Nachi's Log

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by Nachi, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Friday 1.12.17:


    - Warm-up: 5 mins of 3 laps run and 10 down-ups (did 3 rounds and two laps I think)
    - Some stretching while walking or jumping a slowly like last Friday etc.
    - Skill: Box jump - as high as you can. Not my thing. Wanted to jump on the tallest side of the box, but didn't muster the courage. Be it the horizontal bar, high jump or hand stand push-ups, I prefere my feet on the ground :D The tallest I tried was 74 cm. (The tallest side had 76. I could probably do it, and I think I did it before, even around 78 or 80, but it.... looked so unstable :D

    - Skill II: Split jerk. From a rack. We were told to not try for the max weight, rather try to improve the technique. I wanted to add by 5 kg, but there were no 2,5 kg discs left, so after the empty bar I went with 25, then 35, then my friend found the small discs, so I took 40 kg. Instructor told me to mind my knees, they poing inwards. Which is something basically all intructors tend to tell me with almost all exercises where your knees can possibly point inward :D but that's just how my knees are. But I tried. Focused hard, as split jerk isn't something I'd practise often on top of that.. When he saw my attempts, he told me to put the barbell down after second try, because I was alreay shaking. Needless to say, it was because my front leg felt terribly unstable with the knee out :D And as I was watching the angle, apparently my other mistake was looking down (on the knee)... Wow, I can see there's a lot of work to be done there. It was a bit uncomfortable at times when I was putting the bar down to shoulder level (i couldn't drop it) as my thumb hurt a little. I have actually figured what hurts. It is not the thumb itself, rather, the tendon between the wrist and the thumb. My friend thinks it is because of the strain from a lot of training or something. I could obviously hlp it by not training at all, but it's not nearly bad enough to consider it. I just need to figure out how to be careful with it to not worsen it further.

    - WOD: 10 min AMRAP:
    - 50 double/ 100 single unders
    - 10 power cleans (30 kg for women)
    - 12 toes-to-bars
    - 14 kettlebell lunges (16 kg)

    Ok, so I took the jumping rope that I think is the one I usually take and works nice for me, but I don't know if this was a different one which was overly shorter, but it got caught under my feet all the time. So I had to jump higher. In the other rounds I slowly figured out the strategy, that, however ,involved spreading my arms a bit more apart so it doesn't get caught, and positioning them lower and slightly in front of my body. Not the rope of my dreams... So I had fallen slightly behind. Some people actually bring their own ropes, which... perhaps... isn't a bad strategy at all :D
    The cleans were fine, I did them as fast as possible. Though in the second round, my wrist started giving me a bit of trouble when lowering the barbell to the ground. Again, couldn't drop it. Instructor saw I was making faces, so I told him my wrist hurts a bit and he told me ok not to rush and take things easy. But... the toes to bars... and I really wanted to try them instead of my usual knees to chests... but. I did two and again slid down - weak grip. And then I figured my wrist doesn't like this very much, either, so I took a long time to finish them. So when I took the kettlebell for the lunges I rushed as much as I could, with the instructor: "Good, good, keep that pace!". I was dismayed, though, that the jump rope and especially the horizontal bar slowed me down so much Ad for the final - 3rd rounds, the rope was better already and I figured out good movement patterns even for the cleans so that my wrist hurts as little as possible and went really fast, but had to take a short break. Then knees to chests, always dropping down after two, but jumping back up as soon as I could. And I had like 25 seconds left, but I was set of finisheng the third round, so... somehow, I did the lunges in 20 seconds. So 3 rounds exactly! Before the training I saw most poeple never finished the third round, but there were some with better results. And I would guess several people from our group too. I am basically angry at myself that I had gotten so slow with the two exercises, because I could have gone a bit faster, cardio wise, perhaps.

    And finally, today was the day to compare my Polar watch and the Polar chest strap! But, when, after the training I wanted to stop the training on the chest strap, the application looked like it never even started. When restarting it after I left, just to try again, it was actually reacording. So I can't compare it perfectly since the chest strap was recording much longer... But.. as I expected the max heart rate and so on it recorded was much higher compared to the watch. Today, I'd say it was an avrage CrossFit training, and it was according to the watch, but the chest strap showed much higher max heart rate - the highest the watch ever measured. So I wonder, when the watch that one time measured 188, and now it showed 16 less compared to the strap... what was really the max HR I reached... I am quite sad about this, because the watch work with quite a big mistake in training and during the rest, too :/ So the data probably isn't very reliable. I am glad I bought the strap, but the watch kind of loses its value now. Also today's training benefit was, according to the strap... maximum training. So I would guess, most crossfit trainings actually are.
    So finally the comparison: Chest strap in bold (and what the watch showed).

