martial arts competition for people with severe learning difficulties

Discussion in 'Disabled Martial Artists' started by soctt03, Nov 8, 2004.

  1. soctt03

    soctt03 New Member

    How's it done? You basically need to change the rules so that the individual CAN succeed on his/her own terms i.e. as an instructor you may need to perform, say, the kata WITH your student so that s/he can copy you move by move. I realise this isn't the 'norm' for competitive entry but we have to think about who is competing - us (as non-disabled individuals) or the learning disabled person?

    Any thoughts/feedback would be interesting, also how else do you/have you done it before? My own criteria is based on what I have seen elsewhere and it worked.

    Thanks - Terry
  2. ttamgirl

    ttamgirl New Member

    People who have learning disabilites can still learn. It just thakes us longer and we have to work harder.

    I thank that no special allowence is needed doring comptioions. It will just build resentment among people who dont have the learning abialties.

    That said, I have learning disabilties. I have always been forced to keep up with the normal kids. I was in resource program, but I only ever used it for extra study time. Becouse of this class, I was given an extra study hall, and some extra help with homework.

    In my dojo, I never said anything about them, until my sensi got frustrated with my slow speed of learning the diffrent cotta's that have to be known.

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