Journal of Aaradia's MA Journey

Discussion in 'Training Logs' started by aaradia, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Tuesday, August 23, 2016 -

    6:30 - Stretching

    7:00 - Sparring class. Last week in this series that I mentioned before. Mostly good, except it was mostly teens tonight and a few annoyed me. At one point, the instructor was talking about hitting through in strikes and kicks and not stopping on contact. He talked about how breaking boards taught one about hitting through a target. He talked about how some people hold back and pull back as soon as they hit the board. Anyways, some teens thought that was really funny and laughed at the idea of fellow students doing that.

    Thing is, no one else in the class is high enough rank to have done this besides me. So, I looked at them and said "don't laugh until YOU have broken boards. You don't know you won't do this yourself." That shut them up - at least for a bit. :mad:

    Anyways, good information in the class. But it reminds me why I like the Saturday class better. It is overall just a better crowd of more serious students.

    8:00 - rest after sparring class.

    8:11 - Brown sash third degree techniques. Then Yellow sash techniques (5 minutes and 33 seconds.) The brown 3rd ones I focused on details and took longer. The yellow sash ones I focused on doing them format style.

    8:45 - Kicking practice. Green sash kicks. (15 minutes)

    9:00 - School closes. (2 hours and 20 minutes)
  2. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Wednesday, August 24, 2016 - Evening shift/ Rest day.

    Thursday, August 25, 2016 -

    6:30 - last half of TCC class. Not the most rewarding class tonight. Has to happen once in awhile, right?

    The instructor put me with a new couple to help them in some pattern type drills. I consider it an honor when an instructor trusts me with a new student and am happy to help as I have (and still am) helped. But this couple didn't seem to want to break away and work with another person too much. So it felt uncomfortable to be in the position of supposedly working with two others, but the two others mostly wanted to just work with each other. Like I didn't want to push myself in. I did work with them some, especially later in the class.

    7:00 - Two person Staff practice with Ms. M.

    8:00 - Went over Small % animal with Ms. M. Rested some. Did some kicks with her too. Got some good feedback from her observation of my kicks. Will ask my instructor about what she saw on my next lesson. We spend some time trying to get my account with the new streaming service on her mobile Ipad or something along those lines? To see if it would work. She was going to try it out while on vacation if it did. But her device was too old and it took forever to boot up. Anyways, it took a long time to even try. Technical difficulties with Wi-Fi. Some instructor routed Wi-Fi through his cell phone to her device. I didn't even know one could do that.

    Note- TCC lesson cancelled tonight. My instructor had to handle some school business. I knew this could happen while Tai Sifu was on vacation.

    9:00 - school closes (2 hours is my best estimate)

    Friday, August 26, 2016 - 6:30 - Weapon forms class. Last week of Butterfly knives this time around. Taught by a different instructor than usual and this instructor did a particularly excellent class. Great details!

    7:00 - Techniques practice with Ms. B and Ms. M. Stick and Dagger techniques. Then I went through my forms -format style. Completed all in 50 minutes! Still really tired afterwards, but less so all the time. I managed to do kicking practice tonight too. I have been too tired to do this after this forms format the before. About 17 minutes of kicking practice - yellow sash kicks. Also, did some small five animal, sup ji jit fu, solo golden leopard vs tiger and two person staff with Ms. M. The some meaning sometimes we were just going over trouble areas and picking each others brains. Sometimes we went through whole forms together.

    I also did TCC double gim.

    9:00 - School closes 2 hours and 30 minutes
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  3. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Saturday, August 27, 2016 - Again, didn't meet my goal of being there by 10:00.:(

    11:00 - Sparring. Last class in this series that I have been talking about. As we repeatedly go through those footwork drills, I can feel how I am improving. I definitely need to keep practicing on my own.

    The usual Tuesday sparring class instructor will be taking some time off to teach a new Lion Dancing class at the same time, so this other instructor will be taking over. Sorry the regular one won't be returning soon, but happy to keep learning from this other instructor. From talking to him, even though the series of classes ended, he will continue with some of the same stuff. So this makes me happy.

