my 200th post

Discussion in 'Tai chi' started by nzric, Dec 8, 2003.

  1. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    I swear, I only came onto this forum in a random internet surf - now I'm hooked!

    This is my 200th post, so I thought I'd make it a tai chi thread. I fell into tai chi as well - I was dragged along to a class by a friend of mine in London - I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I found it was the perfect match for my life and my psyche.

    As well as getting me up and into sports/fitness (which has done amazing things for my health - especially once I cleaned up my act back in Australia), it has taught me a lot about what Chinese culture and philosophy has to offer. The martial side is a plus but although I couldn't practice a watered-down, non-martial tai chi, I think the martial aspect is just a minor part of everything I've gained.

    Although I think I'll always be wary of the idea of chi, taiji has made me see there is much more to things than just western medicine. I've seen the benefits of acupuncture firsthand, and I've felt the chi circulation when I am "in the zone" while doing the form. Whether it's self hypnosis, just another interpretation of normal physiological processes, or actually chi, jing and shen, in the end it doesn't matter. We all know it helps so it's worthwhile to focus on it whatever your view.

    What has tai chi taught you, that you wouldn't have seen/done otherwise?
  2. Saz

    Saz Nerd Admin

    Never done Tai Chi, but congrats on post 200 :)
  3. Shade

    Shade New Member

    Hey nzric, I’m glad you have stuck around as you have given me some valuable encouragement and information so far and no doubt you will continue to help me with my own journey. Even things that haven’t been specifically directed at me have gleaned a wealth of information.

    As for Tai Chi, I haven’t started with it yet, although I must say that you and couple of others on here have helped me come to the decision to start.

    I can only hope that it brings me as much joy, fulfilment and pleasure as it so obviously brings to you. And who knows, maybe one day I can give some information and encouragement back to you

  4. zun

    zun New Member

    Nzric - reminds me! Ross sends his regards!
  5. Kinjiro Tsukasa

    Kinjiro Tsukasa I'm hungry; got troll? Supporter

    Congratulations on post 200! I love Tai Chi. It has taught me a lot about focus and concentration. And how even a slow movement can have a lot of power and energy behind it. In my class, we learn the martial applications of all the postures; that definitely enhances understanding. And the Tai Chi staff is quite an upper body workout!
  6. Jim

    Jim New Member

    Congrats on the 200 big ones... By the way, why N.Z. Rick? You from the broken leg islands or summin?
  7. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Yep - land of the long white cloud. We're still taking care of that Bledisloe cup... let us know when you want to try for it again! :)
  8. Jim

    Jim New Member

    Ha ha... But why the 'Sydney' location?
  9. YODA

    YODA The Woofing Admin Supporter

    Maybe he's from NZ but is in Sydney?

    Just a thought :p
  10. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    True, you speak. Expat, I am.

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