    Time: 1:25 (1:11 - this is the real one)
    Average HR: 133 (132)
    Max HR: 188! (172!)
    Training benefit: Maximum training (Basic & Steady State training, long)
    Kcal: 665 (566) kcal
    Fat burn: 31 % (33 %)
  2. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Saturday 2.12.17:

    Morning CrossFit:

    My friend was trying to talk me into coming today, too. If I had time, I would, but I was a bit reluctant because of my wrist. Maybe giving it at least a weekend rest would be nice. But... I found the roller bandage that I could use to fix it, so I promised to go (I would want some exercise today anyway). Again, today was about partner exercising.

    - Warm-up: 4 mins of: 15 m walking lunges, 2 laps run, 10 down-ups
    - Stretching

    - Partner WOD I: Double Karen - Karen is a WOD where you need to do 150 wall-balls on time. This was a partner Karen - meaning do 300 wallballs, taking turns with a partner. I partnered up with my friend. I took the 6 kg (14 lbs) ball we should get, but she took a lighter one for herself. We decided to take turns after each 10. From the beginning it seemed quite ok, considering how i displike wallballs (but at least I can do them). My partner struggled to throw the ball high enough and because of her trouble with knees, she didn't particularly enjoy the squats, either. So she took quite a bit longer to do her 10. Meaning I got a plenty of rest and actually menaged to keep the pace from the beginning I'd say. Meaning not struggling with the 10 at all and finishing them in one go, without, as I have a tendency to, adjusting my grip on the ball, position or whatever. So I had quite a good feeling about it. At one time I forgot the count for a bit and so I hope we actually did the 300, not 280 (From the nice accurate-looking graph of my heart rate from the chest strap, I can really see only 14 clear peaks, so it looks like we actually did do less). But my friend was very against doing one more round :D We finished last, which was to be expected, but we did finish - time 14:01.

    We still got a few minutes break (the next WOD was to start at 9:40, and your team's break depends on when and if you finish).

    - Partner WOD II: Time cap: 20 minutes:
    - all exercises are what the team has to do and when one person exercises, the other waits - taking turns.
    - 40 burpees - this was actually quite cruel :D 1 person does burpees and jumps sideways over the partner who holds a plank during the burpees.
    - 60 power cleans (25 kg for women)
    - 80 toes-to-bars - we did sit-ups (explained below)
    - 200 double/ 400 single-unders

    - I was prepared I might actually do the bigger half of some of the exercises when my partner is tired. I proposed to start the burpees and take turns after each 5. However, my partner had exactly the same idea - at least for the burpees: Can't you just do most of them while I hold the plank?" This wasn't expected, but I tried. I did 10 and sort of hoped she'd do 5. But she did 3. I did 7, she 3. I don't remember then, but she stopped me she'd do the final 5 or 6 because the plank was starting to get hard, after all. Yeah, no suprise there! I tried to go fast, but still...
    - Power cleans - we each took a separate barbell - me 25, she 20 kg. I started with 10, always keeping a fast pace - doing one after another, probably taking one or two seconds for one rep. 25 kg was luckily light. We took turns after 10, but he last round, I finished "her" 5. Still keeping the pace, this was nice.
    - Then the instructor came to tell me to do toes-to-bars (instead of knees to chests). I sort of new it slowly starts to get embarrasing that I do the scaled version, but... If I could tie my hands to the bar, so I don't need to worry about my grip... no problem, I say! Maybe I'd even figure out the kipping somehow in time, but the grip... I told the instructor that I am not sure if I can, because hanging from the bar is one of the exercises that my wrist doesn't like at the moment. It was better with the bandage and I tried a couple of times and if I was careful, it was quite ok, but I was only trying for knees-to-chests. The instructor, however, told me to do sit-ups instead, though. So I did. And that was a lot easier :D And my partner didn't wait to hear anything and did them too. The horizontal bar is difficult for her, which I understand. I could pretty much do the 80 by myself, I think, but stopped after 30, when my partner was waiting, she did 20, I did 20, she finished 10.
    - As for the skipping, we were both going for single uders. Took a longer rope than yesterday, as I realized they must be of different lenghts and it was much better. Though it still got caught, but I contiued as fast as I could. My partner, however, struggled with her rope. It was short, then a lose end was getting caught in it, so she held it and the whole rope started to get spirals... so she didn't know how to adjust it and took longer. The rope often got caught, so she did less. Because of that and because skipping isn't her thing, also because her trouble with the Achilles tendon, knees and so on. So I did 65, she 35, me 100, she 50 or so? I continued with 90 where she stopped me so she can work out too and finished the last 60.
    Again, we were last, but finished at 16:15 (like 3 minutes after the others). But I am happy we did finish! Still hats down to my friend. She tried as hard as she could and I also worked out as I did a bigger half of all the exercises. And got rest in between, so I had the energy to always go as fast as possible. And didn't really feel too tired afterwards, which was a good feeling, too. Wrist didn't give me trouble, only slightly when I was pulling down the discs from my barbell.

