If Attacked where do you strike

Discussion in 'Off Topic Area' started by tai-gip, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. Mushroom

    Mushroom De-powered to come back better than before.

    Hey it hurts me when I see my girlfriend doing it. Ouch!
    (back to thread) I agree with everyone's general target..groin, knee, etc. Also if a chair/metal bin/chopstick is handy, grab and swing and people will back off a little. Gives u time to think and other members of the public who sees this time to call the cops.

    PS I never seen someone grab a chopstick in defense but it would be hilarious and interesting . :D
  2. Sukerkin

    Sukerkin Valued Member

    I'm assuming that this question stems from the premis that all attempts to prevent a fight have failed in the first place?

    I was trained that the first move in a combat situation is to try and talk your way out of it.

    If that fails, then move away from the confrontation - if you're a practiced martial artist then you don't have to prove how tough you are after all, so fleeing causes very little ego damage :).

    Failing that, then as has been mentioned above, do the minimum damage you need to to end the fight or give you the chance to go to option 2 :D.

    I've only ever had to use my training once and that was because I failed in using either my tongue or my legs to evade the situation (I got myself cornered basically :eek:).

    There were three of them with what could loosely be termed improvised weapons (broken bottles to you and me) and once it started it was over in a very few seconds.

    The methods I used? One aikido arm lock (that a friend of mine had been teaching me the week before) which garnered me one chap to use as a shield against one of his mates and as a support whilst I side kicked his other mate in the knee. As soon as he fell over, I pushed the obliging blocker away (with a little twist of the lock to keep him more concerned with his arm than me), jumped over the prone one and legged it (which was not easy along a cobbled alley whilst wearing cowboy boots I can tell you :D).

    So I suppose, in short, that answers the eternal question of whether the martial arts work in the street :lol:.
  3. dragon_bunny

    dragon_bunny Valued Member

    personaly i'd go for ribs, or a palm strike to the chin/noses... but thats because i know my punches aren't very strong so that way i can do enuff damages to get enough time to run away and hide ;)
  4. Yukimushu

    Yukimushu MMA addict

    I'd definatly have to agree with the Loci. ( wow i can rhyme! :D )
    I don't exactly make a plan of where to strike first... just see what happens lol!

    It makes me laugh the way Geisha Girl's text boxes are longer in proportion to everyone elses because she has a long location lol :D nice bug in coding there :D
  5. Geisha Girl

    Geisha Girl New Member

    Maybe a chopstick to the eye hole?
  6. dragon_bunny

    dragon_bunny Valued Member

    on a side note i just read a piece in a magazine (fortean times) were some old guy had a chopstick stick behind his eye for a few years from some thing (didn't read it very well!) and he lived .. apparently it missed his brain.

    ok back to topic ;)
  7. Kukishinden Ryu

    Kukishinden Ryu New Member

    What is the situation of the fight? is it life or death or just to guys beating the crap out of each other. If I care about the consequences of my actions I would react differently than a life or death situation. In most the scraps I've been in a good swift kick to the balls usualy did the trick! but in a life or death situation I would not hesitate to take away their eyes or what ever I can get at to finish it as quickly as posible. The kick to the balls thing doesn't unless you are fighting someone stupid enough to leave themslef vulnerable when the move.
  8. LeadLegger

    LeadLegger New Member

    If you kick somebody in the knee, you can cripple him and mess his whole life up.
  9. andybenw

    andybenw New Member

    a lot of people here saying go for the eyes. Blind someone and you'll end up in jail for a good old stretch. Same if you blat the likes of their knee joints. stick to a good old punch in the face or throat, then run once the guy is down incase he pulls a knife is what I'd say.
  10. andybenw

    andybenw New Member

    also I find that a kick to the groin invokes a supremely fast natural reaction and is more likely to get blocked by an untrained attacker than most things, depends when you throw it of course.
  11. blackbelt_judoj

    blackbelt_judoj New Member

    I know this is different from most due to the style of MA that i practice, but i would always try to get in close with a headbutt and then grab them. Its only a seconds work to drop them to the floor when you can then make a sharp exit (or give them a few swift kicks - depending on the situation).

    I realise I'm no good at punching so i dont bother to try! :cool:
  12. Kukishinden Ryu

    Kukishinden Ryu New Member

    head but

    that's great :D unless you're faceing someone who will never let you get that close unless they want you to.
  13. shotokanwarrior

    shotokanwarrior I am the One

    Here's a strategy for you, guys. Attack your assailant's eyes with extended fingers, then when he jerks back his head in reflex, give him the mother of all Gyaku zukis in his solar plexus.

    He'll give the metaphorical dust a big, loving kiss :) (that last bit was said in a viscous, Americanized drawling accent for added effect)
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2004
  14. bigd

    bigd New Member

    It all depends on the attackfor example(from a jab-i probally would snap back counter strike to vulnerable area,or slip outside and strike.or if the guy is running at me wildly i would stop hit him(EXAMPLE-this guy is coming straight at me swinging wildly i would 1-sidekick him in the gut to stop his movement.2-low kicks as the knees shins while simultaneously striking up top as well. but the targets i would hit would be 1-throat,eyes,neck,temple,the face of course,jawbridge of nose.reason why i have these because i have a combo that goes like this and its one of my favorites.1-upset knifehand to the NECK,2-upset ridgehand to the temple,3-vertical punch to the center of the face,4-horizontal four knuckle strike to the middle of throat,5-backfist to the jaw,6-hammer fist to the bridge of nose. and i do all of that with small circular movements. thanks(SHINOBI-JUTSU"NINPO")thanks to denju.
  15. blaksun

    blaksun Banned Banned

    Eyes eyes eyes eyes eyes EYES!!!

  16. dolphindreamer

    dolphindreamer New Member

    In the Stomach and if that that doesnt work round the head. I'll show you if you want, ONLY JOKIN. sighned, DD.
  17. Obese_Ninja

    Obese_Ninja New Member

    Being a good Irish Catholic boy :Angel: when attacked I headbutt them straight in the nose :D and when that doesnt work my hands feet elbows and knees flail in. When that fails a good stick/table leg/stray cat to the face usually sorts my problems. Or a shotgun.
  18. hedgehogey

    hedgehogey Banned Banned

    It's a crappy strategy.
  19. johndoch

    johndoch upurs


    Where am I? whats happening? Who's involved? Why am I being attacked?

    Many responses but one answer.

    do what you have to do!

    The answer is simply live with it so long as it never killed you :)
  20. K93200

    K93200 Banned Banned

    the face , anyone hits me I always hit the face :D It's like a habit or maybe because i'm hispanic I don't know

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