Mekugi supplier

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by Virtuous, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. Virtuous

    Virtuous New Member

    Any body know of some one in the US who sells quality Mekugi? My local guy packed up and moved and I have no way of contacting him. I did find one guy who sells his on ebay for a buck a piece but they look pretty dry (He dyed them in tea to get the amber color...)

    Some one out of the country wouldnt be a problem, the closer the better though.

    Dont say use a chopstick, they are good for emergency repairs but not good for long term use :) .
  2. 47Ronin

    47Ronin New Member

    Just go make one yourself from a small piece of bamboo. Even if they aren't used for a long term you can always replace them very cheap......
  3. Virtuous

    Virtuous New Member

    It takes 6 months to cure the bamboo :)
  4. Hyaku

    Hyaku Master of Nothing

    If you take some old (yellow) bamboo. Put in on the side of a grindstone and taper it a bit. Tap the whole length into the ana (hole). Mark off the sides then cut to trim and round of a bit. I put mine in a drop of oil. As long as its not green bamboo its ok.

    Hope that guy you mention isnt the one I sent a load of shinai tsuka

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