!~Legal Lunacies~!

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Fishbone., Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    I purchased this book ' Legal Lunacies ' this afternoon from Birchalls.

    $22 down to $4. Good buy huh?

    It's a calender, notepad form. Except it has a proper stand and is way cooler than the cheap-0 $2 ones.

    I'll share some of the stories with you. Feel free to comment or add stories you've heard and or experienced

    You can't say THAT in court!

    A man in India who was jailed for burning a train, which resulted in 59 deaths, asked for court to allow bail due to an urgent family matter. What was the crisis? He wanted to have sex with his wife. Jailed for more than 30 months, he says she's suffering mental trauma because they haven't had sex in a long time. (Aka withdrawls) The court declined his request since there's no provision for it in the law. The judge did order extended visiting hours however...

    Crazy laws

    If you're driving along a highway in Utah and a bird is crossing the road, you'd better stop for it. Birds have the right of way on all Utah highways. Also in Utah, a husband is deemed responsible for and and every criminal act his wife commits while she's in his presence. In Monroe, Utah, No close dancing is premitted. There's a law that requires daylight to be visible between partners on a dance floor.

  2. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

    Where are you all?
  3. Verx

    Verx "Darkness Approaches"

    I posted because I felt sorry for this thread. :D
  4. Stevebjj

    Stevebjj Grappling Dummy

    I'm skeptical of these "crazy laws" things. A common one that shows up on the lists is that it is illegal in Massachusetts to wear a goatee without a license. I thought it would be really cool just to have one of these licenses, so I looked into getting one while I was working in Boston for 3 months. This law isn't on the books. :( It may have at one time been a law. I was a little disappointed. I thought I could get an official goatee license! :)
  5. flaming

    flaming Valued Member

    My goatee may be out-dated but its legal. Yeh that would be good, ill try to make it a law if i become a hig ranking american judge.
  6. bassai

    bassai onwards and upwards ! Moderator Supporter

  7. Fishbone.

    Fishbone. Banned Banned

  8. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    lol... owned by yourself yet again. :D

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