    12:00 - Moving step practice with Ms. R and Ms. D. Ms. D got permission to join us from Tai Sifu and her instructor, who is my CLF instructor.

    Ms.R and I have been in a stalemate against each other for awhile now. So she asked two different instructors to help for a couple of minutes and they did! It was AWESOME! I learned so very much in that time!

    Then, one of the instructors offered to help us more after he had taught a lesson and did some school responsibility things he had to do. Ms. R and Ms. D went to get some food, I did some TCC weapon forms. Double Gim, and both Sabre forms. Then, that instructor offered to do some moving step with me as the other two were still out eating. After a few minutes, they came back and we all benefited from his teachings.

    So, the problem with moving step lately is that in class, some of the current students are not physically capable of doing moving step.And that is why we haven't done it in class for awhile now. But some of the other students- well we are frustrated by this holding us back in our TCC development. So, one of the instructors helping us on this and is going to talk to Tai Sifu and get a moving step class started!!!!! Of course, Tai Sifu needs to approve it, but it really seems like it is going to happen! :hail:to this instructor for hearing us and working to make this happen!:hail::happy::happy::banana::banana: I cannot begin to express the joy that this brings me!

    So, other things I was planning to practice today fell by the wayside- but TOTALLY worth it on so many levels!

    GREAT DAY of learning!!!!!

    3:00 - school closes 4 hours

    Week 38 Total = 15 hours and 27 minutes
    -Total = 431 Hours and 15 Minutes
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2016
  4. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Sunday, August 28, 2016 -

    7:47 - TCC 108 Long form. I was doing one of the Crane spreads its wings later on in the form and felt a spasm in my right knee. Pushed through the end of the form, but that right knee was hurting in moves like that and when that knee was fully in a forward TCC bow stance.

    :bang::mad: Are you kidding me? I did sparring, moving step, started practicing jumping kicks and all sorts of stuff last week, but I get a knee issue over one of the easiest on the legs moves there is? Not even remotely a deep stance. Argh!!!!!!:woo: How on earth could I hurt myself with this particular move?

    Anyways, I decided to not push it and did stretching and some mild leg exercises the last half hour. By minor exercises, I mean some of the rehab ones I used to do for my knee. Maybe I need to start doing them again for awhile and build up weaknesses which are returning.

    9:00 - School closes (1 hour and 13 minutes)

    Monday, August 29, 2016 - This week is just going to be different and lighter. I have to deal with it. Not happy about it at all. But I woke up and tested my right knee and it is in some sort of strain. Most of the time it doesn't even hurt. But a couple very specific moves do hurt. So, I have to work out less and adapt to what I can do. I don't want to risk really injuring it seriously while in a weakened state.

    So, I went in later than originally intended, as I knew I wouldn't last 5 hours. And, as it turns out, I left early too. I am going to be smart about this. No matter how badly part of me wants to push through it stupidly.

    5:30 - Stretching. Wow, one thing I found is I could NOT do knee circles to warm up. Bad idea! That hurt!

    6:15 - Cane and double dagger techniques

    6:30 - stick fighting class.

    7:00 - CLF private lesson. Went over first three kicks in the Purple sash level. Main things for me to work on. Step back further with walking rear kick. Don't stop, but use momentum of movements to generate power in walking rear and spinning rear kicks. Look over my shoulder for spinning rear, and I really need to continue to work on not doing jabby kicks. Oh, and pull back more quickly. sounds like a lot, but the basic mechanics of my actual kick were ok, so that is something. And I am just happy to know what to work on, as it has been awhile since my instructor has reviewed these kicks with me. Lesson ran long. Not sure how long, but a significant amount of time. My instructor was like -"lesson is up, but do another kick Gave feedback, Again- feedback, again!"

    Oh, and I got to the school earlier than listed. But I was talking with an instructor. The instructor I mentioned on Saturday got approval from Tai Sifu for the moving step class! I am so happy and so grateful to him for starting this class! :hail::hail::happy: It won't start for a few weeks though. But it is going to happen! I am so extremely happy about this!

    So I spent a few minutes here and there talking to other students about this.

    8:00 - Techniques practice with Ms. B. Cane and yellow sash techniques.

