Latest Bigfoot Footage...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by Bigmikey, Aug 27, 2012.

  1. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    Yet another bit of footage has risen allegedly capturing the mythical creature once more.


    Now as far as I'm concerned I believe there are bigfoot-type creatures lurking somewhere in the largely unexplored forests of North America. There are forests we've barely touched and at the rate we keep discovering new species I say its possible.

    But heres why I think this video is fake:

    We can clearly hear the motor of the vehicle tearing down the path so we know the video has sound yet when the stuff of legend suddenly springs out from behind a clump of bushes, no one says a word. Not a single *GASP*, not a single *HOLY S....* nothing... nope. Instead the vehicle simply turns around and heads back the other way.

    The creature isn't spied flitting through the bushes on its way somewhere across the path. It simply waited in the bushes until the truck came near, then scampered across to another clump of bushes on the other side.

    The whole thing seems hinky to me. But you decide for yourselves: Real or Bogus?
  2. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Bogus - as is PG footage IMO

    Bigfoot biologically does not make sense. No bones, remains, dens or anything else for one thing
  3. Hannibal

    Hannibal Cry HAVOC and let slip the Dogs of War!!! Supporter

    Also interesting that the more you look for it, the less you see it
  4. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    Sorry Mikey, no bigfeet I'm afraid. The man who started the hoax admitted to it on his deathbed and revealed some feet from a suit that matched the original prints. (I only dimly recall these details from many, many years ago, so don't quote me.) He was basically the best troll in history.
  5. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    I remember hearing something of the sort as well. There was also a guy who made some foam booties which matched a set of prints. To me its like the saying "Just because you ARE paranoid doesnt mean they're NOT after you"

    Just because these blokes faked it doesnt mean they're all fake. But then again, until one shows up on my doorstep selling bigfootscout cookies I'll probably just continue to believe they exist simply for the sake of having something pseudo romantic left in this world that we havent caught, cataloged and killed - to preserve it for future generations, lol...

    Why IS that? Why is it that we crawl on our bellies into holes in the earth, into deep, dark, caverns, through feet of guano, until we find something, some rare, possibly virtually extinct creature doing no harm to anyone....

    and then kill it so we can take it back to the lab, cut it into pieces and study the "ONLY ONE OF ITS KIND EVER DISCOVERED"....


    Hey Science guys... here's a thought! Ever stop to think that if you STOPPED KILLING THINGS they might have a chance at reproduction and avoid, oh I dunno... DEATH?

    Little monkey, all alone in the woods, scurrying from branch to branch, catching little insects, minding his own, large-eyed business. He doesnt hear the scientist and mute african assistant, Bongo, creeping through the foliage below. So, feeling secure, this special monkey begins to do what he always does when he feels safe.

    he sings Dean Martin...

    "WHEEEEN theeee Moon hits your eyes like a big'a pizza pie, thats amoooooraaaaaayyyyy"

    "Blimey, look Bongo, 'ave you evah seen a monkey wiff a tail like 'at? Look, 'Es even Singin'! Oh gimme da rifle, mate, I gotta have a look at dem lungs!"


    Phlat.. monkey dead. No more singing monkey. Instead we have a display at the London museum for nifty dead things of Jimmy, the singing monkey - the only one ever recorded.

    I love science.
  6. Obewan

    Obewan "Hillbilly Jedi"

    Yea those darn British they're always killing something, the government should take their guns away!

  7. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    LOL! Sorry. I was on a roll and the only other accent I can type is New Jersey mafia... somehow I didnt think that would fit, lol...

    "Ey, Vinnie Bag-a-donuts, you see da' *expletive* Monkey? Dat *expletive* ding is *expletive*".... you get my point...
  8. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    There is actually a town in Washington State (I forget which one) my childhood buddy in the White House visited with current laws against hunting bigfeet.
  9. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

  10. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    The only Big Foot here belongs to Big Mikey. And we all spotted him
  11. aikiMac

    aikiMac aikido + boxing = very good Moderator Supporter

  12. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Moved on

    Unfortunately almost all new species discoveries are very small now. There would be no chance of a large mammal escaping detection for this long. Sorry Mikey no big foots.

    The Bear.
  13. boards

    boards Its all in the reflexes!

    Maybe some big deep sea fish, given how little we have really explored the ocean.
  14. Polar Bear

    Polar Bear Moved on

    Yeah and I can't remember the last very large new species discovered.

    The Bear.
  15. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    WHY MUST YOU DESTROY MY DREAMS of someday becoming a Bigfoot Breeder?!?!?!?! Did I wrong you in some previous life you... you... ANIMAL!!!!
  16. Gripfighter

    Gripfighter Sub Seeker

    Joe Rogan ?
  17. Bigmikey

    Bigmikey Internet Pacifist.

    Did you read how old the drivers were? 15 and 17 year old girls. I wonder if they stopped texting long enough to realize they'd hit something? Poor bastid. This is why rednecks should never be allowed to make decisions when beer's involved. And trust me, with a name like his, he's the POSTER child for redneckdom, lol...
  18. 47MartialMan

    47MartialMan Valued Member

    Even Mikey could not escape detection until recently
  19. gapjumper

    gapjumper Intentionally left blank

    Possibly the Mountain Gorilla and the Megamouth shark?

    Not sure how recent though.
  20. John R. Gambit

    John R. Gambit The 'Rona Wrangler

    Huh? Even bigfoot likes to kickback a few brews.

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