hung ga

Discussion in 'Kung Fu' started by cbraves85, Oct 19, 2003.

  1. cbraves85

    cbraves85 Valued Member

    Does anyone know much about the system? Are there many kicks? I have studied the system but have not seen many.
  2. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    ive seen tons of forms and from what ive seen verry few kicks but its that way because it focuses on hand work and deep stances
  3. jmd161

    jmd161 Hak Fu Mun

    Does anyone know much about the system? Are there many kicks?

    Well i know a little about Hung Gar.

    There are kicks in Hung Gar just like in most southern styles.Infact the most famous kick from Hung Gar is the "No Shadow Kick" that was said to be used by Wong Fei Hung alot.

  4. white_sash

    white_sash Valued Member

    i do lau gar and i heard that it is like hung gar....
    and i do basic kicks.... but i have seen some flashy kicks ..but not as flashy as TKD or HWD students
  5. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    if its that uk lau gar club no it isnt like hung gar
  6. PantherFist

    PantherFist Valued Member

    Hung ga to many is what a pure Southern Style of Kung fu looks like, very low stances and strong bridge hands. Because its a Southern style it tends to favor hands over feet, what kicks there are in the style are low and practical, like any traditional Southern style.(with the exception of Mok gar, a Southern style that favors kicks)
    I have seen some good Hung ga/Kuen and it has nothing like the flashey high/spinning and jumping kicks found in Lau Gar
  7. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    mok gar favors kicks i thaught it was choy gar that favord kicks
  8. PantherFist

    PantherFist Valued Member

    According to the book Complete Kung Fu fighting styles by Jane Hallander, there were five main family's of southern fighting styles.

    Hung Gar - Founded by Hung Hei Gung. It uses external strength and dynamic tension exercises and is excellent for developing muscles and strong low stances.

    Lau Gar - Founded by Lau Soam Ngan. It is a middle length hand system, not often taught in present times(Never been to UK I presume)

    Choy Gar - No relation to Choy Lee Fut. The system was founded by Choy Gau Yee and is a long arm style.

    Li Gar - Founded by Li Yao San (also one of Choy Li Fut originators) this seldom taught system features a strong medium range fist.

    Mok Gar - Founded by Mok Ching Giu. Who was famous in Canton for his powerful kicks. This system places emphasis on short hand techniques and Strong kicks.
  9. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    The above could land either yourself or this site in Litigation.

    If you can't back it up with cold hard facts, then you better remove it before I do!
  10. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    OK SliqueRICK, you've had plenty chance to reply.
    I've deleted your post.
  11. white_sash

    white_sash Valued Member

    would you jump off a cliff if someone told you too?:rolleyes:
  12. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    ok so supposedly you guys have traditional lau gar all over the uk but you cant find it in hong kong maybe it was based off of traditional lau gar then modified but i doubt that is the traditional lau gar or it may be like with hung gar there is more than one but only one is one of the five family styles(canton) the other has a few similarities but not alot(hay say fu)
  13. white_sash

    white_sash Valued Member

    i think andy or stump will know and point you to enlightment...
  14. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    i accidentally dleted the wrong post:(
  15. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    There's no 'supposedly' about it, it's more practiced than any other single Kung Fu system in the UK.

    Have you been to Hong Kong and checked up on your history?

    It'd be the wrong place to go by a long way seeing as the styles origins are miles away.

    I suspect you are merely spouting off information you have picked up on other threads on other forums, in which case, it's likely you'll find my name somewhere on those threads, seeing as I've been researchng this for some five years.

    In all that time, I've been able to find out some very interesting information, but drawn no real conclusion.
  16. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    ummmm NO!
  17. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    Good Riposte :D
  18. SliqueRICK

    SliqueRICK The Internal Boxer

    who was it who told me that lau gar was fake when i was askin all those questions about it
  19. Andy Murray

    Andy Murray Sadly passed away. Rest In Peace.

    I don't know.

    There's a big difference between having a conversation with someone and making a public statement on a discussion forum though.
  20. Sub zero

    Sub zero Valued Member

    Slique rick i may have sugested that lau gar in the uk is not completly traditional I don't know if i did.I did not call it fake.This is a very heated topic and shold be debated in PM.NOt even so much as it could offend people.More becasue u or the site may get writs from a certain Mr Yau.

    I myself am a lau gar stylist.I find this topic intereting but whatever side u take (or don't i'm sort of in the middle) it doesn't affect the style.

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