Man Kills Child Rapists

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by TM77, Sep 6, 2005.

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  1. TM77

    TM77 Valued Member

    Last edited: Sep 6, 2005
  2. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    Well, although I can see why someone would do this... I do not condone it. There was a big discussion on this topic recently on MAP:

    Killing rapists thread
  3. I fully condone it.

    They aint going to reoffend now, are they?

    That's just wrong. They should have been electrocuted long ago, surely? That's as bad as anything.
  4. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

    high five! anyone?

    actually child rapists do deserve to die. But thats just my opinion.
  5. Add painfully to the end and we agree on something :D
  6. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    So, wait, lemme get this straight...

    They had both been out of jail without incident (apparently) for years.

    They had both been keeping a low profile.

    But for the stupid disaster that is Megan's Law, this jackass would never have found these guys.

    He falsely id's himself as an officer of the law and then uses the info gained from the DOC's website and his little lie to aid him in the commission of his crime.

    Murder 1. And may the ******* fry.
  7. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    Don't know what to think of this really.

    Wonder how the people who where raped by those guys feel about it?
  8. Jesh

    Jesh Dutch Side Of The Force

    That's my lawyer !!! :D
  9. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Don't ya think it's amazing that no-one executed for murder in the US has ever been wrongly convicted.

    Maybe they could ask Dubya to kill these guys. He never makes a mistake with the death penalty....does he
  10. Cougar_v203

    Cougar_v203 4th surgery....Complete!

    the way people must die by me IS painfully..I don't do fast, I do semi-fast, slow, semi-slow, and ultra slow (starting with your eyeballs then your man hood) (but if I were a villan I'd do fast :D)
  11. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

    I gotta go with BaiKaiGuy on this one.
    Premeditated murder is totally uncool even when the victim is slime.
  12. bcullen

    bcullen They are all perfect.

    Let's play this out a little differently: You move into a new apartment, next day there's a knock at the door, you open it -- BOOM! The apartment you rented used to belong to someone convicted of a sex crime, he moved and they hadn't changed the listing of the website yet.

    He's not a hero, he's a murderer. If it had been a family member of his, it might have made some sense. I still couldn't condone it, but I could have understood his reasons for getting involved. He had no business getting involved at all.
  13. Bluesash

    Bluesash New Member

    Why use a gun?

    I would have beat that man with my Karate Empty Hands!
  14. Sgt_Major

    Sgt_Major Ex Global Mod Supporter

    Had the victims of the 2 men been relatives of the killer, he'd have my full support. But as it is, I gotta agree with Baikai .... he had no right getting involved in such a manner.
  15. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    He's lucky he got it right, remember the Sun readers who went and attacked paedeotricians houses?
  16. If we frazzled the rapists in the first place, it wouldn't have happened.
  17. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    We have another thread dedicated to that one!
  18. Slindsay

    Slindsay All violence is necessary

    I think this belongs in this thread.

    To all the people saying they would do the same thing, whay aren't you trying to change the laws to have these people legally put to death, why if you are prepared to kill someone with your bare hands are you not prepared to put time and effort into changing the laws of your country?
  19. Because a 16 year old student isn't going to change much in the way of Capital Punishment. Whilst I'm not saying I'm off to buy a broadsword and slice any convicted rapists in my lunch hour, I am saying I can see why people do it. Not only can I see why people do it, but I do condone it.

    So onc e the rapists have done time, they get let out, and sign a little book. When they move into an area, are all the neighbours told he is a rapist? I doubt it. They were classed as "likely to reoffend". Why the hell were they not behind bars if they are that dangerous. Whilst I'm not going to go on an active hunt for rapists next week, my attitude to this incident is "2 less - oh well".
  20. Davey Bones

    Davey Bones New Member

    There is no way the legislators are going to touch that one, SLindsay, at least not here in the states. The death penalty is only for premeditated murder, which is Murder in the First Degree. That's it. Any other degree of Criminal Homicide is punishable by a maximum of Life.

    There are provisions in the law which are designed for community protection after convicted sex offenders are released, but since half the people who will jump on board this thread will most likely begin ranting like hysterical old women just like they did on the other one, I'm not going to waste my time posting them in depth.

    If you live in the states, you can look up "Megan's Law", "Sex Offender Registration", and "Sexually Violent Predator" laws online through FindLaw or other online legal search engines. Then go scream at your legislator.
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