    Today, I again compared the chest strap and (the watch), but today, for some reason, it was more accurate:
    Time: 1:02 (1:02)
    Average HR: 141 (139)
    Max HR: 181 (178)
    Training benefit: Tempo training (Steady State & Tempo training)
    Kcal: 539 (524) kcal
    Fat burn: 25 % (29 %)

    So, now, the last entry of my 10 entries permit to the Crossfit is gone. And till Monday I need to figure out if I want to buy a membership for 3 or 6 months or not. It is expensive, but it will let me go more often and if I actually go 2,5 or 3x a week, it will be cheaper. Hmm, what to do, what to do...?
    axelb likes this.
  3. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    Sounds like a good way to tremble in fear at the name "Karen".

    Do you feel that you've benefited from the CrossFit enough to continue? And do you think your can keep at it with everything else in your schedule? :D

    Is there any pricing difference between the 3 and 6 month plan?
  4. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Oh, indeed. All (or at least most) the nasty WoDs in CrossFit are names after women. Not sure why :D

    Oh, yes! I have benefited, no doubt. Some of my muscles I am probably not strenghtening up in karate got stronger. It is sometimes hard to tell if it is a continuous process, but when, after the summer holiday the regular karate classes started again, I could clarly feel like I can do some techniques more comfortable or with better power. For example head-height kicks. We don't train them too often, but when I tried after a few months of crossfit, I could do them more easier and kick harder. It's hard to describe, but it felt awesome.
    I generally feel fitter, too. Strenghts-wise somewhat and definitely cardio-wise. And I figured it's all getting better when I show up regularly. I am then also not that exhausted afterwards, the DOMs usually don't apper, either and I generally feel better about myself. So I definitely want to continue.

    If nothing major changes, I think I actually can continue like this. There is also a year-long membership, but that kind of decides things too far ahead. There is a difference, of course, the longer the membership, the better the price, somewhat.
    axelb likes this.
  5. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter


    Kind of as I expected, I didn't do any training. Just a a very short walk and several hours standing and walking around kitchen, when, after my mum said she doesn't have time this year, I decided I would bake the traditional Christmas sweets for our family. Fun thing is that my Polar watch said at the end of day that I burned as many calories as I usually do in a day of sitting and one training :D

    Monday 4.12.

    Due to circumstances it seemed I won't be able to make it to crossfit today :( Which was sad as after yesterday's rest day, I was itching to do something :D
    I realised there is a new option in my Polar activity tracker's menu! "Fitness test". It must have something to do with my new chest strap. It is possible to do only with it on. Basically I need to lie down and not move for a few minutes while it probably measures my resting heart rate. I am unfortunately not sure what the outcome is as the test always failed halfway through. Half was the further I had gotten. I read the Polar website and made sure I am doing everything right. And it was actually working until it stopped. The only solution their site gave me is I have arrythmia :D It says it can appear with healthy people, too, maybe due to stress. I tried it again after like a dozen trials, in a sitting position, but nothing changed. :( So the only outsome I have is the resting heart rate - which was 42 bpm.
    This test basically meant I spent like an hour lying in bed, not moving :D And of course, nearly fell asleep. An lost all motivation for any exercise I was planning. But I forced myself later (to compensate for the sweets I baked :D).

    Solo exercise and karate training at home:

    I did 15 minutes of random bodyweight and kettlebell exercises. Not much withthe kettlebell as I found out hte cleans and swings, which sort of pull my arms irritate my not-completely-fine wrist and the jerks weren't friends with my thumb. And I had a slight feeling I am starting to feel my other thumb, too. I also tried to practise the pistol squats. Or one-leged squats rather than "pistol" ones. I can't, just physically can't squat down with a leg held in front - I can't hold the leg up and I can't put the heel on the standing leg down. If I try, I tumble over. What worked, however, was when I was holding my bent leg up with my hand. That is until I tried a few times, less ans less careful, until I probably aligned my leg bad and felt a sudden pain in my knee. That would mean three out of four limbs hurting in some way. So I stopped it :D
    And continued with karate practise (I won't make it to tommorrow's training, either).
    Actually, our head sensei asked after the last class, who's planning to grade this month. And of the 5 people in class, no one said they would. SO sensei asked for reasons and said something so maybe I and one other brown belt. And I am still split what to do. There is going to be a seminar this Saturday, where a brown belt from another dojo is going to grade. I was then asked by the organizing sensei if I am grading or not. I at least offered to be a sparring partner if there is not going to be anyone suitable. I was originally supposed to lead the warm-up and Junbi Undo, but the new message said I won't as I may be grading at that time. And I am not sure what to make out of it. And have no idea what to do, exceept to talk to sensei this week. Apparently, since no higher belt is going to grade in our dojo, there is not going to be that possibility next week, and it still would be better to grade with the other brown belt at the seminar. I kid of want to grade, I an exercising a lot and don't have injuries holding me back a thte moment. But if I will, I will leave behind my grading partner and just feel bad. Guilty and I don't really want to have a higher belt. But would like to pass the grading now when I feel like I can.
    So since I had ime today and we don't practise all the things from curriculum in class, I went through all the bunkai and kata I have to do. Seiyunchin three times, trying to think of the last corrections I got. Then several times Shisochin, trying to figure out the right tempo, softness hardness and so on. And 3x Sanchin. I should dedicate more time especially to the last two mentioned. I also went through renzoku kumite and all the San Dan Gis once.