    Although my knee felt better and could do more after warming up. I could do knee circles later in the night. It was bugging me enough to limit how I could do techniques.

    8:30 - So, I made myself go home early. Disappointing. (3 hours)

    The weird thing is, usually when injured, one thinks sparring is what one needs to refrain from. But what hurts me are the more traditional deep stances. Stick fighting didn't hurt. So, I am pretty sure I can go to sparring class tomorrow night. The rest will have to wait and see how my knee feels when I wake up and go through the day tomorrow.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2016
  5. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Tuesday, August 30, 2016 -

    Took it real easy today, due to knee issue I have described the last couple of days. Felt better today, but still not good.

    6:45ish - did about 5-6 minutes of stretching.

    7:00 - Sparring class. This would have been my Tuesday off sparring class, as I usually go alternate Tuesdays, but since it is easier to spar than be in traditional deeper stances, I did what I could and that was to spar. Focus on class was on building combinations. Also to start to mix the basic footwork and combinations together. We did partner drills tonight too - instead of solo drills and work.

    8:00 - rested. Had my classmates help me rescue a baby lizard that was in our big room before someone stepped on it. Tried to practice some kicks, but the knee didn't like it. So I did about 25 minutes of stretching.

    9:00 - school closes 1 hour and 30 minutes

    Wednesday, August 31, 2016 - Evening shift/ rest day. Knee is a bit better than yesterday. I can get in a Right TCC bow stance and have my leg forward more. Still it is a bit tender. I will just have to be careful a few more days so that it continues to heal.
  6. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Thursday, September 1, 2016 -

    6:30 - Stretching. Skipped TCC class due to knee injury.

    7:00 - YAY! Tai Sifu is back from vacation! :banana: So we had his CLF class again! Formal exercise and stick form detailing.

    7:45ish - some resting. Still going easier on my right knee. It is getting better, so I think I am doing a good job of doing what I can, but not overdoing it.

    No two person practice at 8:00 as Ms. M is out of town on vacation the next couple of weeks. :(

    I can't remember what I did. I think some techniques? sheesh. Doesn't take me long to forget.

    8:30 - TCC Private lesson. Double Gim and some limited step push hands. Wow, I got pushed around like a newbie by my instructor! And he corrected me on things I usually think I am good at doing. So, some illusions shattered, which is a good thing. Some basics I thought I had down well that need some work. Glad to know it. Anything to get past this rut where I feel stagnant in my push hands development.

    There is an open tournament coming to San Diego next year - around April or May? Some instructors went to it when it was just in Las Vegas. I plan on going!

    9:00 - School closes (2 hours and 30 minutes)
  7. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Friday, September 2, 2016 -

    6:30 - Weapon Forms class - well this new series actually isn't weapons - it is weapon techniques. We go over the required techniques in our curriculum. Dagger, double dagger, stick and cane.

    Today's lesson we went over the first two stick techniques. The class ran a little over time.

    7:00 - Well, no advanced TCC class, but the accelerated membership TCC class with Tai Sifu instead. Tai Sifu runs this class as a bonus for accelerated memberships that have TCC students. It happens once a month. I normally don't get to go because it is usually at 6:00 and I work until then. :(

    (Note- CLF accelerated members get the same thing- EXCEPT- at my location, Tai Sifu already did a class once a week and you didn't have to have an accelerated membership - just be an adult blue sash or above.. Accelerated members who don't otherwise qualify can join this class once a month. Also should add I say adults, but he does allow the occasional mature kid with his pre-approval. Tai Sifu is awesome!)

    (Another note- for anyone reading this and wondering. An accelerated membership has two private lessons a week instead of one. One can Do two CLF lessons, two TCC lessons, or like me, one of each.)

    Anyways, I got to class a bit late because of weapons class running over. But the class was going over a fan form and I got some real good corrections from that class.

    Afterwards, Ms. R and I (the TCC student I used to do pattern with) went over it again together for a bit, solidifying the corrections.

    Then, we talked a bit.She recently got back from vacation. (Yes, a lot of people seem to be on vacation around now.)

