kata? Worth practising nowdays

Discussion in 'Karate' started by mani, Jun 1, 2003.


What is the most effective combination of training

Poll closed Jul 1, 2003.
  1. Physical conditioning and Kata

    1 vote(s)
  2. Physical conditioning and Sparring

    9 vote(s)
  3. Sparring and Kata

    4 vote(s)
  1. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    I think he existed. I just don't buy the whole supreme being thing. personally. Well, maybe the MArtists who put the kata together did expect people to deviate from them. Maybe they didn't. Who knows...
  2. Adam

    Adam New Member

    I think the kata has lost it's original meaning. I don't know why, It's just a feeling I get going through the seemingly meaningless movements. What the original meaning was, I don't know.

    But it may be just me being a karate fool :D
  3. Knight_Errant

    Knight_Errant Banned Banned

    No, I haven't found anyone who DOES know what all the meanings are. I could give a few groovy hints if you're interested...
  4. gojutejutsuryu

    gojutejutsuryu New Member


    Kata is the DNA of Karate and the life blood of ALL Ancient Martial Sciences.
    As to being effective training against a street fighter, MMMMMMMMMh. Hell, I give up, but can only point to Shihan Keiji Tomiyama, who I recently had the priviledge of training with, his Kata is immaculate, it lives within him and no, he does'nt become part of the kata, it becomes part of him.
    The Shihan trains daily in kata and I would feel exceptionally sorry for any 3 or 4 street fighters who made the mistake of considering the Shihan as an easy target.

    However, that's only my oppinion.


  5. mani

    mani Valued Member

    Sorry to say but I think this forum has been mislaed and has been changed from its original state.

    the question was (is kata worth practising nowdays?) not how valuable kata is or how negative it is.

    Or how someone loves kata and trains kata everyday

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