INDIE/ROCK FANS: Your favourite 5 Indie/Rock Groups are...

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by BenTKD, Mar 31, 2007.

  1. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    I think we've gone way off the term indie though...
    correct me if I'm wrong... many of the bands listed above all have contracts on MAJOR labels! :eek:

    Hardly independant. :rolleyes:

    Though... to be fair...this shows the sillyness of nice, neat labels... some of the bands that I listed started out as 'indie' as you can get... but as the years have gone by are listed and distributed under MAJOR label catalogues.
  2. BenTKD

    BenTKD Valued Member

    "Indie rock" is shorthand for "Independent rock"

    Well? Come on guys, don't diss it too much LOL, I love the music. Yeah I understand some views, but they all did start with independent labels then moved to the bigger ones, otherwise we would of not heard their music! Also the indepentent labels become bigger labels through their reputation.
  3. slipthejab

    slipthejab Hark, a vagrant! Supporter

    lol... yeah no kiddin'?
    Thus... the 'hardy indenpendant' comment above by me. ;)
  4. shaolin_hendrix

    shaolin_hendrix Hooray for Zoidberg!

    I hate the idea of "indie" as a genre. INDIE IS NOT A GENRE. You know, Atlantic and Motown both started off as indie labels, so I could put the Rolling Stones or Marvin Gaye as my answer. Just because it's indie doesn't mean it sounds any different than stuff on major labels. Sure, the bands on indie labels sometimes sound much more authentic, but the bands that most people know of that can be called indie are just as bloated as major label stuff. That said, there are some indie labels I'm a fan of, such as Bomp! Records.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2007
  5. Linguo

    Linguo Valued Member

    Funny, a local radio station used to run a showcase of indie bands, specifically bands that are on either independent labels or unsigned. The host recently stopped doing the show because "indie" is such a difficult term to nail down nowadays, what with so many indie labels have deals with major labels or "indie" labels that are really just subsidiaries of major labels.

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