    Then, I did brown sash 3rd degree and purple sash techniques. Then 39 minutes of kicking practice. Green sash, the power thrust kicking bag drill, and some blue sash kicks. A few stretches were mixed in there too.

    9:00 - school closes. (2 hours and 30 minutes)

    Saturday, September 3, 2016 - worked all day/ rest day.

    Not even near my goal of 15 hours a week, but ok - considering my knee injury.

    Week 39 Total = 10 hours and 43 minutes
    -Total = 441 Hours and 58 Minutes
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2016
  8. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Sunday, September 4, 2016 - Forcing myself to be smart and rest my knee. Day off.

    Monday, September 5, 2016 - Day off of work, due to Labor Day Holiday. School closed, but my instructor got permission to do lessons for me and another student in back of the school. The other student cancelled, so I got an hour lesson!

    Still, that is a very light day for my Monday off work. I hope this time off is helping my knee heal. It feels like it is healing,but I haven't tested it the last few days.

    6:50 - Stretching and warm up.

    7:00 to 8:00 - CLF Private lesson. Purple sash kicks. Everything except jumping kicks on left leg. Did not want to land on injured right knee. Last 15 minutes went over a few of the purple sash techniques.

    I asked my instructor about how much time it should take to run through levels of techniques during my test. She said about 5 minutes each. Which is close to how long it takes Tai Sifu to do them in the streaming service. I am at about 8 to 12 minutes, but still doing a lot of corrections as I practice.

    Next week we are going to go through some levels of techniques without her stopping to do corrections to see how long it takes. Formatting style basically.

    (1 hour and 10 minutes)
  9. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - due to my knee, I am still opting for sparring.

    Writing this too late, can't remember what else I did clearly. To the best of my recollection.

    6:45ish- Stretching

    7:00 - Sparring class

    8:00 - Rested. Chatted. Tried to do some TCC, but my knee was not liking it.

    8:45ish - Kicking practice. Just two purple sash kicks. Walking rear and spinning rear with advance.

    9:00 school closes - (1 hour and 30 minutes)

    Wednesday, September 7, 2016 - Evening shift/ rest day

    Thursday, September 8, 2016 -

    Skipped last half of TCC class due to knee.

    6:40ish - stretching

    7:00 - Tai Sifu CLF class

    7:50ish - Rested. And then forms 1 &2 and Gung Ji

    8:30 - TCC Private lesson. Worked on the 48 combination form

    9:00 - School closes (about 2 hours and 15 minutes)
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2016
  10. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Friday, September 9, 2016 -

    6:30 - Weapon Techniques class. Stick techniques

    7:00 - No advanced TCC class. Tai Sifu is out of town leading a group of instructors and students at our GM's tournament in San Francisco. So my TCC instructor is running the school..

    Siu Sup Ji, Spear, stick forms. Finished stick techniques and did dagger ones too. Also, think I did brown sash 2nd degree techniques.

    About 40 minutes of kicking practice. Yellow sash kicks. Some other level kicks too. Sheesh, my memory is so bad lately. Can't remember what!

    9:00 - school closes (2 hours and 30 minutes)

    Saturday, September 10, 2016 -

    10:10- Stretching and warm up. TCC double gim and Plum Blossom Fan.

    11:00 - Sparring class. Fun class! all drills against the kicking bag that a partner holds. I did well. I am trying to figure out why my kicks are better against a target than in the air. I know part of it is that I don't kick as high as in the air- or try to kick as high.

    12:00 - still taking it easy due to my recovering knee. So I just goofed around and chatted with fellow students. Skipped moving step practice with Ms. R because of knee issue. No way I am going to blow the fact that it is recovering and miss the first moving step class next week!

    1:40 - TCC weapon forms. All the rest of them that I didn't do earlier.

    3:00 - school closes. Very hard to discipline myself to pace myself and let my knee heal, but I think I did a good job of it the last couple of weeks. 3 hours and 10 minutes

    Week 40 = 10 hours and 35 minutes
    -Total = 452 Hours and 33 Minutes
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  11. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Sunday, September 11, 2016 - Took the day off, due to my knee. Feeling better, just trying to be smart and I have extra time off to workout later this week.

    Monday, September 12, 2016 -

    5:45 - warm up and stretch.

