Ninjutsu for Self Defence

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Emil, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. jbc6

    jbc6 Valued Member

    The only fight that Ralph Hall was in was with his caps lock key. And the key won! :)

    What an asshat!

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member


    Thank you for the welcome, I hope that you have seen my Myspace page as it should help you see the real me. Anybody could claim to be what-ever they want on a site like this and that is why we have skeptics like althaur who has probably seen a lot of false teachers like Rick Tew (who I would gladly challenge in a fight to the death any day, any where, and at any time) and that is the porpose of that site. I do not advertise because I am very selective as to whom I teach (mine is a non-profit organization <classes are free but donations are accepted and used for the dojo only> dedicated to training people with a good heart and a willingness to learn). I teach as I have been taught and live a life of no regrets.

    I recieved the sword test in japan but in a way slightly different from most students (as the final section of a three part exam) and that is all I will share for the viewing of all who are not my students.

    However, because of your hospitalty, I will give you a permanent invitation to train with me and/or observe training anytime you are near.

    P.S. It's interesting that you also produce music as that is one of my favorite hobbies.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member


    Thanks for the advice. No sarcasm intended.

    All caps off- dually noted.

    I teach as I have been taught and I have seen and heard proof of lineage that dates back almost two thousand years (and possibly longer).

    I will state for the record that saying "Ninjutsu is the ultimate defence." could provoke an argument and/or fight, but I am not regretful and I do not retract my statement.
    1. It is the belief of the Grandmaster of Ninjutsu (as stated)
    2. It is my personal and professional opinion based on my experiences.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member


    Sorry mate, I've got a top secret clearance so unless you have a lot of friends in Washington D.C. and maybe a miracle you won't find anything on me (believe me, Colonels have tried; all of which knew my commanding officers personally) <No disrespect intended!> But you are right though, we do mostly operate out of Ft. Benning. <Good eye!> You are as sharp as a combat ready Kunai <Again no disrespect intended!>

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member

    Due to circumstances, I cannot tell you very much about time, location, present situation, or much of what happened. This is what I can tell you... I went to Afghanistan as an E-3 in 2003. Due to combat action; I was promoted to E-5, saved my C.O.'s life and was awarded the Bronze Star. -break- I was in and out of Iraq on various missions until March 28 2004 on which we did a combat jump into the midst of Iraq in which I was shot in the left hip and despite my injuries, fought on to the Ranger objective saving the lives of my fellow comrades and thereby earning the Silver Star, Purple Heart, and a hell of a lot of recovery. Sorry, wish I could tell you more. Perhaps I'll get the chance at a later date.

    Here again, due to circumstances, I cannot tell you very much (yet) This is what I will tell you (for now)...
    1. I have been training in Ninpou/Ninjutsu since I was 8 years old, my first Sensei (who wishes to remain nameless) trained me for ten years before I became a Chuunin (Godan). I have trained under Hatsumi Sensei ever since. I have been trained in a tenth school (of Ninpou) that has been removed from the Bujinkan teaching and am one of few last known masters of these untaught techniques.
    2. I am very secretive and selective about who I teach and do not advertise for the same reasons.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member

    diference of opinion

    To each his own. I have never heard ANY service member refer to our current conflicts in any other manner.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member

    Age Is More Than Just A Number

    I am disappointed. I would expect someone born in 1960 (more than twice my age) and especially a fellow martial artist (or at least I thought this site was for martial artists only) to be twice as wise and mature as myself. I had always looked up to the older generations out of respect and with hopes that I could learn from their past experiences. I guess some people really never do grow up.
  8. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    On your headband, does that say DENSE??? :D

    Just asking.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member

    Joking I Hope?

    Glad to hear from you. I have read a few of your posts and enjoyed them.
    For the others I will say that my hachimaki says "SENSEI" and it is worn for special ceremonies only (like presenting a student with their Shodan). Perhaps I should retake the picture?
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2006
  10. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    hey, the girl on your space is a bit hot, i wouldnt mind going through her!!!

    Just a feeling here, i feel you are a bit young to be a shihan, also using the bujinkan logo, why??

    Bit young to be a sarge in te army as well, just a weird feeling.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member

    opinions and feelings

    Thanks for checking out my page. She just got her Shodan.

    I respect your opinion. I have been studying and training hard every day for almost eighteen years; young... maybe, but experienced. Also, the ONLY reason I use the bujinkan symbol in mine is to show my respect and dedication to my Master who I have sworn to protect with my life (Hatsumi Sensei).

    Battlefield promotions and only two. "Feelings come and go but life is eternal" -ninpou proverb. I expect the absolute best from myself as well as all my subordinates whether they be Soldier, Ninja, or both. I am a leader and I have risen to the challenge. Feel free to stop by if you're in the area for training and/or observation.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2006
  12. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    Keikai said:-
    Greg, we can't take you anywhere can we! :D
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2006
  13. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    DJDreammaker, as a Bujinkan Judan, three other Bujinkan Judan will have recommended you for that grade to Hatsumi sensei. Who recommended you - i.e. can you please give the names of some other Bujinkan Judan who we can contact so that they can independently verify that you are who and what you claim? I think we'd all be much happier knowing.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member

    Personally, I would absolutely LOVE to provide that info for everyone and I agree that everyone would be happier. however, considering the circumstances, I am not able to. Only members of the Wolfpack Ninja Academy are allowed to know that info and sworn to secrecy (not kidding). The tenth schools "forbidden" techniques were "abandoned" by Hatsumi Sensei because he felt they were giving Ninja a bad name and attracting the wrong crowd. Nevertheless, everyone should rest easier once they have seen my Genin, Chuunin, Shujin, and of course Jounin scrolls (WHICH CAN BE FOUND IN MY PAGE) and if that is not enough then what better way to test a sensei than in person (stop by and train or observe my class).
  15. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    Could you perhaps point us towards the actual pictures of these scrolls? A link perhaps or just some simple directions should suffice. I just had a look at your page but it appears to have been set to private since I looked at it earlier this morning.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member


    The scrolls can be found in my pictures within the profile (you may need to add me as a friend in order to view them) All Bujinkan students should recognize them.
  17. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    DJDREAMAKER said:-
    However, your page says:-

    So if you want me or anyone else to see your scrolls, you'll have to add us to your list of friends yourself. Could you do that? Incidentally, what is the name of the tenth "abandoned" school?

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member


    I have no problem adding fellow ninja as friends. Incidentally and unfortunately the "abandoned" school must not be named. I am impressed with your perseverance however, and I understand your frustration. I apologize but this is the only way. Please remember to drop by anytime. "To know the truth, you must experiance the truth" -ninpou proverb
    P.S. For those who have not seen, my yahoo email and I.M. is also djdreamaker feel free to drop me a line anytime.
  19. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    Uh huh.

    Well I've just created a MySpace account specifically so that you can add me as a friend, specifically so that I can see these pictures. Here it is.

    I apologise for the fact that it's empty so far apart from a photo of myself but I'm sure I'll add stuff as I go along.

    DJDREAMAKER Valued Member


    I commend you for you dedication. I apologize for putting you through that but being a sensei my reasons are many for all that I do. To state a few...
    1. ensures a closer bond (Ninja family).
    2. establishes a personal and private form of contact
    3. discourages "burns" from lazy posters
    4. shows dedication by action of curious users
    5. enables means for possible recuitment into the Wolfpack Ninja Academy
    There are others but these should suffice for now.

    You should hear from me shortly for there is much to discus.

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