    Polar results:
    Time: 0:58
    Average HR: 128
    Max HR: 164
    Training benefit: Basic & Steady State training
    Kcal: 417 kcal
    Fat burn: 38 %

    axelb likes this.
  6. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    The fitness test is logged into your profile. If you can get a tested max, then it works out more accurate HR zones (from an estimated VO2 max), although you may already know what they are from how you feel in training.

    I need to retest mine also :D
    Nachi likes this.
  7. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Unfortunately it isn't. I can't however I try, finish it. It failed every single time... so there was no result :( And nothing to log into my profile. The Polar website only advised me to try when I am less stressed or something. If stress is the cause of potential arrythmia or something... I will have to find someone to test my chest strap on, if it really is me with whom the problem lies. Though I probably am.
    The test is about measuring the hr while not moving, so I suppose only resting HR is measured. So I wouldn't be able to get my max HR. I use the prepared zones according to my age. Not sure what my real max is.
  8. axelb

    axelb Master of Office Chair Fu

    I found that the low HR is harder to get picked up. You can add moisture to the strap contacts for a better reading, and also adjust it as it picks up the HR through the rib cage, you can move it lower than their recommended position.

    Maybe you resting HR is too low for it :D
  9. Latikos

    Latikos Valued Member

    Or maybe you're dead.
    A Zombie.
    Or Vampire.

  10. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Wow, guys, what has this turned into? :D Yep, you got me, I'm a vampire in hiding! :D

    No, really, it picks my heart rate just fine, no problem there. It just... can't keep tracking it for like more than a couple of miutes. For some reason. I had it moisturized all the time. I tightened it enough, too, but when I was still, not moving, it still suddenly stopped every time. I tried sitting position, too. I didn't try moving the trap lower, though, I'll give it a go. Thanks! :)

    It's just frustrating, because, you know, if you can take a test somewhere, be it on anything, you are tempted, and being topped halfway because of technical issues, without even being able to see what the result is all about is just frustrating! :mad::D
  11. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Tuesday 5.12.:

    Today was a St. Nicolas' day. I don't know all the countries in which and how this day is celebrated, but we have a tradition of dressing as St. Nicolas', angels and devils and in those groups judgind the kids' sins and good deeds. Those who were good (and in the end, usually everyone) gets sweets and fruits, those who were bad get potatoes and coal and are scared by the devil, who takes the bad kids to hell. I used to dress as a devil some years ago, it is a real fun, but the tradition is getting weaker and weaker and it's sometimes hard to find people who would dress. So I was also asked by my friend to work with her for a children's center organizing events for kids, like the St. Nicolas' Day. So I took out my old devil costume. What a nice job :D The only problem was that this takes place in the evening and afternoon and I couldn't go to class...

    Wednesday 6.12.:

    ...and since I couldn't, and still eat plenty of my Christmas sweets, I thought I need a nice training where I'll break some sweat :D It must have been destiny that led sensei to call me he can't come and if I'll teach the class at the faculty, instead :D He also told my partner - the other brown belt, who in the end rpomised to come, too. But, since he's still recovering from an injury and went to sensei's tough training yesterday, didn't like the idea of a too hard training :( So we agreed on the program, he had some combinations to train in mind. But destiny wished me luck. He was running late as he let me know, so I had some time to work-out properly when I'm left there with the students before he comes :D

    Karate class in uni (teaching):
    - We didn't do much game of tag this semester, which we play in a special way in this room, so it would be a pity not to use the chance :)
    - For a work-out, since some people weren't running hard enough, I had them do the "Scotch Five". This time I picked the exercises myself: push-ups, burpees, V-ups, squats, sit-ups - 5 exercises to do 5x in 5 rounds. Yep, I did break some sweat! And even my HR went to the highest zone, 90%+ :) I said it's best to do as fast as they can, so of course, I had to make a good example and finish first. In the meantime my partner in crime and teaching arrived and later appologized that they had to go through that because he was late... Tsk.
    - Quick Junbi Undo
    - stretching and a few (4) body-weight exercises done in pairs. Oh, now I remembered we forgot one we also wanted to do! I participated, as there was an odd number of students and the other brown belt was hurt, so I went without even asking him if he wanted to...
    - Then I left the teaching to my partner who showed some combinations to practise. Now I only demonstrated with him and then went around helping students with the technique. We still had some time so we also tried the 4th bunkai from Gekisai Dai Ichi.
    -I just asked him to leave me 4 minutes at the end. I wanted to do my favourite Bring Sally up and down with shiko dachi. Even before the class, one regular student came to me, whose friend, who "suffered" through it twice already even managed to warn her that a have a strange inclination to use this song and somehow that is terrible (although last time he practically begged me to do it once again, hmph). Anyway, she was right on the spot :D I checked carefully if people were doing it correctly and especially not using arms to relieve themselves. And a few tried! Lol, at the last refren, I swear I saw at least 4 students rolling their eyes :D The girl said she already knows why her friend warned her. :)
    - Anyway, I got some complaints from people counting me the floors they still have to climb today (and I even didn't do the squatting tabata that I wanted! ... I forgot :( What ungratefulness!).
    - But, actually, after the class, some students thanked us for the class and at least one, maybe two if I remember correctly, told me by themselves that they enjoyed the class. So the reactions were positive, which really made me happy :) well as the fact that I burned nearly 600 kcal :D:cool:

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:24
    Average HR: 126
    Max HR: 178
    Training benefit: Basic & Steady State training
    Kcal: 592 kcal
    Fat burn: 38 %

    It seems I won't see our head sensei before the Saturday's seminar where the grading takes place. I chatted and later called with him today. He wanted to know how today's class went, actually asking me about the song I mentioned if I played it or sang it... Would you believe it? :D But maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it as sensei said it's a good idea we can do it with push-ups (he really enjoys his push-ups lately, so the rest of us is going to suffer). Well, if we do it, I just have to make sure nobody finds out who reminded sensei of this song :D They'd probably kill me if it was the last thing they'd done XD
    Anyway, sensei said we'd still talk about my grading. He is basically not against it and sounded more like he thinks it's a good idea I give it a try. He said my techniques are fine, he just doesn't remember my Shisochin - no wonder, we didn't practise too much. And he'd like to see first, maybe right before the seminar and grading. What will I doooo?
  12. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Thursday 7.12.:

    Kids class (1 hour):

    - My usual teaching partner couldn't come today. Regular, head sensei was absent, today, too, so he switched places with Tuesday's sensei, who was kind and came, as she is used to on Tuesday, for the kids class as well. Lucky for me, otherwise I would seek help elsewhere. The class is big with both beginners and more advanced and it's tough for two people, not to mention one.
    - Sensei was running late, I started with a warm-up. Sensei took the Junbi Undo and asked me if I had program for them. I kind of assumed that, since sensei is present, I am only going to assist and didn't really think of anything. In the end we went all together through some kihon, sensei then took the advanced ones to practised kata. I took the beginners whom I don't teach very often in a separate group, I mean, so I didn't know how much they know exactly. Some do know the kata, at least they claim, which basically means that when I want them to do just the basic footwork for the first six steps, they would use their hands, too, because they know it, of course, but totally screw up the legs. Anyway, I went through those six steps and through the techniques used with them (age uke, tsuki, harai uke). Age was ok, but they didn't know or couldn't do harai well, so we stopped there and practised more. And I tried them to do all those three techniques one after another as in kata, but just standing on a spot, which was a bit more difficult, so I tried to help them by approximating the harai after tsuki to slapping or showing a spider from their arm etc. They seemed they had enough technique andmysbe slightly overwhelmed, so I included som work-out and sometimes techniques between. It was some holding up legs while lying down, a couple dozen squats and sit-ups and half of them was asking me if I wanted to kill them or what. They don't yet know what it means if I want to kill them :D
    At the end, sensei announced next week there's not going to be a regular training, but there's going to be grading as decided in September. When they left one of the parents said the head sensei actually said he can't come so the grading will be next Friday. None of us heard anything about it, so sensei called to confirmed it. The flow of information isn't always the best, it seems. So hopefully we let all the kids know...

    Adult class (2 hours):
    - Stepping each other on feet sort of game in pairs for a warm-up
    - Stretching
    - Combinations practised solo and in pairs - two, with the first one similar, but a much easier one
    - Kata training. Sensie divided us in groups to practise our kata. I was with the two other brownbelts and told to practise Seiyunchin. But... they are brown, too, but I am actually a grade higher and would prefer to practise Shisochin, so I told sensei if she meant kata for the next grading. She was yet again surprised I already have Shisochin, but let me practise it. I actually went through it a few time in the course of day today. Focusing on the rhytm, go and ju and the corrections I got. Also watched a Shisochin video with our chief instructor, sensei Nakamura, to figure out how the dynamic of this kata is. In the class I practised by myself like everyone, doing one kata after another, sometimes stopping at the more difficult parts I felt I am doing wrong. Sensei was going around, watching and giving corrections. When she finihsed watching my kata, she just made a helpless face that I am terrible, meaning that I got the kata down! Or like that there aren't any major corrections she'd give me. So I actually got no critique, except she told us all that we tend to rush But she might have been influenced by my last kata, when everyone was waiting for me, so I sped it up for purpose. But maybe not. I just didn't have a feeling I rush it too much normally, but that does not mean much. I'll slow down. I actually got a bittersweet feeling from this. If the kata is good enough to show at the grading, it tempts me to go. But hte head sensei could see it differently.
    - Bunkai Gekisai Dai Ichi and Ni practised with attackers attack immediately after the defender turns to them.
    - Short belly work-out.