    6:10ish - forms 1 & 2 and Gung Ji.

    6:30 - Stick Fighting class. 9 people in class. So happy more people are attending regularly!

    7:00 - CLF Private lesson. Went through techniques and had them timed. Then, after each level, got corrections. Did Yellow, Green and Blue sash techniques. As I feared, when I go test speed, I make more errors. They should mostly be not too hard to fix though. It is just under pressure, I slip back into mistakes I shouldn't be making.

    Only way to know is to go through them like this - testing style and speed. Lesson ran a few minutes over.

    7:43 - Kicking practice. Purple sash kicks

    7:58 - Techniques practice with Ms. B. Went over the same levels I did in my private lesson. It was a chance to make the corrections I just received. We go at a slower pace though, so I wasn't under the same pressure. Still, I made a point to think and try to fix the corrections.

    8:30 - was asking Tai Sifu about my replacement double gim order.

    8:40- Kicking practice. Blue sash kicks. About 12 minutes. Making total kicking practice time today at about 27 minutes.

    Then, TCC practice- 48 combination form.

    School closed at 9:15. Oh, Instructors did not have their usual lesson as some, including Tai Sifu went to San Francisco this weekend for our GM's tournament. So, school closed up earlier than usual. (3 hours and 30 minutes)
  12. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - Feeling extremely fatigued today. I have been having bouts of this the last few months. Maybe time to see a Dr. So, I didn't go to sparring class.

    6:35 - Stretching

    7:00 - TCC forms practice. All single gim forms (3). 40 and Fajing hand forms.

    8:10ish - Kicking practice. Yellow sash kicks. About 15-20 minutes. Then, Siu Sup Ji. Spent 10 minutes practicing footwork from recent sparring classes. Used a bag to mix punches with footwork.

    9:00 - School closes 2 hours and 25 minutes

    Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - Evening Shift/ rest day
  13. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Thursday, September 15, 2016 -

    6:35- skipped TCC class. Stretching.

    7:00- Tai Sifu is in Canada teaching some seminars, so no Tai Sifu CLF Class.

    My Thursday two person partner, Mrs. M is back from vacation! Yay! So we worked out together. Two person staff - coming along. Golden leopard vs tiger and 9 star.

    Then we practiced Small Five Animal ans Sup Ji Jit Fu together. Sheesh, she claimed to be rusty from being on vacation, but I got really confused on Sup Ji Jit Fu and I can't claim vacation as my reason for it.

    Argh! My knee, which I was really proud of getting back to health had seemed fully recovered, but nope. Twinged out and was causing problems. Not all the way back to the original pain, but a couple of steps backwards in recovery. :bang: I took a few breaks in this time due to this.

    Tried to do a bit of TCC, but my knee wasn't liking it.

    Also, my TCC private lesson had been moved to tomorrow night instead.

    9:00 - school closes (2 hours)

    Friday, September 16, 2016 -

    5:35- Stretching

    6:00 - TCC 108 long form. A little messed up with the sequence. I need to practice this one a bit more often.

    6:30 - Weapons class. Stick and Dagger techniques. Not sure exactly how much, but class ran over a bit.

    7:05ish? - Finished dagger techniques that we didn't get to in weapons class. Then practiced purple sash and brown sash 1st degree techniques with Ms. B and Ms. M. Then I did double dagger and cane techniques on my own. Also, sometime in this, I tried out some knee pads that Ms. R brought for me to try out. Trying to find a way that I can walk on my knees so I can learn grappling.

    Joined Ms. R (my moving step partner) in her private lesson to be her push hands partner. Which was great!

    8:00 - TCC private lesson. Still working on 48 combination form. Then, after Ms. R's lesson was over, she joined my lesson and we got some feedback on our push hands play. I got some good information! A problem I have is I am just not creative in coming up with moves. And I need an instructor for ideas. My instructor pointed out that as an advanced student I need to develop this ability to be more creative with moves on my own.Sigh. I know he is right, but is just something I am not good at. Not my strength. Not sure, but fairly sure the lesson ran long. Which is fine as sometimes his business stuff he has to do interrupts our lessons or makes our lessons start a bit late. It all evens out.

