Is Pastafarianism a real religion?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by aikiMac, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. philosoraptor

    philosoraptor carnivore in a top hat Supporter

    Aware of that. Think the only way to fix it is the elimination of all religious privileges. Treat churches as charities, they donate a certain percentage towards humanitarian concerns, they get a tax break.
  2. Dead_pool

    Dead_pool Spes mea in nihil Deus MAP 2017 Moi Award

    FSM - its science ain't it.
  3. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    Most of my points have already been said better by others but there is one thing I will say in regards to Pastafarianism.

    Religion, and really any ideology, should stand on its own. If Christianity, Buddhism, or what have you were not as prominently practiced, Pastafarianism would not exist.

    Any stance that's held sincerely in a person's heart should not be routed in anger, hatred, or the desire for destruction. Spoof religions are just that, their entire existence is to undermine and critique existing religious institutions by making their practice a parody. Anyone choosing to "believe" in this is only hurting themselves as they won't damage the faith of those who hold love in their hearts and are electing to become walking jokes.

    As a syncretic Buddhist-Christian, I don't wish to impress my beliefs upon anyone, nor do I hold other religions as false. I am a part of the Interfaith Alliance after all. Part of the reason I even wanted to get into the martial arts was because I hope my training will bring me closer to God and it has in many ways. If all the world elected to become atheists tomorrow, I would be sad, melancholic even, but I would still believe in the teachings of Jesus and the Buddha.

    My faith doesn't require that I have an enemy, it doesn't call me to oppose an Earthly institution, it is not founded in spite. That's why I don't believe Pastafarianism to be a true religion. If you're an anti-theist, at least don't be passive aggressive about it.

    "Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
    ~Philippians 2:3
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2015
  4. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Quick question.

    What are your thoughts on your Christian beliefs and sunyata?
  5. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    If I'm using the term correctly, I think the elimination of self, or emptiness, is tantamount to Christian practice. Jesus taught one to let go of fleeting material pleasures of the world and to seek happiness from the simple but profound extensions of unconditional love.

    When one is without self, without desire for pleasures of the flesh, one acts on the needs of others and is therefore a better Christian.
  6. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

  7. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    It's not really an odd question considering it was following something you said. considering you said this:
    The measure of belief is ridiculous. You can only take someone on their word regarding their beliefs in an invisible entity. the very wide variation in practices among christian sects is evidence that belief manifests itself in very different way based on personal belief which is not measurable in any unbiased way.


    "that an invisible and undetectable man (note the adjectives) created the universe"
  8. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    Even that varies depending on sects having different definitions of "creating." In my case, almost everything Stephen Hawking or Neil Degrasse Tyson have to say on the origins of the universe or the evolution of man are perfectly in line with my own Christian beliefs.

    I still think Pastafarianism is not a true religion for my own stated reasons but I thought I would weigh in on the specifics about Christian beliefs seeing as I am one.
  9. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    thanks for proving my point on belief.
  10. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    As a a Pastafarian I find that offensive.
  11. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    Uhhh you're welcome. But I feel like you aren't being genuine in your thanks or else you feel otherwise indisposed towards me.
  12. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    My apologies to you then but my stance remains as it is, I don't think Pastafarianism is a true religion. I don't think you do either, in your heart of hearts.
  13. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    I do not post it on social media because I fear people will not take me seriously or ridicule my beliefs. As you obviously are now.
  14. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    I'm not ridiculing you. Nothing I said is against you personally, and I have no qualms with your beliefs. This thread asked a question regarding the religion, I gave my take on it, simple as that.
  15. Pretty In Pink

    Pretty In Pink Moved on MAP 2017 Gold Award

    Haha, obviously I'm just messing man. I'm just doing it to prove a point (plus I wanted to be like one of those persecuted Christians). Pastafarianism is just as real as any other religion because a) it's origins are bogus and b) the whole belief structure is absolutely absurd, regardless of religion.

    Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable at all :p
  16. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Chadderz is one of the most dedicated Pastafarians I know.

    Nobody else I've met goes so far as to sculpt themselves to resemble a wet noodle.

  17. Dean Winchester

    Dean Winchester Valued Member

    Thanks for the response. :)

    What aspects of Buddhism do you follow and which "vehicle"?

    Sorry for the questions I'm just intrigued.
  18. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    You didn't but you basically just spelled out and enacted my original post if you wish to go back and read it.
  19. Mangosteen

    Mangosteen Hold strong not

    no, my thanks were genuine

    I made the point in my previous post about beliefs in christianity being very diverse yet in this thread, we arent doubting their "sincere-ness" in their beliefs

    religious belief as a whole is diverse. people may claim to be christian yet have differing interpretations and not read scripture as intensely or be "hard core" in their beliefs/ they arent bible literalists (like you arent a literalist). does that make you/them "un-christian".

    There are plenty of people i know who say they are christian yet rarely attend a church (only on special events) but subscribe to the community or label of "christian" without being overtly christian (bumper stickers and wearing a cross etc)

    Yet we dont extend this logic to pastafarians. they maybe claim an association with pastafariansim but arent literalists. dont make them "unsincere", just varied in their beliefs
  20. Steel Accord

    Steel Accord Valued Member

    Not at all, I'm more than happy to answer. I don't understand though what you mean by "vehicle" as in which sect do I adhere closest to?

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