    After everyone left, sensie asked me if in the kids class the kids are always this terrible. Oh yes, they are! Sometimes even more! I watched how she handled them. She obviously can shout louder than me and she advised me to practise it and gave me some tips from her experience with kids and all the nonsense they tend to do and which strategies work on them. Basically it would do me good if I was a tall, strong and a muscular guy with a really loud voice :D No, seriously, she gave me some nice tips I shouldn't forget.
    And I spent the rest of the evening thinking about the program for the warm-up and stretching and all the potential groups we might get for teaching at Saturday's seminar, where we'll also have practise for the trainer's licences.

    Polar results:
    Time: 3:08
    Average HR: 107
    Max HR: 160
    Training benefit: Basic training
    Kcal: 899 kcal
    Fat burn: 47 %
  13. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Friday 8.12.

    So today I was thinking about the grading. Not sure if it is the best decision, but I don't want to regret anything, so I thought I'd give it a try in the end. I discussed with people I needed to discuss with and sensei will apparently be happy to let me try, but first I just need to show him my kata tommorrow just before the grading.
    That being the case, I decided not to go to CrossFit today, as I originally planned in favour of some karate practise as I haven't exectly practised for the grading and there are things we haven't done in a while. And also I didn't want to irritate my wrist while lifting something.

    Home karate solo practise:

    I basically went through the whole syllabus, except for kihon and the basic kihon ido. And stuff I can't do solo like iron body conditioning, sanchin shime etc. If I felt I am not very sure in something, I went through it more times. I practised some kihon Ido, all the kata, focusing especially on Shisochin and Sanchin, renzoku kumite, kihon ippon kumite, all the bunkai twice, all the San Dan Gi twice and try to practise the movements of some joint manipulation/breaking or takedowns done from kakie, which may well appear there and I am not very confident with thinking up these on the spot, so I prepared eight techniques or so. So that I have at least four if I forget half of it :D
    In the last Sanchin I actually realised I sweated quite a bit, but that may be that my place is simply warm :D Just as I like it.
    I didn't practise for the work-out: 90 push-ups, sit-ups and squats as I will definitely struggle a lot with the push-ups if they're gonna be there and they likely will. So I didn't want to tire my push-up muscles today. :D Just between my practise I did like three sets of 10 push-ups and V-ups.

    Time: 1:15
    Average HR: 134
    Max HR: 159
    Training benefit: Basic & Steady state training, long
    Kcal:602 kcal
    Fat burn: 32 %

    Tommorrow is going to be a tough day. Four hours long seminar divided into four blocks. If sensei lets me, I'll be grading int he first, teaching the next two and finally being taught and normally exercising in the last. I am not sure if I worry more about the grading or the teaching where we thought of program for potential groups we can get, but the combinations we prepared I can't remeber... yet. Time to study!
    Keep your fingers crossed for me ^^
  14. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Saturday 9.12.


    As for the seminar, since it started at 1 pm, we arrived half an hour earlier - to perhaps discuss our teaching part and as for me, to show my kata to sensei. We were surprised there were already so many people there that early. Well, it could be that there always are and it's just us who are late…

    In the end, sensei was busy talking to other senseis and so on and told me I'd show him the kata during the grading… he let me try, though. I was quite surprised there were quite a lot of people for grading, half of which white and yellow belts. The other half consisted of 4 orange, one green, one blue, one brown and one brown with a stripe (me). I originally thought the grading might be easy if we were to teach starting with the second block, but it turned out, of course, that I misunderstood and the grading should end at 3 pm. The white and yellow belts don't have so mayn things to show, so they were released after kihon, short kihon ido and after we watched them perform San Dan Gi Ichi and Gekisai Dai Ichi kata. Then there were only the 8 of us left and we returned to kihon ido and continued with most of the things in the syllabus as I practised for them. We didn't do the joint locks from kakie, though - kakie kumite, only showed the bunkai of Gekisai Dai Ichi from kakie. For the partner exercises I was partnered with the other brownbelt, who is a very good partner, so it all went nice. The only things we didn't do were iron body conditioning and kumite, which, honestly don't appear in the grading usually. And there was actually no Sanchin shime, either. My sensei was one of the examiners so I was worried he'd enjoy himself and he's about the only person whi definitely wouldn't go easy on me :D

    As for my feelings about the grading - it was so hot! I was sweating all over even just after the kihon ido, when the guy near me had already drops of sweat slowly accumulate below him. I can't say the grading was easy, of course, you have to put all the effort in. After in the evening I asked the senseis for critique. There was no time for more, but I learns I had the footwork in San Dan Gi wrong, which, as I later realised and asked the sensei, was probably because in our dojo we do it in a different way. When I was showing my Shisochin - as the only person there, I tried not to be nervous, which kind of worked, but my sensei told me I looked in different directions than I should during some moves. I had no idea I did. When pracising at home or in the dojo I checked myself in the mirror. And then I realised that may exactly be the reason. The mirror wasn't there and I didn't realise I should look in the direction in front of me when standing sideways some times. This is what I am really dissapointed about. Really.

