Morning routine

Discussion in 'Tae Kwon Do' started by Aussie Bob, Mar 6, 2006.

  1. Aussie Bob

    Aussie Bob Valued Member

    I started a thread asking for help with height in side and front kick before, and got some good info and plenty of reading from other sites.

    My question is: what is your morning routine? perhaps it's a sleep in :) .
    From the reading I have done, front,side and rear leg raises are the way to go, as dynamic, not static stretching is advisable.

    I think.
  2. Another Muay Thai Guy

    Another Muay Thai Guy Valued member

    I get up as late as possible so I can just about get ready for college in time lol, no TKD for me first thing I'm afraid. :p
  3. TheMadhoose

    TheMadhoose Carpe Jugulum

    my morning routine involves cursing th ealarm clock and pressing snooze a good few times. i get up fumble my way to the bathroom usualy standing on one or more of the kids toys.go potty wash shave and eventualy wake up i then contemplate a little early morning exercise before making a cofee and settling down to watch GMTV till its time for work
  4. gemtkd

    gemtkd Valued Member

    Same here, I wish i had the energy in the morning to do something tkd'y first thing
  5. TKD=FUN

    TKD=FUN New Member

    i breakfall when i roll of of bed, does that count?
  6. I at least stretch! If it's a late college morning then a jog around the block with the dogs. Always, always always roll and warm-up my hips, shoulders and wrists. That only accounts for about 20 mins.
  7. kwang gae

    kwang gae 광개 Sidekick Specialist

    I don't do any TKD in the morning either, but I do hit the gym religiously 5 days a week by 7:30 a.m. Lift or do cardio then off to the j-o-b.

    Noontime I go home for lunch and do 20 minutes of flexibility training, eat, then rush back to the d@mn j-o-b.
  8. vindaloo

    vindaloo Banned Banned

    Every morning I get up at 5:45 to do my morning forms routine. all in about an hour so I'm out of the home for 7am for my morning walk - 3 miles at walking-race pace. Back home I have a little breakfast before doing my TaeBo workout from a DVD. Very cool. Then I shower and have a proper breakfast.
  9. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Tae Bo? ROFL! :rolleyes:
  10. Aussie Bob

    Aussie Bob Valued Member

    what's taebo?
  11. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Its a mix of cardio TKD and cardio kickboxing. "Its the ultimate way to tone". ROFL :rolleyes:
  12. yodaofcoolness

    yodaofcoolness New Member

    I do between 50 - 100 push ups (depending on how I feel)in a row, as fast as I can. Then I raise my heels 100 times off the ground as fast as I can (I think this exersize is called calf raises???). Then I touch my toes and stand up and sit down as fast as I can 100 times. Sometimes I do more things like pushups, dips, abs workouts... it varies (some days Im lazy and don't do anything).
  13. CDNhammer

    CDNhammer New Member

    Every morning first thing is a coffee. Can't open my eyes without coffee!

    First, joint rotations.

    Second, dynamic leg raises to the front, rear, and side. Both legs. 12 x 3

    Third, I go through all my routines and kata.

    Then I have a smoke and another coffee.

    All this stuff takes about 45 mins max, and I feel ready to bounce out the door. If I don't do this stuff, I usually feel sluggish until about noon.
  14. vindaloo

    vindaloo Banned Banned

    TaeBo is cool for a cardio workout and themed with martial arts which is good for the mindset.
  15. NaughtyKnight

    NaughtyKnight Has yellow fever!

    Thats why you beat all thoes TKD fighters. Its the Taebo not your Ving tsung ;)
  16. deaddoll

    deaddoll New Member

    I do A single sit up ...this gets me out of bed....after washing ..I do knee raises to put on my clothes,then alot of curls with a couple of cups of corwfee....
    then I go to work....when Im not working I dont do the above until really necessary :D
  17. Kyberneticka

    Kyberneticka Valued Member

    I get up and take the little 'un to school whilst still in my pjs.

    When i get home i do some dynamic stretching and some squats and kicking to build up the strength in my legs.

    I work from home so i'm fortunate i can do as much or as little as i like.

    When mini kyber gets in from school, i do some stretching, patterns, and basic stuff with her. :)
  18. Dragon Brush

    Dragon Brush Valued Member

    Provided I can be to bed by 9pm, I'm up at 5:15 the next morning to do some stretching, shadowboxing, forms, ab exercises; it really depends on what the evening/afternoon workout will consist of.

    Morning training sessions definately make me feel a whole lot better through the rest of the day. ^ ^
  19. Aussie Bob

    Aussie Bob Valued Member

    This morning was my first morning of getting up to start my routine.

    I set the alarm for 5.45am. Must have turned the alarm off in shock and woke up at 7.20am. :eek:

    I'll start tomorrow.
  20. Another Muay Thai Guy

    Another Muay Thai Guy Valued member

    ROFLMAO!!! :D

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