    Then, solo practice. TCC flute form.

    Annoyed with myself as I forgot to do kicking practice.

    My knee isn't as bad as I feared yesterday. Already much better than yesterday's relapse, but not 100%.

    9:00 - school closes 3 hours and 25 minutes
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2016
  14. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    I don't know how you manage to fit a life in round all the training you do! I'm well impressed! :)
  15. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter


    Well, it could be argued that I don't really have much of a life outside this I suppose. But that is because this is what I choose to prioritize to spend so much time doing. This is what I truly love and where I am most happy.

    I work full time. But I really don't socialize much. I used to when I was younger, but found I really didn't want to before finding martial arts. I have a reclusive side that has been dominant the last few years of my life.

    I joke that I gave up women for martial arts. Truth is, after years of relationships that were less than good for me, I find I am happier not in a relationship. This is my personal choice and one I made before MA's became a part of my life. I wouldn't turn down the right relationship, but they take so much compromise and I spent too much of my life compromising too much. And I frankly just don't want to anymore.So, I am not actively looking. Truth is, I rather enjoy living alone. I like going to bed when I want and decorating my place exactly how I want.

    Most of the other things I do, well I just am most happy practicing. It brings me a joy and satisfaction in my life that fulfills me. So, sometimes I wonder if I am unbalanced, but then I think I SHOULD do what makes me happy. I am a productive hard working citizen. Why do I have to pretend I want to do other things? And then I think about how much time people spend doing things like watching TV for endless hours. So why should I feel bad for doing MA's so much?

    I do do other things. I do socialize with my sister and her family, although I should do that more. I go out with my fellow students and we go out to restaurants and watch the UFC. I play too much World of Warcraft!

    I do think I should go see movies more often, but the whole cell phone culture of rudeness just really annoys me in theatres. (I know, GET OFF MY LAWN!):D

    I do think I need to make a point and go see more concerts. I went to see Loreena Mckennitt with a fellow student a few months ago. And frankly, some of the acts I love are getting older, so I should go see them while I can.

    I have a reputation at the school for my dedication. Fellow students tell me they think about skipping practice, but think of my dedication and it motivates them to come in. That feels great to be a good influence. But the truth is, it isn't so hard. It isn't me being disciplined. It is just something that gives me some of the greatest joy and fulfillment I have known. I am a better person for it, both physically and mentally. I am in my element there. I am just happy there.

    What is life for, if not to do what one loves to do?

    Ok, I don't expect you thought I would give such a long response! :p
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  16. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Saturday, September 17, 2016 -

    10:00 - Two person staff practice with Mr. R. We have had conflicting schedules the last few months, so this was the first time I have gotten to practice with him in awhile. And, as always, it was great!

    He is the far more experienced person when we practice and has helped me a lot. With my other partner, Ms. M, I am the more experienced person. I try to help her as Mr. R has helped me. And stepping into the more experienced role is helping me learn it better and at a higher level.

    I feel bad for people who learn this at the same time. I think the having someone more experienced thing is the way to go.

    Anyways, I told Mr. R that he is not only helping me, but Ms. M by practicing with me! Because I try to pass along his knowledge and what he taught me to her.

    11:00 - sparring class. Tai Sifu is still out teaching seminars in Canada, so the instructor who teaches Tuesday class taught it. When we had matches, I tried, and sometimes succeeded, in incorporating some of the footwork he has been working on in past classes. I do think his focus on footwork drills has started to help me. So, I need to keep practicing those drills on my own.

    12:00 - :banana::banana: First class of the new push hands class! I can't begin to express how happy this makes me!!!! First half was fixed step. It was great! Also, a really good turnout for a first class. 12 or so people?

    12:30 - Rested/ chatted

    1:00 - Second half of new push hands class! The instructor's schedule had it necessary to break it up like this, although starting next week, it will be an hour long class without a break in the middle. Some people had to leave because of the break, but we still had 5 people. Focus this half was on moving step! Woo-Hoo! I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am for this class!

    1:30ish - rested. Then started kicking practice, but something in my right glute got pulled. So I had to stop.Did a few yellow sash kicks before I had to stop. It is really annoying how easily I get injured. It feels like a minor pull/ strain.

