Kung-fu Animals

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by wayofthedragon, Nov 16, 2002.

  1. David

    David Mostly AFK, these days

    When I onsider how to fight another style, I don't get any more specific than things like "OK, careful about feints" or "right, I gotta rush him at the first kick" or "gotta be quick on my feet" or "let's make an opening for him". You know what I mean?

    And what I mean by that is a recognition of the different balances of forces and forms and having the confidence to bend your animal to the task.

  2. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    Now, while i think u make a good point.I would never fight in one animal stance for agreat length of time.It would makemy moves to predictable.Instead i would assume a general fighting stance and use what ever moves or techniques, from any style or animal that i have studied, that came naturally to me.

    Like an auto defence. All the way through studying the MA all my instructors (and not just in MA in music too) have said that i thik about things to much.This makes my movements jerky and ineffective.I now feel that although i do that sometimes, i have a more natural way of fighting.

    Which i personaly would favour above standing in a stance that dictates ur moves.
  3. David

    David Mostly AFK, these days

    I agree - kungfu is ONLY static in photos,

    The only time you have to worry about your stance is when contact is made because at that moment your stance is keeping you upright and being the platform for your offense. Normally, you'd be moving in/out, circling, running etc so you won't get cramped into a stance.

  4. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    AH right.
    Sorry about that.I hate discussing things on forums becuase they sometimes turn into huge arguments over nothing.It's hard to show tone etc on forums, even with smileys.
  5. Shou Tu

    Shou Tu New Member

    I would have to say my favorite animal is actually seven of them

    Bear, Tiger, Crane, Mantis, Mongoose, Cobra and finally Dragon

    they compliment each other with power, speed, Strength and deception.

  6. atlien

    atlien New Member

    I'll be a giraffe

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