Ninjutsu for Self Defence

Discussion in 'Ninjutsu' started by Emil, Jul 26, 2006.

  1. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Good for you. Based on what? A comic you read? A Sho Kugushi Film? Tenchu Stealth Assassins? Prove me wrong.

    You may have made a typo you still used a different word with a different meaning. I used a capital at the start of my second sentence, be happy [​IMG] bothered that much.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2006
  2. Ninja.. OF DOOM

    Ninja.. OF DOOM New Member

    Man, why are you getting on my case? I made a mistake, and you're completely jumping on me and disregarding my opinion because of that. Not cool, man. And, for your information, I know someone who takes it, and I've seen a number of things from him.
  3. pmitch89

    pmitch89 Thats Nucking Futs!!

    mmmm.... popcorn

    *sits down and grabs the popcorn*

    This will be fun. :cool:
  4. Keikai

    Keikai Banned Banned

    I think you should of expanded that sentance for a better understanding.

    Is this our first summer holiday ninja on line??? :bang:
  5. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    You know how most people have this little voice in their head that tells them when to just let go and drop something? For some reason mine has never worked.....

    Akasha said:-
    Well I just dug through my old emails and found this email from Akasha (dated 28 August 2005).

    I replied and then received this response (dated 15th September 2005).

    I have posted this material purely to show that Akasha was never placed on the waiting list for the Mountain Warrior Dojo. If he had been then he would have received a great deal of information and correspondence and closure in one form or another.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2006
  6. Emil

    Emil Valued Member

    Ok, sorry Andy, I misread the situation. My fault. I didn't mean to cause offense, and I didn't say it in an attempt to slate you. I actyually think that the waiting list is a good idea, as your class remains small, and is easier to teach as you do not become overwhelmed with students. My bad.

    P.S. The reason that I didn't ask to be put on the waiting list through one of my emails was because I thought that it would be too pushy, for want of a better word.
  7. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    Okay, no harm, no foul. Let's all be mates and get drunk!

    I hope you enjoy your visit to Larry's class on Thursday.
  8. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    Where do they take it? Don't take things so personaly it's the internet.
  9. Ninja.. OF DOOM

    Ninja.. OF DOOM New Member

    I really have no idea. He's been doing it for several years. In his opinion, it's not very good for self-defence. It probably depends on what school you learn it at, though, and what they give the greatest focus on.
  10. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    If my MAP nickname had the word 'Ninja' on it and I knew someone who had practiced it for a 'few years' I would definitely find out where they were training, what it was like, ask to try out a few classes etc. before responding to a query on MAP based on what someone else told me. :bang:
  11. adouglasmhor

    adouglasmhor Not an Objectivist

    I sort of like the idea of you because of the way you seem to think(I don't know the real you unfortunately).
  12. pmitch89

    pmitch89 Thats Nucking Futs!!

    I'm pretty sure that Ninjutsu is pretty good for self defense considering about 75% of the people in my class are police officers and SBI agents. Hell, even our dojo's senpai is a police officer.

    I guess my thought process is that if this martial art works for police officers in the field, then it has to be very good for self defence. I would find a local dojo and try it before you jump in and discredit its worth in the realm of self defence. :rolleyes:
  13. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    Aww shucks Adouglas, I could say the same about you :Angel:
  14. Ninja.. OF DOOM

    Ninja.. OF DOOM New Member

    Eh, I guess you're probably right, I didn't have much business putting my two cents in this thread. And Lily, for your information, I actually take Kenpo, and that absorbs all the time I have for martial arts training. I would check out a class at my friend's school if I had the time, but I really don't.
  15. pmitch89

    pmitch89 Thats Nucking Futs!!

    You wouldn't happen to know what X-kan of Ninjutsu it is that your friend takes(Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinenkan, ect)? There are alot of fakes that exploit the name Ninjutsu, when in reality it isn't really ninjutsu at all.

    That might explain your friends opinion concerning the self defence aspect of his class. But we won't know until you do some research will we?

    Good Luck on becoming enlightned :D
  16. Senban

    Senban Banned Banned

    Akasha said:-
    Did you manage to get round to Larry's class last night? If so, how did it go?
  17. Emil

    Emil Valued Member

    No, I couldn't make it last night. I'm going to go next week instead. Thanks for the interest, though.
  18. saru1968

    saru1968 New Member

    Oh..dear and i was expecting you come back and say they were flipping out in the swampiest of

    And for God's sake don't get him talking at the bar becuase you will be there for hours...
  19. jbc6

    jbc6 Valued Member

    I am a blue belt in Ninpo, and have been doing it for 3 1/2 years. It's probably just me, but I feel that I wouldn't know how to use it outside of the controlled dojo environment. Nice folks there, but it just doesn't feel real world. Too much time spent on silly things, in my opinion, and not enough on the real thing. Randori doen't seem real, and there isn't enough of it. Plus, I think that we learn TOO MANY, too difficult techniques.

    I'm not trying to start a war here. I'm not knocking Ninjutsu, but for me, I don't believe it it. I'm not sold on it....
  20. Lily

    Lily Valued Member

    jbc - So have you tried out any other MA? Looked at other similar schools etc.?

    I'd have $2,038 if I had a dollar for the number of people who whinge about their current MA and don't do anything about it. I'd use the money to shout everyone drinks :D

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