    At the very end I heard our sensei ask the other sensei if they should have us do the work-out, but of course, sensei wouldn't let us pass without. They had us do the push-ups, sumo squats and sit-ups according to syllabus, but made up their own numbers. Starting with the kids by their age, then they got to 30 and every next grade got ten more: 40, 50, 60, 70 for me. Which, I was quite happy about, since, according to the syllabus, I should have done 90 :) I don't particularly care about the squats and sit-ups, but push-ups are the problem. I made a first short break at 25, but then continued usually with only 5 and since 50 I couldn't manage more than 2 or 3 at a time. I made sure I didn't do a single one on my knees, though judging by some girls, senseis would let them. I finished the last, with the sit-ups so everyone was waiting for me and since the rest of the folk had a break between the clocks of the seminar, there were two other senseis standing next to me, badmouthing me so that I can hear: "Oh, I wonder when she's going to push it." Obviously seeing me doing the sit-ups as quickly as I possibly could, and all the way up, taking a first and like only a couple-second long break at 50. I may have actually done 80 altogether, because counting…

    Other than that, at least I myself am not aware I would do a major mistake in the bunkai or the partner exercises or kihon. But I wasn't aware of the mentioned mistakes, either, so….

    Anyway, in the end I passed the grading :) Out of our group of 8 people, only 4 passed actually (which I think is quite a lot), so it wasn't like it was too easy everyone would.

    After the grading we joined the break and sensei came to ask if me and my brownbelt partner were able and ready to teach the next block. There were again four of us going for the trainer's licence. We would get all the white and yellow belts - the biggest group and we could split them and teach them however we wanted. First, becasue they had quite a long break, unlike us, we let them warm-up a bit again. One of us took the lead and had them do some exercises together, that, before we knew it, half and hour (half of the block) was gone. We decided we'd split them into adult and kids group, with us taking the adults. Since my co-teacher already taught during our grading I offered I can teach the rest of the block, myself. We focused on the bunkai of Gekisai Dai Ichi, but only had time to do three. I, not sure why, actually went through all the exercises in the first part, though I didn't have to, not all of us sempais did, anyway, and actually later had my group do some jumping squats and V-ups, which I did, too. I was quite drowsy by the end, the grading wasn't that easy-going after all. And only then I realised there is still one last block, when where we'll participate as students. It was a big group green belts up, including some senseis. Taght by my sensei. It was about ideas for teaching, mostly. One bunkai done to 4 directions with the right side then back with the left. Most of the block was spent doing bunkai from San Dan Gi. Always dealing with one or two chudan tsuki. Sensei picked bunkai from Gekisai Dai Ni up to Sanseru.

    After dinner-lunch we went back home. I was falling asleep in the car, but couldn't really. I was very tired in the evening. No wonder, even my Polar said the training was quite a good one :)

    Also one of the participants of the seminar was our kobudo teacher. He's back from some trips abroad and ready to speak to our dojo head sensei about the classes and we may actually re-start them in the next year :)

    I had my chest strap on throughout the seminar. I started it before and stopped it after the last etiquette nad had it running during all the breaks and periods of doing nothing. Despite that, I'd say the outcome is really nice today:

    Time: 4:25
    Average HR: 134 (even with all the breaks)
    Max HR: 182 (sometime during the grading)
    Training benefit: Tempo training+ (never got a + before)
    Kcal: 2080 (!) kcal
    Fat burn: 29%

    My heart rate went through all the zones, I spent even close to 8 mins in the highest (90% +) zone - all during the grading). The blocks after that weren't too difficult.

    The seminar was great, I am happy about the grading, though I feel like I need to improve the mistakes I did. I am now a 1st kyu - brown with two black stripes. Actually I think the only one in our Czech assiciation. There were never many. I remember one, however, he moved now and passed his dan grading this summer. Now I have to practise diligently for the big grading which, if possible, I would like to do before or at the latest at the next World Budasai in Okinawa - in summer 2019. In our association although we could be graded by our senseis, there is a custom, which, to be fair, everyone wants to do anyway, to be graded by IOGKF's senior instructors - 7th dan and higher at international seminars.
    Travess likes this.
  15. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Sunday 10.12.

    Fell asleep yesterday as soon as I got a chance, which, unfortunately, wasn't as soon as I'd like. And couldn't sleep long enough. I really need to try to get 8 hours of sleep at least one day.
    Actually felt sore all around arms, back and hind side of the legs. No plans for any major exercise today, but I did a nice walk:

    Duration: 1:42
    Average heart rate: 107
    Max HR: 133
    Training benefit: Recovery training
    Kcal: 554
    Fat burn: 55 %
    Avg speed 4,6 km/h
    Distance: 7,9 km
  16. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Monday 11.12.

    I completely skipped Crossfit last week, so it's about time!