    Switched to TCC weapon forms. Both Sabre forms. Plum Blossom Fan form, but didn't get to other side. Most of Wind Chasing Fan form. I had to take some breaks, due to my minor strain. Really annoying!:bang:

    Also, was called into Ms. R's lesson. (Hmm, I need to find a way to differentiate the two Ms. R's. Let's call this one Ms. R* from now on.) This is not the one I have been practicing moving step with. We did some fixed step and some pattern push hands.

    Looking back, I realized my knee didn't bug me at all! This is good!

    3:00 - school closes. (4 hours and 30 minutes)

    Week 41 Total =15 hours and 50 minutes
    -Total = 468 Hours and 23 Minutes
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  17. Frodocious

    Frodocious She who MUST be obeyed! Moderator Supporter

    It's a great response though. I totally get where you are coming from with it and totally empathise with what you said. :)
  18. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Sunday, September 18, 2016 - Rest day

    Monday, September 19, 2016 - Last day of my few days off of work.

    5:50- Stretching. TCC 24 form. Forms Tsop Chui, Poon Kiu, and Gung Ji.

    6:30 - Stick Fighting Class. Tai Sifu taught it today. I think that is the first time, unless I am forgetting, that he has taught the class. I have been in the class since the start, and have missed very few classes.

    7:00 - CLF Privalte lesson. Not sure, but I think lesson started and ended a bit later. Due to my minor glute strain, change of plans. Instead of going through kicks, we did purple sash techniques. Specific details were good, just like other levels, I have some overall basic corrections to work on. Height of some kicks, separation of gwa/ kup (sp?) combination, guards at end, stuff like that.

    7:35ish? - Talked to a fellow student about something.

    7:50ish - Started techniques practice with Ms. B a bit early. Purple and brown sash 1st degree. Except for one ground technique as we were outside and didn't want to roll in the rocks that get on the pavement there. That and the car tint place next door is not careful about picking up their razor blades they drop.

    8:10ish - CLF hand forms. Siu Sup Ji, Sui Moi Fa, Sup Ji Jit Fu, Small Five Animal. Yellow sash Techniques.

    9;00- ended up talking to my instructor for awhile instead of working out.

    10:00 - school closes 2 hours and 55 minutes
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  19. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - Really sore today and having foot pain on top of that. Sort of hobbling through my workout today.

    6;35 - Stretching

    7:00 - Solo practice. CLF - Green and Blue sash techniques. Really focusing on recent corrections from my lessons, so I was not focused on going through them quickly. Kicking practice. Some Green and some Purple sash kicks.About 15-20 minutes of kicking practice. Would have done longer, but legs and glutes REALLY sore. I think from my stretching lately? Solo practice of Golden Leopard vs Tiger.

    TCC - Fajing and first half of 48 combination form. Working on recent corrections from lessons in 48 combination.

    9:10 - School closes. 2 hours and 35 minutes
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016
  20. aaradia

    aaradia Choy Li Fut and Yang Tai Chi Chuan Student Moderator Supporter

    Wednesday, September 21, 2016 Evening Shift/ Rest day

    Thursday. September 22, 2016 -

    6:30 - last half of TCC class

    7:00 - Tai Sifu CLF class. Stick and formal exercise. 9 star.

    8:00ish - (might have started a bit earlier. Basically, we started when Tai Sifu class ended.) Two person staff practice with Mrs. M.

    8:30 - TCC private lesson. Still working on the 48 combination form

    9:00 - School closes 2 hours and 30 minutes

    Friday, September 23, 2016 -

    6:30 - Weapons class. Stick and dagger techniques. Went over all of them. Tai Sifu taught the class.

    7:00 - Stretched for a couple of minutes. Then ran through all forms. Except wall bag as they were all in use -which has never happened before. Then did some two person staff practice with Mrs. M. Then we did some golden leopard vs tiger. I also did 10 to 15 minutes of kicking practice. Can't remember what kicks though. I think it was yellow sash kicks.

    9:05 - school closes 2 hours and 35 minutes
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2016

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