Ma Chuan Xu - Sydney lesson

Discussion in 'Internal Martial Arts' started by nzric, Jan 30, 2004.

  1. nzric

    nzric on lookout for bad guys

    Hey folks. Just a final reminder that Grandmaster Ma is teaching a class tomorrow (Saturday, 31st January) at the Sydney Uni (Main Hall, H.K. ward gym, ross street entry from parramatta road), from 1:00-4:30. It's $80.

    If you're interested, contact Dr Kingsley Fong on 0400 722 669.

    It's a great way to see a real bagua master and ask all those questions you've been pondering over for years. Master Ma concentrates heavily on qigong and chi cultivation, and he also has years of practical experience. He is very well known overseas, especially in Japan, for setting up schools and training security departments in chin na.

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