Supporter

    LOL you make MODing sound like such fun Dave. Maybe I'll try your approach one day. :p
  13. Fujin

    Fujin New Member

    For me, its the exact oposite. :D But Im a newbie, so Im probably doing it wrong. I love to kick if Nage takes to long to execute techniques, Also I sometimes use a leg sweep in shiho nage and Irimi nage. Sometimes I jump, but mostly it is to avoid a mae geri I didn't see coming in Randori. Or a litle jump at the beginning of Irimi nage, but I've been scolded for doing that a few times before. ;)

    As for training with normal clothes on Im all for it. I do this with a friend sometimes outside of classes. Just Jeans, shoes and sweater. Tai sabaki with shoes on feels a bit weird in the beginning. No more "sliding" along the ground. Also as wich has been mentioned before, Jeans really restric your movements a bit. No more high kicking (Not that that is in Aikido, but let's call it Atemi ;) ). Besides, should you ever have to use Aikido outside of the dojo, knowing what you can and can't do with normal clothes is a good plus.
  14. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    Well, that too, yes. :)

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