Issogai Taijutsu

Discussion in 'Other Styles' started by SeeDarkly, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. SeeDarkly

    SeeDarkly Valued Member

    I was just wondering, has anyone heard of Issogai Taijutsu run by a man named Stuart Lawson?
    It's relatively local to me and sounds interesting...
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2012
  2. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    It looks like it's an X-Kan off shoot with a few other bits and bobs thrown in.

    The lack of info about the teacher is a bit worrying, from what I can see it doesn't say what rank he as achieved in the arts he studied or his experience.

    That's always a worry with a hybridised system, how do you know if he is competent in the arts his system is based on?

    Buyer beware I think.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2012
  3. Nojon

    Nojon Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein

    On the website it says his dan rankings are in "Issogai Taijutsu", something called Kio ryoko jutsu and Kenpo Karate.

    The Kyo roku is mentioned briefly here.

    Now I may be wrong, but it seems hes ranked in his own inventions..see what I mean?
  4. peterc8455

    peterc8455 Valued Member

    If this is what you are referring to:

    IMHO it does appear to have a lack of relevant information and almost too much information in other respects.

    Seriously though, go down there and watch a class and I suggest respectfully questioning him specifically on this part "TAIJUTSU, NINJUTSU AND JUJITSU." and what specific ranks and with which organizations.

    If he tells you his dan grades are only in Issogai Taijutsu then well look at some other schools too.

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