Isshin-Ryu contains some Wing Chun?

Discussion in 'Karate' started by NotaMA, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Dave76

    Dave76 Valued Member

    Apologies NotaMA if I offended you. It's not that I think your opinion is not valid, or that you cannot express them. I just did not want this thread to turn into "picking on the new guy" cause he has theories that are not true or highly unlikely. I hate to see that happen cause I think we should be ambassadors of the MA and not driving new folks away by poking fun of them.
    Honestly, with your level of experience the connection you made was a perfectly reasonable one. As has already been said, there is only so many ways you can attack a person.
    I trained Isshin-ryu myself for serveral months till the Marines decided they would be better off if I was somewhere else. I enjoyed it a lot and feel my instructor was one of the most effective fighters I have personally met.
  2. NotaMA

    NotaMA Valued Member

    I understand perfectly. This isn't the first time I've been snickered at for being inexperienced, not here or otherwise.

    And thanks for the compliment. Despite not having much hands-on experience in many things, I do like to be Book Smart on them.

    And that's very interesting that you learned it directly from the Marines. :3
  3. Dave76

    Dave76 Valued Member

    Not really from the Marines. The instructor was a former Marine who taught on base. He learned while stationed on Okinawa and even lived with his teacher who was Tatsuo Shimabukus' son in law for a few years after he got out.
    Classes were tough but I had a lot of fun. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
  4. NotaMA

    NotaMA Valued Member

    Wow. You learned from a guy who learned from the SIL of Shimabuku himself.

    That's pretty Cash.

    I happen to be learning from a guy who learned from another guy who learned from yet another guy who learned from Shimabuku.

    So I'm just 1 guy later in the line than you are. Not bad at all. :)

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