    - Warm-up: some somersaults, couple cartwheels, few laps around the gym and a holding in a handstand (by the wall). And a strange exercise, basically playing seals - put your feet on an ab mat upside down and with your arms (in a plank position - on hands, not elbows) go forward by dragging the mat under your feet.
    - Stretching easy then using empty barbell, a good exercise

    - something like EMOM, but the rounds weren't 1 minute long, but 1,5 min, total of 8 rounds. In each: high hang? clean + hang power clean + push jerk. With not too much weight, up to 60% of max for a power clean. I started with 25 and added up to 35 kg for the last round. I wasn't trying oo hard as my wrist, which had gotten some rest, still didn't feel completely fine lowering the barbell.

    - WoD: today's WoD looked terrible from the moment I lay eyes upon it. I met my karate friend there, who hates burpees or generally any exercise where she has to lie down and get up. She was sure she is not going to live through it today.. but she did! :)
    Time cap: 20 mins
    10 kettlebell snatches
    (12 kg for women)
    15 burpee box jump overs (50 cm box for women)
    20 kettlebell snatches (12 kg for women)
    15 burpee box jump overs (50 cm box for women)
    30 kettlebell snatches (12 kg for women)
    15 burpee box jump overs (50 cm box for women)
    40 kettlebell snatches (12 kg for women)
    15 burpee box jump overs (50 cm box for women)
    50 kettlebell snatches (12 kg for women)
    15 burpee box jump overs (50 cm box for women)

    I have a vague feeling I did a similar WoD quite a long time ago. I wasn't very happy with 15 burpees in between everything. And even box jump-overs. We wre told to take a kettlebell we can handle. Well, I thinkg the kettlebell isn't the main problem here and 12 kg seemed just alright, so I did the RX. The one thing I was happy about was there were no exercises I can't do like anything to do with horizontal bar or handstands. I was worried about my wrist acting up during the snatches, so I took my gloves and tightened the strap around my right wrist really tight. There was not much blood getting to my hand, but it didn't hurt once during the whole WoD, so I was happy. The burpees were terrible. I was out of breath, so I was slowing them down each round. And as for the snatches, I took a break after each ten to catch my breath too. The instructor told us to keep breathing and focus on that, once we lose the breath or something we have trouble. Yeah, should have said earlier! Not that it would helped anything, though. At around the 3rd to 4th round I could see I won't be able to finish at this pace, taking longer and longer breaks. But not finishing the burpees didn't really make me too sad. The 20 mins passed when I did one burpee from the last round. So only 14 burpees till the end. It was about an average result. Most people didn't finish, either, but some did at around 18:30. They're really cool. I was looking forward to see about my heart rate. Maybe I will figure out how it is connected to me having to breath hard. Yeaaah, no wonder! :D


    I actually spent almost the whole WoD in the zone above 90% of my max heart rate - 18 mins 35 seconds. Though the Polar app says people should spent there like 5 minutes at most. The tiny dizziness after training is probably explained! :D
    I put here the HR graph, because it is quite nice how my HR skipped the yellow zone and how the WoD is so nicely distinguishable here. Looks like CrossFit did improve my cardio, but not enough yet. At least, I am probably recovering better.

    Polar results:
    Time: 1:17
    Average HR: 133
    Max HR: 187 (!)
    Training benefit: Maximum training+ (!)
    Kcal: 602 kcal
    Fat burn: 28%
  17. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    (**Thought I'd already posted this, but I guess not!**)

    Massive congratulations on the grading Nachi, firstly for deciding to go ahead with it, and secondly of course, for getting the Pass!

    You definitely did the right thing resting up on the Sunday, burning over a days worth of calories on Saturday, not to mention the inherent stresses and rigors of a grading.

    Nachi likes this.
  18. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Thank you very much for the encouraging words, Travess! :)

    Yeah, rest days are probably needed sometimes, but I am still happy for the walk on Sunday at least :)
    As for the stresses of the grading, there were some, of course, but as for my mind and grading stresses, the good part about tihis all was that since I decided at the last moment to give it a try... I had a lot of things to think about in general and didn't even have enough time to get stressed :D I wasn't particularly nervous in the past few gradings, either, but not having enough time to ponder it helped, too :) And I am definitely happy I passed. I won't have to worry about grading for a while, now. :)
    Travess likes this.
  19. Travess

    Travess The Welsh MAPper Supporter

    Yeah, I can see how the short notice side of it would help - I was given about 10 months notice for the date of my Shodan grading, 9 and a half months of which I spent in blissful ignorance, but then in the last 2 weeks, eveything I'd been bottling up, all hit me at once! :confused:

    That is definitely one of the perks! :cool:

  20. Nachi

    Nachi Valued Member Supporter

    Oh, that doesn't sound like too a nice experience :D If I ever go for Shodan, I hope it's not going to be this way, though it probably is.

    It is! :D I may be able to watch my friends grade peacefully from the sidelines :D It would be a nice change for once! (That is, I would like, but there is usually kumite traiing for people who don't participate in grading, so I can only try to figure out a way to go observe them). :)

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