Lau Gar – misunderstood and misrepresented

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by makarov, Feb 12, 2004.

  1. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    Dude try doing that from black sash nightmare :eek:
  2. Dan Tien

    Dan Tien Banned Banned


    I've had a look at the thread where Colin got banned.

    I didn't realise that MAP were quite so anal about things like that.

    i'll probably get banned myself now for saying that, but it does seem a little excessive to ban someone who has contributed alot of very good information to this forum.

    Perhaps he should have been suspened rather than banned.
    It seems such a shame that someone with his knowledge is no longer able to share it with others via this forum.

  3. EmptyHandGuy

    EmptyHandGuy Valued Member

    I think he has been un-banned!! He no longer has banned under his name on posts or on his profile. Have the powers in charge of map relented and granted someone a 2nd chance?
  4. Dan Tien

    Dan Tien Banned Banned

    I think you might be right.

    The power of democracy??????????????

    Hopefully today i'll be going along to my first lesson in Lau Gar.
    We're going to train in the park! Do many of you train out of doors? or is this guy Colin abit eccentric?
  5. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    if it is a nice sunny day why not fresh air and all
  6. Force of Will

    Force of Will New Member


    I understand you are a beginner entering the Kung Fu arena and have contacted Colin MacKenzie re classes in the London area.

    As a former beginner in Lau Gar, I'll offer you the benefit of experience - I would suggest that you contact Sifu Whitrod instead. He is highly respected and one of the best Western practioners in London. Colin MacKenzie's classes are somewhat ....... uninspiring. He has a tendency to repeat a 'flower' routine every week to the point of his students becoming comatosed. And its.....a tad 'gay' too.

    For entertainment value, the class is marvellous (a highly pompous, egotistical, delusional instructor with multiple personality/delusional syndrome about becoming monastic/taking a sabbatical in China or Taiwan) - I highly recommend it for that only. Chavtastic. Real life Eastenders.

    Sit back and enjoy and don't worry about the Kung Fu. Sneak off to Sifu Whitrod's class on a weekend. :))
  7. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    What is your problem he dumped you get over it.
    You certainly have no right to call any of the forms gay.

    Go to the lonely hearts forum or something as your comments are certainly not welcome here.

    Once again lets talk about Lau gar Kung fu and not who fancies who Yawn!!! :bang:
  8. Force of Will

    Force of Will New Member

    Blimey Oldman - you're a funny guy! You're getting infuriated over my addressing comments to young Dan. Wow. You should get out more and chill.
  9. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    Disappointed YES

    Why don’t you just say before you put your post up, lets say in brackets

    I went out with him; he dumped me, I am now bitter and twisted, so make what you will of my comments

    In fact I have done you a favour, you can copy and paste it :D

    Then it will be in true context.

    I am tired of the bitchin' that quite frankly should not be on this post.

    It is about kung fu not character assassination of any instructors.

    So ENOUGH NOW!!!!!!
  10. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    Please refrain from using the word 'gay' in a derogatory manner, you run the risk of causing offense to members of MAP.

  11. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    love your panda everytime i see it it brings a smile :D
  12. WotEvaYuKanDo

    WotEvaYuKanDo Valued Member

    Whatever the history of UK Lau Gar we can be certain that the forms are not exactly the same as those of Mr Yau's grandfather because at one point in the mid 80's they were explicitly revised and extended. Mr Yau explained these revisions as 'improvements' rather than 'going back to the original and authentic'
  13. EmptyHandGuy

    EmptyHandGuy Valued Member

    Doesn't the modern and ultra trendy meaning for "gay" now simple mean something that is not very good? The kids at the school I work at use it all the time when refering to some thing they consider as being rubbish. In the first episode of the new Dr Who series Rose refers to something as being gay, cannot remember what but it was definately used in that context.
  14. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    Would you know what these forms are. As I know Kay boon sau fa, Jorn Sau, Charp Choi was extended and I think Fai Loong Gee as well but my memory is a bit rusty. But I wasnt aware of anything else
  15. Force of Will

    Force of Will New Member


    My sincere apologies to you, if there was any 'offence' caused. I assumed that members of martial arts communities are very open minded, patient and tolerant individuals who have few predjudices against the spectrum of humanity regardless of....say, gender, orientation, race etc. My comment was merely one of mild humour - ie 'gay' only in the Byronesque sense of the word, or - as Darth observed - 'trendy'.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2006
  16. Chimpcheng

    Chimpcheng Yup... Giant cow head... Supporter

    I am well aware of the 'modern meaning' of the word 'gay' and I am fully aware that you meant no offence by it and there is absolutely no need to apologise to me. I merely suggested that it could cause offence as it has done in the past.

    Now lets get back to Lau Gar and everyone play nice. :)
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  17. EmptyHandGuy

    EmptyHandGuy Valued Member

    I had no idea that the forms had been changed! In what way were they extended? Do you mean that whole new sections were added or that parts already there were repeated to make the forms longer? I found Lau Gar to be an excellent style and only wish I could have studied it more.
  18. Dan Tien

    Dan Tien Banned Banned

    Colins Class.

    I went along to the Lau Gar lesson in the park and I was actually quite impressed.

    This is my rundown of the training.

    We started with a light loosen up, then did this set of stances.
    Each position was held for 20 seconds and I tell you it hurt my legs like mad!
    This was done on both sides and took about 15 - 20 minutes to complete.

    We then did basic kicking front,side,turning & back kicks.
    Then punch/kick combinations.
    Then walking techniques. step & opposite punch then this finger strike and punch stepping thing.
    We then did horse stance and punches for ages! until my legs gave way!
    the class then split up into grades and I practiced a attack and defence thing with someone else, while Colin moved between the students and corrected them as necessary.
    Every now and then he got us to do pushups or situps, the funny one was doing knuckle pushups on the tarmac/gravel. I can hardly do them on my palms let alone on knuckles.

    The class finished off with some standing still in various positions for several minutes.
    He said this was chi kung and explained about the tongue behind teeth, breathing in through the nose and other details.

    All in all I was very pleased with the training it was quite hard physically but I will be going back again, and best of all we didn't have to pay anything.

    Force of will, I'm confused????

    We did a "stance routine" at the beginning of the class.
    Is this what you mean by the "flowery" form?
    Because I asked why this form did not have a name and he said that it was created by someone called John Russell to practice stances taken from the forms, and that each position is held for 20-30 seconds.

    You seem to have a real beef with him, yet his students seem to like him and the training. He did not seem to be pompous or egotistical. He seemed very down to earth.

    I have gone along to one or two other classes while looking for somewhere to learn kung fu, and I liked the lau gar class the best.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2006
  19. Angelus

    Angelus Waiting for summer :D

    :D So ... asking those who have tried Lau Gar- What is Lau Gar all about?
    I mean the feel of the art and the type of movememnts and attacks.

    eg. CLF has a lot of circular movements...Attacks are powerful and have alot of whipping motion. CLF practitioners rely on fast, deceptive movements unlike the practitioners of a much hore stationary style- Hung Gar.

    **LOL does the mold part even make sense.... bad grammer on my part
  20. oldman

    oldman Banned Banned

    I glad you liked it dan its gets even better the longer you do it. And there is so much to learn and I mean alot. I remember when I started the press up thing could not do one let alone the wrist press ups (ouch) :D

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